1 October 2015

Poetry and Humming

She had promised herself that she would never complain about the cold again
after the stiflingly hot summer!

The first step was to think of all the gorgeous things about the colder months of the year.
She thought about log fires and the aroma of apples cooking!
Well, a log fire isn't always available, 
how about a snug warm blanket wrapped around the legs
and a good book?

She read:
"So much of our lives takes place in our heads - in memory or imagination
in speculation or interpretation - 
that sometimes I feel that I can best change my life
by changing the way I look at it."
Pico Iyer

A steaming mug of something hot
So comforting as we read.

A snatch of poetry to enhance the day:

"O hushed October morning mild
Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
Tomorrow's wind, if it be wild,
Should waste them all.

Release one leaf at break of day;
At noon release another leaf;
One from our trees, one far away."

An excerpt by Robert Frost

She looked up at the candle to let the words roam around inside her
and find a resting place within.

Such a rewarding and creative passion
and perfect for the cooler months.
She loved to create new things and make gifts for others.

Her children were grown now.
She had done her best to give them a happy childhood
and to guide them into becoming autonomous.
She had wanted to be the mother that she had never had.
Her dad had been her role model and she knew he had done his very best.
She remembered how he often went about his daily occupations humming to himself!
She realized that she did the same!

what a wonderful word!
It tickles your lips and resonates within
creating happiness inside.
It's definitely a mood enhancer!

What about winter cooking?

She loved to create wholesome soups and anything at all made with apples

She looked up from where she was sitting at a slice of blue sky she could see.
She felt content and snug with the wind howling outside.

She thought about poetry and humming
and these words she'd read in Winnie the Pooh:

"Poetry and hums
aren't things which you get,
they're things which get you.
And all you can do is go where they find you."

She said to herself.
Everyone should hum at least once to try it out,
and she realized that she was doing it again
and it made her giggle!


  1. You have a wonderful talent for still life photography. I love how you tie them altogether with your words for a post. Oh, and I loved all the blue today; my favorite color! Enjoyed this post so much!

    1. Hi Cathy! I love blue too, I expect you can tell! I have come to enjoy still life photography with time, it's something which can be done even when I can't get out into the country as often as I would like! Wishing you a good start to this new month of October!

  2. Hi Sandra . . . well this post certainly resonated with me. It was a joy to read. I hum a lot too and sing inside my head. I didn't realise I did it so much until I learned to listen to my thoughts!

    Funnily enough I made an apple crumble last weekend and enjoyed the last of it last night with oodles of custard.

    Hmmm, that book looks interesting. I've watched a few TED videos and the are always thought provoking.

    Wishing you a happy weekend.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Hi Sarn! Isn't apple crumble the best! It's great for breakfast the next day too! Have you tried the Mary Berry recipe yet? I've linked it to the words 'Apple Crumble' above. I just put half the sugar and half the butter she says! TED videos are really good. I watch them too.

  3. It all sounds perfect to me.....a good book, blanket, hot tea, apple crisp, and your crochet to keep your fingers busy. I agree with Cathy, you have a talent for putting beautiful still life shots with words to make a very interest post. Beautiful days to you my friend...

    1. The joys of the colder months, Nancy! It's easy to forget about them when winter seems to go on for a very long time! So I was just thinking out loud about all the lovely things that can be experienced in the coming months!

  4. Thank you for sharing your special delights of the season, Sandra. Your book looks very interesting, and Robert Frost is always a pleasure. Your images all help tell your story -- I especially like the first one, with the beautiful blues and red accents. I don't hum much, but I whistle. I taught my grandson to whistle and now we whistle together, such fun!

    1. I just got to know Robert Frost this year and his way of writing poetry really spoke to me! That's such fun that you taught your grandson to whistle and that you do it together! My grandad taught me to whistle and I taught my grandson too! I love things like this that create fond memories and that are passed down the generations!

  5. A wonderful post Sandra, wonderful to read and reflect....Just love it ....and I humble and smile :-))

    1. So nice to see you, Lasse! As you see, it's getting ready for winter time!

  6. A delightful story Sandra - all very cosy and with an autumny feeling about it. Unfortunately I find humming quite annoying, unless I'm doing it, of course.

    1. Hello Elaine, the cosy days are coming closer! Humming is an acquired taste!

  7. A perfect post to welcome the changing of the seasons! Humming..I do that when I am sitting at the computer..a song will get in my head and I find myself humming it! Beautiful photos for a great story!

    1. Thanks Mary! All the seasons are needed in nature and I love to welcome them for they all come with gifts! I love living in a part of the world that has four seasons! So you hum too - I think it's just a form of contendedness! A happy with our lot sort of hum!

  8. Such a beautiful post Sandra, both in words, pictures and humming! Have a gorgeous weekend xx

    1. Thanks, Chel. I know how you love the cooler season as well! Happy Sunday to you!

  9. Oh my
    such beautiful words.
    I held that needle much in the past
    and for the life of me
    cannot remember how to do it :)
    You images so beautiful
    and also your words.
    I have never hummed :)
    Love apples and cup of hot tea.
    The book on silence
    I pick up often...

    1. When the apple trees offer us their fruit, I know that autumn is here! Such a lovely season when we prepare many inside activities that may enthuse us. I find it's a creative time of the year accompanied by the aroma of apples being made into something delicious! It's candle time too, so comforting and meditative.

  10. What a lovely post! That crochet is beautiful, and I think I'll have to look into that book that you were reading!
    Kate :}

    1. The book is quite new to me, but it seems to be interesting so far. The cooler months are good for crochet projects and reading!

  11. such a lovely autumn post
    beautiful images and words that paint the spirit of our changing land and weather
    thank you for the apple recipe, i might just try it
    i enjoy seeing your lovely yarn art.

    1. Thanks, Tammie. Each season brings us something new to experience and enjoy and we do well to honour them all!
      For the apple recipe, I find that half the amount of brown sugar and half the amount of butter is plenty enough!

  12. Love how you weave your words and images together - creating such a wonderful feeling, Sandra! Were you writing this for me :) Seems so, as the coming cold always makes me cringe....I so enjoy being outside without parkas, boots, mitts, etc. I'll have to take your post to heart. Happy autumn to you!

    1. I might just have been writing for you, Anna! I know I was also writing for me and recognizing all the delicious things in waiting that we can experience during the change of the seasons!

  13. This post gets me! Beautiful as always. :-)

  14. Oh I loved this post. All those delightful passages along with the beautiful images. Instead of humming I tend to sing outloud, not necessarily good singing but the humming comes along when I can't remember the words, which unfortunately happens frequently. I loved that quote from the book...."so much of our lives take place in our head..." A wonderful season is upon us and you have welcomed it beautifully!!

    1. Singing out loud is great too, Deanna, especially when we remember the words, otherwise we just go la la la through the forgotten bits!

  15. I just love this post so much, Sandra! I want to move in your house and eat all that yummy food and wrap myself in that gorgeous afghan and read poetry and maybe even hum a tune or two! How are you liking "The Art of Stillness"?

    1. You're welcome round anytime, Susan! Yes, I like the Art of Stillness. I'm always ready to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and find that calm centre!

  16. What a beautiful post, Sandra.
    I truly enjoyed reading it.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. There are so many lovely things to experience in each season and it makes us feel good to remember them!

  17. This time of year there is a pulling inward, an introspection - your writing takes me to that place of cozy blankets, candlelight, and steaming soups shared with a good book and warm memories. The colors of that green-based afghan are beautiful, Sandra. Our first winter storm is due tonight. I think I'm prepared, but I've been spoiled by a long, wonderful fall.

    1. Thanks, Barb. We are now coming to the snug time of the year! A wonderful autumn prepares us with gentleness for sterner weather conditions to come! Wherever we live, there are joys in every season - and you have your skiing!
