Do you ever feel that you've lost your inner sparkle?
I never do for very long
especially when I feast my eyes on all the beautiful things in nature
at this time of the year.
However, losing a blogging sparkle exists
and sometimes mine wanes a little.
I captured this gorgeous sunshine yellow forsythia at its best
right here in front of my building.
Doesn't it just spell out the word 'HAPPINESS' ?
Nature in springtime certainly allows my heart to blossom
like the delicate petals on this Japanese Magnolia.
Don't these young new leaves on the Tulip Tree
make your heart beat a little faster?
Tulips, like lanterns, lit up from within by the sun.
A pink camellia flower caressed by a sunbeam
and against a deep blue sky
A window box full of spring flowers
and another one reflected in the window from the wall opposite.
These are certainly the joys of spring.
Sharing a glass of Chardonnay wine before lunch
with an old friend on an outside terrace.
Looking into the heart of a double tulip against a bed of forget-me-not flowers.
Then going for a walk along the lake
observing how the buds on the trees are opening.
Enjoying the peacefulness.
The changeable weather has taught me to drop everything
on beautiful days and just get out and enjoy it all!
and contemplative moments
gazing at the patterns of the water rippling over the rocks
How are your inner sparkles today?