19 July 2018

Day 19 - Evening Walk

Evening bee on sunflower.

There are many gardens and allotments in my neighbourhood 
and my early morning and my evening walks allow me to enjoy them all.

One garden was just full of beautiful sunflowers

They are glorious from every angle

Even from the back.

The colours vary

I love the young flowers unfolding their petals.


The sky was showing an announced change in the weather from hot and sunny

and then to hot and humid as the clouds increased.
Storms and rain are on the way and hopefully we shall get some refreshment
from the lovely rain!


  1. I love your flower photos. These sunflowers are so beautiful. Mine are just now starting to form buds. It's so surprising to me that you have so many gardens and allotments within walking distance in a city. Here in suburbia, where one might think yards would be awash with blooms, almost no one has a garden or even a single flower box. --another reason why your photos always cheer me.

    1. Thank you. Susan. Sunflowers are always such joyful flowers! It will be exciting to watch yours develop and bloom!
      As for the gardens and allotments, I am lucky because I live out of the town centre and there are still privately owned homes with gardens. There are some fairly tall buildings up here as well which tend to block my view of the mountains. Even the buildings in this part of town have flowering bushes planted around them and some even have patches of green with grass and trees. My own street has trees planted either side which lead down to the neighbourhood shops. Window boxes with flowers seem to be a rather lovely tradition and most people have them adorning their balconies.
      It takes me about thirty minutes to walk downhill to the town centre, or I can catch a bus which takes about ten minutes, depending on traffic.

  2. Oh LOVELY . . . Sunflowers are one of my very favourite flowers. They are so majestic and simply scream SUMMER to me!

    Hot and humid here . . . thunderstorm predicted and for once I think "they" are right!

    Better walk up town quickly then!

    Happy Friday.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  3. I so agree, Sarn, that Sunflowers are a lovely sign of summer amd buzzing bees and deep blue skies! I love them too!
    The temperatures are falling a little and the sky is looking moody this afternoon!

  4. What glorious photos of those beautiful sunflowers (and that bee!), Sandra! I'm lucky enough to have them growing in my garden so all I need do is peek out my kitchen window to see them.

    Hope your rain arrived and things are feeling cooler :)

    1. I do love sunflowers so much. I can imagine how lovely it is to have them growing in your garden!
      Yes, the rain arrived and for the time being it is feeling much cooler and more comfortable - until it heats up again!

  5. Summer would not be summer without the lovely sunflowers. I can't think of another flower that makes me smile instantly! You're right, they are beautiful from every direction! Great shot of the bee!

    1. Sunflowers just spell SUMMER, don't they? They are such happy flowers!
