18 July 2018

Day 18 - Time to Dream

Isn't that what summer is all about?
Taking time to dream
and be totally immersed in the moment.

New flowers to plant in two of my window-boxes
I bought them down the market today
and just love their fresh colours.

Image result for time to dream quotes

Author: Gladys Taber


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sarah. Hot summer days are perfect for dreaming!

  2. This reminds me of a little boy that I once had in my summer daycare group. He was around nine years old. I had the children sitting in a circle and I would ask a question and then we would go around the circle and if a child wanted to answer the question we would all listen. The question was, "Where is your favorite place to visit" . . . most of the children had answers like Disneyland, the county fair, grandma's house, but when it was his turn he said, "in my imagination" . . . WOW, right? It stayed with me, because at that moment I realized that that was my favorite place, too. It took a very wise nine year old to point it out to me :)
    Beautiful post.
    Connie :)

    1. Thank you, Connie, and what an endearing story of that little boy telling you his favourite place to visit was "in his imagination". I love the way young children are so in touch with themselves. We can learn a lot from them! Thank you for sharing your story!

  3. Love that dreamy shot of you!

  4. Such a lovely picture of you! Are those plants Phlox? Love the colours, so dreamy and soft...

    1. Thank you, Marjan! Yes, those flowers are Phlox. The colours are so fresh and I had two window boxes that needed replenishing!

  5. Such pretty flowers and a wonderful photo of you, too! I hope you'll share a photo of your window boxes when they are planted!

    1. Thank you, Carol. My window boxes have been planted since May. I shall be sharing the individual flowers more than the boxes themselves as the background is another building! I am sorting through them now!

  6. Yes we agree ! Summer is about time to dream!
    Love this post!

    1. So nice to see you come in and visit! Thank you!

  7. Lovely! You dream on your balcony and I dream sitting under an oak tree! I do love day dreaming on a summer day!

    1. the lovely thing about day-dreaming, especially in the summer, is that it requires no effort in this heat!
