31 July 2018

Day 31: The Tendrils of July

July has seemed to be one huge heat-wave
punctuated by occasional storms and a cooler day here and there!
What better way to finish my Photo Journal this July
than with these lovely sunshine flowers
which represent this hot and sunny month

Yellow connection

Black-Eyed Susan is my name

Rudbeckia are members of the Sunflower family
I do love their dark centres and their beautifully formed petals.


I have enjoyed these daily postings throughout this month of July,
but now I shall be posting less often
possibly once, sometimes twice a week
depending on what I see, how I feel and what there is to chat about!

I hope that you have all been having a wonderful month.
Thank you for all your visits
and especially to those who have left kind comments.
It's always so rewarding to have a little chat with passers-by!

See you all soon again!



  1. Congratulations on finishing your 30 days of photo journaling! Its been such a pleasure reading about moments of your day and seeing your lovely photos!

    1. Thanks so much, Cathy. It has turned out to be a lovely month for capturing all sorts of things that have been part of each and every day. I have enjoyed it and I thought that it might be nice to do this again during another season, maybe in the spring?

  2. I have loved your daily postings and fabulous photographs. Thank you so much for sharing these with us.

    1. That's so kind of you to say so! I have enjoyed sharing my days here for the whole month of July!

  3. LOVE these Rudbeckia almost as much as I love Sunflowers! Makes sense if they are the same family!xxx
