Life is made up of experiences
We may label them good or bad, but finally they are just life experiences.
They come into our lives without pattern or plan.
We are the ones who are so clever at interpreting what happens to us
of labelling it
of giving it meaning.
When I look at my life right now, I can decide what I choose to see
and this will have an enormous influence
on how I feel about this moment.
My balcony is a wonderful reminder when I need to choose.
I live in an urban environment, albeit out of the city centre.
The road I live on is a busy one,
Cars, motorbikes and trucks of all sorts pass by throughout the day.
There are two ends to my long balcony: the road end and the small park end.
When I want to see beauty, when I want to feel serene and content,
do I go and watch the noisy trucks filled with earth go by as they rush to some building site?
Or do I choose to face the park and the beautiful trees and a golden sky?
Where do I decide to focus my attention?
Can you imagine?
Am I not fortunate?
What do you choose to see
in your life
at this moment?
This is my Photo-Heart-Connection for the month of January.
It is nice to look back and see why I was connected
to an image more than any other
during the course of the month.
The photo I choose is always one which tells me something essential
about life and how I connect to it.
One which touches my heart and helps me to move forward.