30 November 2020

As Autumn Winds Down

On this last day of November, we can already feel winter knocking at our doors,
but before we let in the new season, let's look at the last images of late autumn.
These pretty seedpods are hangking on a Lime Tree.

Dried hydrangea heads in a soft pastel coloured setting.

I do love Spindle berries and their leaves which turn colours so harmoniously.

The bright pink and orange go so well together.

A crane has been erected in my neighbourhood.
A new building is going up. Thank goodness the trees remind us to keep the balance
with their presence in the town.

One day, the sky was a whiteish colour 
and it did show the colour of the Maple leaves so well.

A walk down to the park, allows us to capture the very last Beech leaves
before they all fall.

as well as these burnished beauties in a protected area.

The beautiful Chrysanthemum urns are coming into full bloom
but we can see that the alley of Beech trees is now devoid of leaves.

The flower beds are covered in pine branches
to protect the spring bulbs that have been planted.

These bright, dark pink blooms are very cheerful

The lighter pink ones are lovely too.

The Folie Voltaire café is closed for the winter months,
but in the warm season, it's lovely to sit outside under the chestnut trees
and enjoy something to eat and drink.

Back in my neighbourhood now to capture the last shots of November.
A fallen leaf has fallen into a laurel bush and catches the sun.

A Cosmos flower still blooms in the afternoon sunshine and 
entices a bee for its last collection of pollen.

One of the last Anemones still blooming in a neighbouring garden.

A pink sunrise in my street as I left home to do my early morning shopping

A fallen leaf gets caught in the pointed holly leaves 
as autumn winds down and graciously accepts the arrival of winter.
We are now getting night frosts and the days are getting colder.
Tomorrow will be the first day of December!

24 November 2020

When Autumn Turns to Gold


The month of November this year is one of the most beautiful I have ever known!
The temperatures have been milder than most other years
and the leaves are lasting longer.
This particular vision of sunlit leaves took my breath away!

These two images are the wonderful colours in a Tulip Tree.

I love their easy to recognize shapes.

Two burnished leaves connect against the blue of the sky.

Every autumn, I look forward to visiting one of the city parks, the one nearest to me,
to see the Ginkgo biloba Tree turn golden.
It's also know as the Maiden Hair Tree.

A golden carpet of fallen leaves forms as the wind brings them down to the ground.

 I was lucky enough to see them fall when I was standing there.
Children were playing in the leaves and the air was full of laughter!

Aren't they just beautiful?
Their fan-shape is so special.

I took a few to put them in my flower-press

A branch hangs down against the deep blue sky.

Look how next spring's buds have already formed...

Taking a closer look to see the sky behind the openings and the beautiful structure of the leaf.

I have to include the pond
The lighting was beautiful in the late afternoon.
There's a bench by that pond - and I've sometimes taken a picnic
and a book to read to sit right here!

A collage of my favourite leaves and autumn hues.

Right at the end of this month, I'll be posting the last leaves of November
I still find them in protected places
shining in the sunlight like golden jewels!

16 November 2020

More Walks Through Autumn


Autumn has been so beautiful this year, partly due to sunny days
which has allowed the beautiful leaves to linger.
I love this red maple in my neighbourhood.

One late afternoon, I took my little pumpkins on a walk and 
put them on the fallen leaves by the roots of a very big Beech Tree.

Beech tree leaves turn the most lovely colours in the autumn.

One of the benches down at the Mon Repos Park in Lausanne
before the gardeners clear away all the fallen leaves.

Let's have some blue sky and golden Tulip Tree leaves illuminated by the sunshine!

American Oak Leaves generous in size and pleasing in shape and colour

They look as lovely on the ground after the rain.

The colourful flowerbeds with chysanthemums are just starting to open.

The dark red ones are lovely too

But these are my favourites nestled in the fallen leaves.

The big Ginkgo Tree is turning golden

More fallen leaves catching the light

Another shot of the Tulip Tree with the leaves taking on a burnished look.

I love all the shapes and different shades of the Tulip Tree leaves as they mature.

Newly planted urns in the park. The flowers are only beginning to open.

Before we leave, let's walk down the alley of tall Beech Trees.
There will be more autumn colours to come,
but for today, I've enjoyed walking here with you!

9 November 2020

The Vibrant Colours of Autumn


Not long ago, the leaves started to change from green to 
hues of gold and orange.

Some leaves turn pink and then red
Just walking in my neighbourhood, I can enjoy the daily changes.

Bright and shiny in the sunlight
Beautifully shaped.

Falling leaves get caught in branches and enjoy the sunshine
before falling down to the ground.

I love to walk down to the big Mon Repos Park in Lausanne
and it only takes between fifteen to twenty minutes from my home.
It's my way of getting into nature despite my town environment.

I love the colourful leaves of the oak and to see the ripening acorns.

The pond is always beautiful to contemplate and there are still some lily-pads.

The blue sky and trees are reflected in the water.

The big American Oak leaves have already taken on a burnished look.

Acer leaves in vibrant red brighten up darker corners.

Another fallen leaf, resting in an evergreen tree, backlit by the late afternoon sunshine.

The Chrysanthemums are filling out the flower beds.
I particularly liked this colour which blended so well with the colour of the fallen leaves.

The leaves from my strawberry plants have changed colour.
I have had a really good crop of fruit this year!

The Beech leaves are among my favourites against the soft dappled background.

I have taken so many photos this autumn
 that it would make this blog entry far too long to add them all here, 
so I'll make several entries during this month of November to include the most beautiful ones.

We are now in our second wave of Covid-19,
we are told to be very careful and follow strict hygiene rules.
Restaurants and cafés have closed,
but shops have remained open.
It's best to avoid crowds and enclosed spaces and to wear a medical mask.

One day, we shall be free of all these strict rules,
but in the meantime, we find joy in the wonders of nature.

I hope that you are well.
Take care!