Scene and Story for January 2017

How do I embrace the long month of January?
I fill it with all the things I love!
I light a candle in a pretty cut crystal candle holder.
I reread some favourite books to savour them once again
and discover new delicious details I may have missed before!

I get out my yarns and crochet hook and start creating with colour and design.
There is nothing more rewarding!
I like to feel the softness of the yarn, choose the colours by the mood I'm in.
Feel the smooth metal of the hook work its way in and out of the stitches
in a calming rhythmic manner.
Creating circular designs which have a beautiful harmonious feel to them
Mandalas too are full of flowing harmony.
Snip the yarn, sew in the loose ends.
What shall I make?
It doesn't matter for now.
Just create and sigh a sigh of contentment.
The pleasure is in the doing as much as in the foreseeable end product.

January can be a tad grey and windy and cold and wet or snowy,
but all these things are a perfect excuse to do everything I love doing!
Even photography is possible indoors
and although it can be more of a challenge, because of poor lighting,
it's time to get out that wide open prime lens and play with distance and angle.

So dear January
Do your best with wind and snow
I am snug at home!


Joining Sarah at Paisley Rain Boots and Lee at Sea Blue Lens
for Scene & Story every month.


  1. Hello Sandra,
    odd, I didn't mind January at all this year: There was plenty of snow and that was a pretty sight even on dull and dreary days. Apart from that there's always crochet ;-) I do wonder what you're up to with that lovely granny square...
    Have a great February!
    P.S.: That book makes one (err... me) eager to discover what it's about "Le language des fleurs..." - sounds like something ethereal, dreamlike...

    1. So nice to see you visit, Marjan! I had started these popcorn pattern granny squares before I came across your lovely design and window hanging! I have already made three of your flowers though and start the beautiful leaves today!
      The book shown is a translation from English "The Language of Flowers" by Sheila Pickles. Inside the book, each page is beautifully illustrated with reproductions of coloured paintings and poems or legends. When I first received the book, the pages were slightly perfumed. A lovely discovery!

  2. Hello Sandra!
    January was relatively warm this year. We didn't have much of a winter down here yet, but that may change in February- We shall see! Anyway hope you have a lovely February!

    1. We had a bit of everything in January from snow to rain to wind and sunshine! I do like it when winter is really a winter! February has started mostly grey and misty - but apparently it's about to change!
      Thank you for your visit!

  3. I love how we are forced to adapt to different seasons. If it was all the same all the time, we would never discover new things to do or new things about ourselves.

    1. I adore all the different seasons as well, Sarah!

  4. Another charming post Sandra. Your crochet is SOOO neat xxx

    1. Hi there, Sarn! I do love crochet on these colder days of the year when we're all inside more than usual!

  5. Rhythmic, circular, and harmonious - The words speak to my soul. :)

    1. So nice to have you visit, Rachel! Thank you for your comment. It's true that crochet includes all those words you mentioned! They speak to my soul as well!

  6. How warm and cozy and calming. I love how you fill the winter months. It's gray here today and a snow storm is in the forecast for tomorrow...will be a long while before we see signs of spring. Winter hibernation does force one to find creative outlets!

    1. Hello Susan! So you're in for more snow - but it looks so beautiful, especially out in the country where you seem to live! Here in town it gets a bit mushy and grey, and slippery, after the initial snowfall.
      I do love this snug time of the year for doing things indoors. Creative outlets, yes!

  7. Your plan to stay snug at home sounds wonderful! A good book and candles make the cold days much more bearable. I agree with you, the cold days are a great excuse to do the things you love. I can remember making the crochet squares when I was little. :)

    1. Warm and snug is good and crochet is a wonderful and creative thing to do. I only learnt how to do it when I was an adult and expecting my first child. I've been impassioned in this art form ever since! Thank you for your visit, Michelle!

  8. This is such a warming and cheering post. We had snow yesterday and are expecting more tomorrow, and I've got a good book and the ingredients for a stew that will simmer all day. I can't wait! Whatever your crochet project turns out to be, I love those colors!

    1. It sounds as if you're all prepared for the new snowfalls, Lee! A good book and a nourishing stew. Perfect!
      Thank you for your visit and for your comment. I will decide as I go along what I want to do with those crocheted flower squares!

  9. Wonderful things to make what can be a very long month, bearable.
    January flew by for me, and it was relatively mild weather-wise. Serious lack of sunshine though, and so seeing all the beautiful color here, is a real treat.
    Thank you!

    1. Like you, we have had a serious lack of sunshine too, Lisa. That's why I love working in colour so much at this time of the year! It's like a therapy!

  10. Thank you, Alexandra, I'm so glad that this evoked all those quiet evenings with your grandmother. Even though you miss her so much, you have those precious times to treasure!

  11. You've found the perfect way to enjoy a winter's day. I don't crochet much anymore, but I do remember it's relaxing rhythm. Oh, I love those pretty scissors. I have a soft spot for pretty scissors, they seem to keep coming home with me! I'm staying warm and cozy with soft music and a jigsaw puzzle. Although we haven't had much cold weather. Yesterday, 80 degrees and this morning, 29 degrees!! Here in Arkansas we never now how to dress!

    1. Thank you for visiting, Cathy, and for leaving a comment! I am just like you for pretty scissors... and I have three different pairs for my handwork and I love them all individually!
      It sounds as if you've found the perfect way to keep snug at home also: soft music and a puzzle!

  12. What a perfect way to relax!

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you, Tammie! Have a wonderful weekend in your snowy wonderland!
