It's snowing outside, but the little Winter Jasmine shines forth with a sunny smile!
The crescent moon
29 December 2011
"The smile that flickers on a baby's lips when he sleeps - does anyone know where it was born?
Yes, there is a rumour that a young pale beam of a crescent moon touched the edge of a vanishing autumn cloud, and there the smile was first born in the dream of a dew-washed morning."
Rabindranath Tagore
Lake crossing
28 December 2011
Taken from the boat
just as the late afternoon sun was setting and creating golden lights on the lake and the mountains.
21 December 2011
The curls and whirls of life and how we learn to go with them and enjoy the ride.
The joy depends on us.
Plant an acorn
19 December 2011
I have planted 5 acorns in a huge pot on my balcony and maybe I shall get little shoots coming out of the earth in the spring. I love acorns and the shape of the oak leaf is so beautiful... not to mention the tree itself which emanates a feeling of solidity, expansion and continuity.
How wonderful is green
17 December 2011
so delicate and a perfect fresh green illuminated by a ray of sun
charming details on the underside of the leaves
how wonderful is green?
Flowery gift
16 December 2011
Snow has been forecsast over the weekend, but these dainty and adorable little flowers still find it warm enough to show their pretty blue faces on my balcony. I just love them.
Filled with joy
15 December 2011
"The Present Moment is filled with joy and happiness.
If you are attentive, you will see it."
Thich Nhat Hanh
Leaf collage
13 December 2011
This little ginkgo leaf caught my eye where it had fallen in the branches. The sun was illuminating its golden colour and three smaller leaves appear in translucency - creating a natural and very beautiful leaf collage!
Bud in waiting
12 December 2011
One of the charms of the winter season is noticing the tightly closed buds on all plant life - and learn from their quiet presence and serenity that all shall pass and be born anew.
The music...
8 December 2011
"The music of the far-away summer flutters around the Autumn
seeking its former nest."
Stray Birds
Rabindranath Tagore
Sunday walk
4 December 2011
Enjoying the cooler days now and the wind has found its winter voice as it blows the leaves and whistles through the trees.
Bare branches create patterns across the blue of the sky and the birch trees stand willowy tall illuminating the scene with their white bark.
The beech tree, having surrendered its leaves, now shows us the open pods from which the beechnuts tumble in profusion
and a tiny daisy smiles up at me as I pass.
Flower dialogue
3 December 2011
The summer Snapdragon turns her elegant bloom towards the autumn Heather buds and a feeling of complete understanding and acceptance passes between them.
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