14 February 2016

The Snowstorm: a real-life story

She strode up the street in the deepening snow
the laces on her boots swinging out with each step.
She had forgotten her gloves that morning and had pulled the sleeves 
of her sweater over her hands.
I could hear the scrunch of her boots as she walked
and imagined the soft thudding sound that the snow must be making on her umbrella.

The snowstorm had brought everything in the city to a grinding halt.
The cars could hardly get up my street without their tyres squealing and slipping
on the slippery surface,
and those going down the hill slid down sideways when they hit the breaks.

Dogs still had to be taken for walks
and red cars showed off their red paintwork
gleaming against the white of the snow.

Passers-by dashed past
wanting to get home as soon as possible
and thankful they had taken their umbrellas with them that morning.

But I was snug in my apartment
watching the big flakes floating down against the building opposite.

I ventured out onto one end of my balcony,
feeling as excited as when I was a child and I used to rush outside
in the snow with outstretched arms
as if to catch all the flakes in the sky!

I zoomed in on the nearby small park to capture the beauty of it all.

embracing the scene with my eyes
in its tiniest detail
I went outside a little later and captured this bench on which no one would sit that day.

A bush with red berries gave a welcome splash of colour

My pot of purple flowers, which had survived since the summer,
looked a little shocked by their sprinkling of snow.
I pulled them nearer to the kitchen window to protect them as best I could.

I returned inside to the warmth of the kitchen where there was the aroma of soup
simmering in the cast-iron pan.
Carrot and sweet potatoes were cooking with grated ginger.
Perfect for a day like today!

When I looked outside again, the snow was coming sideways ...
or was that the window which had turned when I wasn't looking...?

Well that was the story of Friday
and now it's already Sunday
and an array of coloured crocheted hearts
are sitting on my work table.

Red ones and pink ones with assorted chocolates

Turquoise and orange
made into pouches with handles

Some with frilly edges

... and one just for you with a Lindt chocolate heart
just in time to wish you all a
Happy Valentine's Day!

This pattern is called Granny Heart Superstar
which you can find


  1. Happy Valentine's Day Sandra!! What a lovely post of the snow storm! I especially love the shots of the people outside in the snow- the colors are so vibrant against the white! Just lovely!
    Enjoy the beautiful snowy views!
    Kate :}

    1. Thank, Kate. Everyone was a little surprised at the intensity and duration of the snowfall! It was really fun catching all those huge falling snowflakes!

  2. That is a lot of snow. Great thoughts indeed, and lovely shots too. Have a wonderful week, and warm greetings.

    1. Yes, lots of snow all in one day, but two days later it has all melted and the atmosphere has changed completely. I was glad to have captured the snow scenes as long as they lasted!

  3. That looks so pretty the snow and the little hearts, perfect for Winter and Valentine's Day. I love soup and getting ready to make a Cauliflower Garlic Soup. We are supposed to be close to 90 degrees today but I love soup no matter what the weather.

    1. Well we got a real winter at least for one day! We are both soup lovers, though I don't make them in the warm season. They are perfect for our colder days here!

  4. I just love these little hearts, Sandra! So perfect for the day.
    As inconvenient as the snow can be sometimes, it sure is nice, as you have so beautifully showed us here.
    Happy Valentine's Day, and have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Yes, indeed, snow can be inconvenient for those who need to travel to go to work or even get out shopping. Our beautiful snowfalls didn't last, but I loved the excitement of it all when it was actually happening. We've had so little snow this winter.

  5. Happy Valentine's Day! I love all the bright colors that pop against the thick white snow. It's beautiful! I also love the pretty colors of your crocheted hearts!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I loved the excitement of all that snow! I have been having fun making all those hearts. I still can't stop it seems and may turn them into a garland to hang somewhere in my home!

  6. Didn't we just say that there might be a cold snap? Looks as though your world turned white for awhile. Happy Valentine. Your crochet hearts are perfect for the day!

    1. Yes, we did talk about a cold snap, but it seems that it snapped itself out of it as we had light rain the next day with a slight upward movement of the temperatures and now the beautiful white has all been washed away! Easier for everyday living to be sure, but I miss the look of it!

  7. Goodness me that's a cold wintry post, I only feel warmed up because of the delicious-sounding soup you had on the go! It's VERY cold here today, but we have sunshine.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Now I was sure you were a snow person, Sarn! All those wintry and charming stamps led me to believe that!

  8. Hi I'm new to your blog.. and brrrr what a cold post to find you on.. but the photos are lovely though. Your soup sounded delicious :o)

    1. Hello Julie! How nice to see you here! The snow has been so rare this year that it was a joy to experience for once and I was so thrilled to catch all the snowflakes falling from the sky!

  9. Oh what a lovely snowstorm I would have loved to go walking in it. We had a sprinkling of snow overnight not as lovely as yours though.

    1. So much snow in one day was rather unexpected, but I enjoyed every second of it while it lasted!

  10. A wonderful insight into a day in your life. Love the story with the photos!

  11. Such lyrical words and absolutely stunning snow photos!

  12. It seems so weird to see snow in your part of the world.

    1. Does it? I live in Switzerland where people come to ski, but this winter we've been very much lacking in snow! So this snowstorm was quite an excitement!

  13. A wonderful snow story and then your crochet project finished while you were all warm and snug in your home!

    1. Thanks, Mary. That heavy snowfall was quite an event with so much going on all around me! All observed with much joy from my balcony and so happy to have a good zoom lens on my camera to really get into all the scenes!

  14. A lovely "snowstory" told in the safe of your balcony :-)) Lovely to watch, follow ...and read... in my cosy armchair :-))

  15. Hello Lasse! I agree with you, it certainly is lovely to see a wonderful snowstorm and be in a cosy armchair!

  16. What a BEAUTIFUL post! Big fluffy snow is the best kind. Amazing images as always. Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day, Sandra! :)

    1. P.S. Forgot to say that your header is stunning.

    2. Thanks, Sue. That snowstorm was so exciting and even rather unexpected during this rather snow deprived winter! Now we have little spring flowers popping up everywhere! As for the header, I felt that a few spring flowers were necessary to lure us into a spring atmosphere!

  17. Your first set of shots are so beautiful. They really make me shiver. But I love the way you caught the colour against all the white. Glad you were warm inside enjoying the show.

    1. Watching all that snow fall for a whole afternoon and early evening was as good as watching a film on nature for me! It was full of hustle and bustle and yet the gently falling big snowflakes seemed to slow down the rhythm of everything! I do love the different seasons!

  18. What a beautiful snowstorm, Sandra! Love that kind with its huge, fuzzy flakes :) My fav images - the first, fourth, and fifth - they have such a wonderful simplicity and remind me a bit of Japanese woodblock prints.

    1. Yes, it was a fun snowstorm, Anna! I have a soft spot for that first image too - it's a whole story in itself: *the girl in brown..."!

  19. I have never seen people use umbrellas in the snow. Isn't that an interesting cultural difference.

    Thank you for the lovely story, you took me there. Plus your hearts are charming as can be.

    Flowers are lovely in snow, but i don't think that it is good for them.

    1. Well, maybe in the city people use umbrellas to protect themselves from the snow! I've never really thought about it before! I think that country folk might just wear a warm and waterproof jacket with a hood!
