30 July 2018

Day 30: Jam Making

Apricot Jam
Making this particular jam has become a tradition.
I only use half the amount of sugar as the weight of the fruit.
I also use a small amount (about 100 grams) of raw cane sugar, called Sucanat.
It gives a delicious flavour and colour to the finished jam.
This year I added the scraped out contents of one vanilla pod.
It adds a little something special.

The apricots this year are exceptionally sweet and juicy.
They are great to eat raw all on their own.

The coffee is gurgling
The nut bread has been sliced
and the freshly made apricot jam is waiting!
Breakfast on my balcony
is the most wonderful place to be!

A small bowl of floating Phlox flowers for my breakfast table.


  1. This looks delicious and I love your dishes!

    1. Thanks, Sandi. I was able to make the jam very early in the morning to avoid the sweltering heat!

  2. What a feast for eyes and taste buds!

    1. Thank you, Fi! It's a bit crazy making jam in the heat of a summer like this, but I did it all very early in the morning!

  3. Sandra, your photos are stunning. You’re an amazing photographer. I just got a new camera (upgrading from a point-and-shoot to a mirrorless Olympus), and I feel lightyears away from creating anything as beautiful. I love the apricots and phlox, and, as always, I’m happy to see glimpses of your balcony. I appreciate the way you take the time to fill your daily moments, like eating breakfast, with beauty—from the yummy food to the pretty dishware, tablecloth, napkin, and napkin ring. That’s so much nicer than gobbling something down at the kitchen counter.

    I’ve never made jam. Your photos make me want to try it.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment, Susan. Well done for getting the mirrorless Olympus camera. I've heard a lot of good things about it and feel sure your photography will soon be bringing you so much pleasure in the quality of your images! I started out with a point-and-shoot too and still use it on some occasions.

      Doing all things with consciousness certainly enhances our daily living.

      Try a little jam-making, just for the fun of it! Choose a fruit with a high-pectin content as it will set quicker and better!

  4. I have to admit I'm not quite a fan of apricot jam, but we've made approx. 20 jars of cherry jam last month. Some plain, some with mint leaves, some with cinnamon. Have to take care I'm not eating jam with bread instead of bread with jam...

    1. I know what you mean about eating jam with bread instead of the other way round. We all have our favourite fruits for jam. I make very little, but apricot is the favourite. I also like to make marmalade in the winter months.

  5. Your jam looks delicious! Beautiful table setting!

    1. Thank you Cathy, for faithfully visiting this photo journal for all these days of July! Eating outside on my balcony is one of the biggest joys of the warmer months of the year - most years it starts in April and can go on until the end of September!
