24 November 2020

When Autumn Turns to Gold


The month of November this year is one of the most beautiful I have ever known!
The temperatures have been milder than most other years
and the leaves are lasting longer.
This particular vision of sunlit leaves took my breath away!

These two images are the wonderful colours in a Tulip Tree.

I love their easy to recognize shapes.

Two burnished leaves connect against the blue of the sky.

Every autumn, I look forward to visiting one of the city parks, the one nearest to me,
to see the Ginkgo biloba Tree turn golden.
It's also know as the Maiden Hair Tree.

A golden carpet of fallen leaves forms as the wind brings them down to the ground.

 I was lucky enough to see them fall when I was standing there.
Children were playing in the leaves and the air was full of laughter!

Aren't they just beautiful?
Their fan-shape is so special.

I took a few to put them in my flower-press

A branch hangs down against the deep blue sky.

Look how next spring's buds have already formed...

Taking a closer look to see the sky behind the openings and the beautiful structure of the leaf.

I have to include the pond
The lighting was beautiful in the late afternoon.
There's a bench by that pond - and I've sometimes taken a picnic
and a book to read to sit right here!

A collage of my favourite leaves and autumn hues.

Right at the end of this month, I'll be posting the last leaves of November
I still find them in protected places
shining in the sunlight like golden jewels!


  1. Autumn is a fantastic time in many ways, and you show it in these gorgeous photos !

    1. Thank you, Lasse. Autumn is so full of beautiful colour and winter will seem very grey in comparison! I'm sure though, that we'll find something interesting to photograph all the same!

  2. Your images of those beautiful gold leaves against that bright blue sky are just breathtaking, Sandra! Love the carpet of gold, too. It surely was a gorgeous November and will make the winter seem easier. Things have cooled off here and are quite gray now--more like November usually is. That's okay--I'm getting out my Christmas decorations and brightening up the inside of the house :) Enjoy your day!

    1. November this year has been the most beautiful one I have ever experienced. It is colder now, but we're still getting mostly sunny days. It will soon be December and I will also be getting out my cheerful pre-Christmas decorations! Thank you for your lovely visit!

  3. WOW . . . what a glorious display.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Haha! It's been a "wow" sort of November this year, Sarn!
      The colours have been breathtaking and the sunshine generous!

  4. That golden carpet ... happy sigh. Thank you for sharing so much beauty!

    1. Thanks for popping in, Sue. The autumnal beauty has been very special this year and has lasted longer too!

  5. A beautiful golden post!! I only know where one Ginkgo tree is and unfortunately it's in a park that is always crowded so I missed seeing it this fall. I love their fan-shape leaves and the way they carpet the ground.

    1. I love to go down to the park in the autumn for the Beech trees and the beautiful golden Ginkgo. I agree that their fan-shaped leaves are just beautiful.

  6. Oh my! such beautiful photos and colors! Eye candy!
    I once read, that if it were not for fungi our leaves would pile high above us. I can't remember how high, maybe a mile or maybe ten? Interesting to consider, to me.

    1. I especially enjoyed the golden colours this year. That's an interesting fact about fungi! It's a good job that it knows its special role to play in nature's equilibrium!
