13 October 2015

The Secret of Water

Water has secrets to tell

and mysteries to unfold

as clever as a chameleon
taking on the colours of the sky and the environment

creating harmony and aliveness

reflecting things around us with artistic flair

making friends with the sun

at the end of the day

gentle ripples

and passion

Did you know that our thoughts and our emotions
effect the quality of our water?

Sparkles on the surface by the light of the moon.

Please look at the following link:

You will be amazed and enthralled.
See how water crystals create patterns when different music is played
in the video clip "Secret of Water" trailer 3.
The whole website tells us about the latest discoveries concerning water.
 Come back to tell me about your experience!


  1. Water is amazing, isn't it? And so are your photos.

    1. Thank you, yes, it is amazing and I'm always thrilled when I have the opportunity of being near this fascinating and beautiful element!

  2. The film was very interesting and has caused me to look at water in a very different way. I grew up not too far from the ocean and I have always loved being near the water and curious about the tides and all the animals and plant life that make their homes in the deep of our oceans. But I had never given thought to many of the issues that were addressed in this film. Thanks for sharing this with us; you have definitely enlarged my knowledge of water. And by the way, love your captures.....

    1. The film excerpts were interesting, weren't they, Nancy? I was so lucky to get so many different captures of the water during a short stay right on the edge of the lake recently.

  3. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photographs of water and this link to the movie trailers. I too have always been fascinated by and drawn to water. I'm so intrigued by the fact that water has memory and responds to its environment the way it does.

    1. Thank you, Kim. I was so happy to have found those film trailers to put up the link here after all the water captures. I have ordered the DVD!

  4. Hi Sandra . . . thank you for another lovely calming post. I watched the trailers and was fascinated by them. I see you have ordered the DVD . . . ENJOY!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Hello Sarn, water can have a very calming effect, I agree. I'm so glad you took the time to watch the trailers which give us interesting new information on water that are new to us.

  5. I've read about Emoto's experiments before! Fascinating! Thanks for the link, I'm going to have to watch that movie!!
    Kate :}

    1. Yes, the film looks very good and water is such a lovely element to take photos of as well because it's forever changing.

  6. The sound and motion of water has always drawn me. Your images are simply gorgeous and your words so lovely! The videos were amazing!

    1. I was so lucky to catch different moods when staying a few days down by the lake. Water fascinates me too! I'm glad you enjoyed the video trailers, Cathy!

  7. Your photos are beautiful capturing the magic of water. I love to be by water - either by the sea or a river or a flowing stream I find it mesmerising and calming - perhaps it is because I was born under a water sign and am a typical Pisces.

    1. Thank you, Elaine. It's true that water is such a fascinating and also calming element. I wonder if it reminds us of those nine months we spent before birth bathing in a liquid environment. Our bodies are also 70% water. Being near water touches something very profound in us.

  8. you have shared water in such a lovely way
    i love water photographs
    they are so lovely and often reflective
    holding a space for us to then reflect
    i hope to check out your link later, thank you.

    1. I know you love water, Tammie, as you often capture its beauty showing us the wonderful world of clear waters and gorgeous coloured stones and pebbles.
      I'm not at all surprised that the quality of our water is influenced by our thoughts and our emotions.

  9. Love # 5, 9, and 10, Sandra!!! Living on a lake has really made me appreciate the beauty and power of water. Ever changing and oh so fascinating! Off to check out your link :)

    1. Thank you, Anna. I like the way you always have favourites. I love the three you mentioned too. I was lucky to capture different sorts of moods as I spent several days by the lake and had that fortunate possibility.
      You are so lucky to live on a lake and if you ever leave this home, you will surely miss the water!

  10. Beatiful pictures. Actually we are about 60% of water!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photos. I believe the percentage of water in the human body is variable and depends on age and gender and level of fitness. In the Trailer 2 of the link I gave, the scientists give the average water content as being 70%. I am not a specialist, but I quoted what I heard! Do look at the different trailers, they are very edifying!

  11. Forget gold and all the jewels that Earth produces, water is the most valuable thing on this planet and should be treated with huge respect. Loved your post and the link xx

    1. If only water were more respected, the equilibrium of the Earth would be in no danger.

  12. This water story is wonderful. You have captured the lake well and your words are just right for the photos. Thanks also for the water link..very interesting.

    I have always loved water too..from the oceans, to rivers, to creeks and streams.

    1. Thanks Mary, water is forever captivating. The links to get to know new information about water were fascinating. I was so glad to have found them for this posting.

  13. Pure poetry in both words and image, my friend! Water is a very precious commodity. Now I'm off to check out that link...

  14. Unfortunately, we often take water for granted, though it is a life force for everything on the planet. I enjoyed the website - watching the crystals form as music played was mesmerizing. I wonder what happens when discordant music is played? I am very aware of the need to keep hydrated since my heart attack - my cardiologists warns me never to get dehydrated. Your photos of the changing personality of water are wonderful. I especially like the third which captures movement.

    1. Barb, I also wondered what would happen to the water if the type of music played by many modern groups was played! Photographing water is always such a pleasure for me because of all the different moods according to lighting and reflections.

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you, Water is such a wonderful subject to capture in photography and artists enjoy painting its different moods as well.

  16. I could look at some of these shots all day. Truly gorgeous!

  17. Hello. Your works is Elegant.
    Greetings from Japan. ruma

    1. Thank you for dropping by and leaving a friendly comment, Ruma!
