Walking Meditation
18 October 2010
"Take my hand.
We will walk.
We will only walk.
We will enjoy our walk
without thinking of arriving anywhere.
Walk peacefully.
Walk happily.
Our walk is a peace walk.
Our walk is a happiness walk.
Then we learn
that there is no peace walk;
that peace is the walk;
that there is no happiness walk;
that happiness is the walk.
We walk for ourselves.
We walk for everyone
always hand in hand.
Walk and touch peace every moment.
Walk and touch happiness every moment.
Each step brings a fresh breeze.
Each step makes a flower bloom under our feet.
Kiss the Earth with your feet.
Print on Earth your love and happiness.
Earth will be safe
when we feel in us enough safety."
Thich Nhat Hanh
We will walk.
We will only walk.
We will enjoy our walk
without thinking of arriving anywhere.
Walk peacefully.
Walk happily.
Our walk is a peace walk.
Our walk is a happiness walk.
Then we learn
that there is no peace walk;
that peace is the walk;
that there is no happiness walk;
that happiness is the walk.
We walk for ourselves.
We walk for everyone
always hand in hand.
Walk and touch peace every moment.
Walk and touch happiness every moment.
Each step brings a fresh breeze.
Each step makes a flower bloom under our feet.
Kiss the Earth with your feet.
Print on Earth your love and happiness.
Earth will be safe
when we feel in us enough safety."
Thich Nhat Hanh
The art of reading unprinted books
6 October 2010
A lecturer explained how a fraction of the enormous sums spent on arms in the modern world would solve all the material problems of every member of the human race.
The inevitable reaction of the disciples after the lecture was: "But why are human beings so stupid?"
"Because," said the Master solemnly, "people have learned to read printed books. They have forgotten the art of reading unprinted ones."
"Give us an example of an unprinted book."
But the master wouldn't give one.
One day, in response to their persistence, he said:
"The songs of birds, the sounds of insects are all trumpteting forth the Truth. The grasses and the flowers are all pointing out the Way.
Listen! Look! That is the way to read!"
Anthony De Mello
"One Minute Wisdom"
A lecturer explained how a fraction of the enormous sums spent on arms in the modern world would solve all the material problems of every member of the human race.
The inevitable reaction of the disciples after the lecture was: "But why are human beings so stupid?"
"Because," said the Master solemnly, "people have learned to read printed books. They have forgotten the art of reading unprinted ones."
"Give us an example of an unprinted book."
But the master wouldn't give one.
One day, in response to their persistence, he said:
"The songs of birds, the sounds of insects are all trumpteting forth the Truth. The grasses and the flowers are all pointing out the Way.
Listen! Look! That is the way to read!"
Anthony De Mello
"One Minute Wisdom"
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