2 April 2023

Hello April!

Emerging from hibernation!
The first spring flowers have been gracing our gardens for a little while now.
I am also appearing again with all these colourful blooms.
It is true that I had some frustrating computer problems and when they were resolved,
I found it difficult to get back into regular blog entries.
Anyway, here we both are: the spring and me!

The first Camellia on my bush this year

A walk along the lake in the small town of Montreux
The daffodils and pansies were blooming as well as a beautiful Magnolia tree.

An elegant swan and her reflection glided along

The Cherry Blossom here in Lausanne has been beautiful

Another day with a walk along the lake in the town of Morges.
The band of cloud and its reflection create an eye-catching design in the frame.

Closer to home, the beautiful pink Magnolia are blooming
and I managed to capture these still looking lovely despite the frequent rain showers
we've been having.  We have had moments of blue sky too.

Pretty against the greenery in the park.

Yesterday, we had two hours of sunshine and blue skies breaking through the clouds.
I loved seeing the reflections in this modern building downtown!

The Anemone looking so bright and cheerful in a public garden.

There have been new crochet projects and this is a lacy shawl which I recently finished.
I took it on a walk with me to be able to take pictures in nature!

Another photo on a wall.

I picked these tiny pansies from my balcony garden and put them in a circular vase.
I thought that the colours went rather well
with the Rainbow Blanket I made last year.

You can read about this blanket here:

I hope that all my blog visitors who comes to visit me here
are all quite well.
I look forward to connecting with you again!


  1. Yay! You’re back! And with some stunning photography once again! Beautiful pictures of your environment. Your crocheted shawl looks wonderful. Xxx

    1. Thank you, faithful Sarn, for popping in to look around and say hello! There has been lots of photography since Christmas, but far too much to put it all here... so we'll just take things as they are from today!

  2. I'm happy to see both you and your beautiful photos back once again, Sandra! It looks like a gorgeous spring in your area already. We have a few daffodils up, but not much else. Our weather has been very up and down with lots of scary high wind storms sweeping across the U.S. Thankfully, we were okay here. Your shawl is lovely and the picture of the pansies against your Rainbow Blanket is just perfect. Happy Easter to you!

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. It's really nice to have you pop in here after my unplanned break! Yes, spring is being so gorgeous, but also interspersed with rain showers and some very windy days too! Glad you're quite fine despite those high wind storms in your part of the world. Happy Easter to you as well!

  3. It is lovely to see you again, Sandra! I'm glad your computer problems are sorted.

    Your flower photos are breathtaking, as always. Spring is much more advanced there than it is here. I just spotted the first dandelions yesterday, and have hopes of violets in a few weeks. :) That building in your photo looks like a particularly bright and pretty modern quilt,and I love the lake photo with the striking cloud reflection.

    1. So lovely to have you visit, Sue! Another necessary blog pause right after Easter. It seems difficut to get back into routine again. I will try to post again today on this last day of April!

  4. Oops, forgot to enter my name - the comment just submitted was from me.

  5. HI Sandra! Hope you are doing well! We love to see your posts, and your crocheting is always inspiring to us. Hope you are having a good summer.
    xo anna and liz

  6. It's nice to visit you again. Thank you for the lovely imagery you are showing here. I especially like the lake/sky photo.

    I hope you are having a lovely July.

  7. Ciao Sandra, I hope that you are ok and are enjoying summer in my beloved Country.
