10 January 2013

On being a bird

Robin Redbreast fluffed his feathers
and looked at me from the corner of his shiny bright eye.
I hardly breathed as I adjusted my focus
to capture his beauty
before he hopped out of the picture
and then flew away.

It's always worth looking up.
Do the birds say the same about looking down?

I wonder what it feels like to sit high up upon a tree?
Knowing that if the wind blows hard
to shake their branch
they can fly away.

How lovely to be a bird
and not ask when or how or why!


  1. Good photo's Sandra....little Robin Redbreast birds are always nice to see.

    Greetings and i wish you a very nice day.


  2. I sometimes wonder if they choose their vantage points for the view when looking down.

    Lovely images Sandra :D

  3. Love the robin...I'm staying on the ground though I'm frightened of heights lol x

  4. Lovely! I always say "bird" when someone asks "if you could be any animal, what would it be?" It must feel amazing to fly and have that freedom... But then like you mentioned, we'd sacrifice the ability to ask and appreciate those questions... Philosophical quandary. I guess I'll stick to being me wondering what it would be like to fly like a bird...
    Kate :}

  5. Sometimes I'd like to be a bird and soar up into the skies. But they have hard lives, always looking out for predators and the next scrap to eat. Maybe it's not so bad being human. I love your use of lines, it creates a strong image.

  6. Myślę, że świat widziany z góry jest ciekawy, bo widzi się więcej. Uwielbiam ptaszka z pierwszego zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam.
    I think the world seen from above is interesting, because he sees more. I love the bird in the first picture. Yours.

  7. Your first image is so striking, Sandra, great capture! It would be fun to be able to sit on a tall branch of a tree and look down. And I have to disagree: I got to know a parrot very well, it seems they do ask questions. :)

  8. How delightful! That little robin has stolen my heart.

  9. Great photos. I always feel sorry for birds when the weather is cold. How they survive the conditions when they look so fragile always amazes me.

  10. We have a little robin who returns to our garden every year. They have such a little personality

  11. The wee Robin is such a cute wee bird. I love your thoughts on this post, how lovely it must be to fly about - not so nice when the weather is really cold though.

  12. Your first image is completely amazing! In fact they are all rather wonderful.

  13. Your birds are lifting my spirits, Sandra. Thank you!

  14. I was thinking the very same thing this morning, as I watched a flock of birds fly from a rooftop.
    These are wonderful Sandra, especially the first one. What a little sweetie.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    P.S. Thank you so much for the info on the Cedar Wood Rose Flowers. I will be looking for more of them. They really are so nice.

  15. Another wonderful post and how nature "wonders" about things. Birds are so facinating, their behavior, their happiness, and their freedom to live. A lovely robin just sitting their posing for you!

  16. What a pretty picture of the robin red breast - there is something rather special about them isn't there!
    Mary x

  17. Your photography talents amaze me! These are are beautiful!
