4 February 2016

When Words Conjure Up Images

A new beginning emanates such creative energy that I'm swept away 
in a whirl of vitality
towards new horizons shining in the dusk of my day.

Not all confessions reveal wrongdoing. 
For example, a confession of love is often considered
positive, both by the confessor and the recipient of the confession, 
and is a common theme in literature.

To confess is to recognize, acknowledge and embrace a part
of who I am to myself and to others.

To forgive myself and to forgive others gives me freedom.
This street art I discovered says it all!

For me, the word crisis is when a situation is coming to a head 
with tensions mounting.
This situation pushes us to make a decision.
It's a turning point where an explosion of energy allows us to decompress
and liberate ourselves.
A crisis is an opportunity of starting anew.

In this image,
the thistle head has exploded
liberating new possibilities of growth elsewhere.

is the plenitude I feel
through my ongoing life experiences.
They contain the past, the present and the continuation.

Maturity is the embracing of events or situations as they are.
It's about connecting with the essential,
gathering treasures and letting some things go
it's also in the hesitations I may have and finding flow.

These words were taken from a book called
"Consolations, The Solace, Nourishment 
and Underlying Meaning of Everday Words"

I am part of a group with
Kim Manley Ort in the study of these words
and our personal interpretation of them.
The photographs we choose to go with our words
express visually what the word of the week means to each one of us.


  1. I always loved that group of hers with interpreting the words. You have done a beautiful job on this Sandra. That first image is WOW stunning. Love the curl.

    1. I forgot to add I had to smile at your tulip as I just took several images that will post tomorrow of the same subject. We are like minds this week.

  2. Oh, I'm so glad you shared some of your wonderful interpretations of David Whyte's words. It's such an interesting exercise, isn't it? Thanks for linking to the group.

    1. Yes, it is interesting and I'm always fascinated how each one of us comes up with different interpretations and images!

  3. Sandra, what a beautiful and thought-provoking post. I love the beginning photo and the lovely mature tulip. Your blog has a new look. I like it!

    1. Yes, the blog has a new look and I'm still getting used to it myself. There may be a few more tweaks here and there! Glad you like it so far!

  4. Always such a delight to come here and imbibe your beautiful photos and words.

  5. Another fabulous and thoughtful post. Thanks Sandra

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  6. I love your new header is gorgeous! I'm so glad we're in this "words" group together. I have always admired your way with words and the beauty that you capture to illustrate them.

    1. It's interesting to see that when we're given our weekly word, I often think of a photo of something I already have. Sometimes I take a photo to match my feelings about this word. It's a fascinating process which sometimes takes a few days to mature!

  7. Wise words and beautiful pictures - what more could a girl want in the middle of winter.

  8. Lovely, lovely flowers and words.

  9. Sandra, these are gorgeous photos, and I absolutely LOVE your new header.
    It makes me think of spring. :-)

  10. I love the words you have chosen and how each image represents your interpretation so beautifully! Amazing work, my friend!

  11. you have such a beautiful way with portraying flowers!
    lovely also to consider these words and their meanings. Sometimes it seems words are so familiar in how they are used, they they are tossed out with much thought as to the weight of them. To consider their meaning and value might help us to appreciate the life we are attempting to represent with each word.

    1. Words and images seem to float around each other giving definition and meaning that this connection seems to create. It's quite an awakening process as we are led on an inner journey through our personal experiences and discoveries.

  12. Excellent post and excellent choice of pics to the words !
    P.S. You can click on the "translator" on my blog to get the text in english :-))

    1. Thanks, Lasse, for popping in. I'll certainly look out for the "translator" next time I come and visit!

  13. The purity of your photography makes me hold my breath and exhale slowly. That first image is especially astounding to me. And the combination of your thoughts and images is delicious.

  14. Such beautifully artistic photography!! Beyond words!!! P.S. Thank you for visiting me, I appreciate your comments.

  15. I thought I was in another blog but the new template looks good. love the purple & indigo color palette, it's gorgeous!

    as always, I enjoy your wonderful photography. love the last flower shot.

    have a sweet day.

    1. I thought I was in another blog too, Lissa! I am just beginning to feel at home here now. Glad you like the choice of colours. The header picture will change from time to time to bring in a new mood!

  16. Wonderful photos to express the vision that goes with your words. I especially like maturity! These words and photos are so You!

    1. Thanks, Mary. Our words, mingled with our chosen images take us on an interesting and sometimes unexpected journey!

  17. What a great post! I like seeing the pairings of the words and photos! Love the composition of that first photo!
    Kate :}

  18. What a perfect class for you. You always inspire me with both your words as well as your images. Your choices are exquisite.
