3 January 2013

In the Picture: Celebration


The optional theme for this last gathering of a year of self-portraits is: Celebration!

What comes to mind is how important hands are
how they express so many things in a discreet yet meaningful celebration
as we go about our daily lives.


Acknowledging the being of an object
or expressing a heartfelt connection with another being
expressing love and understanding.


The simple and therapeutic art of making bread 
and coming back to our centre and our roots
as we put all our attention into the work at hand.


Our lives are shaped by all that we do.


Celebrating colour and creation
and the soothing movement of the hook and yarn.

a plant, a person
any living being.

Celebrating humour
embracing the experience of meeting this physical aspect of myself
knowing that this is only a part of who I am.
The essence of who we truly are cannot be seen with the eyes
but felt through the heart and soul in a place where we all connect.

Celebrating all those I have met along the way and have befriended.

Thanking Christy who has offered this space in her own life
to allow others to participate in this photographic journey.

In The Picture


  1. A very interesting post, and great sentiments to go with the pictures.

    Thank you for entering your name in my draw. Good luck.


  2. mooi om zo met je gevoelens proberen om te gaan.

  3. Sandra I love how you interpreted this and did a whole series of beautiful hands! Many thanks for joining me on this journey. Happy New Year to you.

  4. This is a terrific way to wrap you the project, Sandra. I love how expressive your hands are. What fun to see your bread making process and the result -- yummy! Congrats on finishing the year!

  5. beautiful notes on hands and celebrations. I love drawing hands and these photos are inspiring.

  6. Lovely shots of your hands, they communicate so much, don't they? Well done for making the year, it's been fun hasn't it?

  7. Love these, your hand shots are so expressive. Well done completing the year, have loved everyone's journey on this project.

  8. Sandra, this is absolutely fantastic.
    Love your thoughts on hands. All those we too often take for granted.
    Really beautifully done!
    Wishing you a fantastic weekend.

  9. I love this! Hands are also a window into the soul! Love your photos - I've always thought how interesting it would be to have a photo gallery of just hands - baby's pianists, coal miners - so interesting!
    Mary x

  10. Awesome collage. I have no clue how to make something like that, but if you feel like sharing-I'd love to hear.
    I love hand shots. During this last year I realized how expressive hands are and find it amazing how much they reveal on their own. Glad I'm not the only one. I also like feet shots too. Not that I don't like faces, these are just extra elements. your series is very telling. My faves are communication and shaping. Well done.

  11. What a beautiful post. Aren't our hands the most amazing things! Hand and hold, words which belong together, have to be two of the most evocative words there are.

    Happy New Year Sandra, and may 2013 be kind to you and yours x

  12. Sandra thank you for visiting my blog, had to check you out. I took a SP class last year and enjoyed it so much. I love the series you did of hands, you are right they are have such great expression. Really cool collage. Looking forward to the new class we are getting ready for.

  13. What a great post Sandra - where would we be without our hands? I love the picture of the flower clasped between your hands and of course your collage is great. I hope you had a lovely festive period. Happy New Year to you!!!

  14. A lovely post...
    In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Hugs x

  15. Hi Sandra ~ Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. What a sweet surprise to come to your blog and be able to enjoy this post. Your photos are beautiful, your words so inspirational, and your hands tell a lovely story.

  16. Such a great post! I love how these hand shots say so much more than perhaps what we normally picture as being "self portraits!"

  17. Beautiful images of your hands, they tell a beautiful story of you! Congrats on completing this year long project! I've enjoyed getting to know you better!

  18. What a beautiful series to finish this project. I can't imagine it was easy to photograph your own hands, a lot of coordination with timed shutter release needed, but you have done so beautifully!

  19. Hi Sandra,
    What a lovely post! Beautifully written and illustrated with your images! Sounds like it was a meaningful project and one you can be proud of completing. There is always satisfaction in completing those long term projects, especially when one has enjoyed the journey!
    K leaves tomorrow, so I will write soon.
    Enjoy your day!

  20. Kaunis Kuva-Sarja.
    Käsien työt - viestit kuvattuina...!
    Terveisin Eko
    Kiitos vierailuista ja kommenteista.

  21. such lovely portraits
    lovely glimpses of hands doing some of the wonderful things that they do
    you are beautiful to see and to read
    and yes, there is so much more to you
    but we can sense this in what you share with us

    sometimes i think how wonderful and essential it is that one of our hands helps the other ~

  22. What a beautiful post, Sandra, with words every bit as lovely as the photos!

  23. Oh these are amazing selfportraits and what a beautiful post, I love it

  24. What a beautiful series, Sandra. We don't always take the time to appreciate what our hands do for us every day. You have captured it here.
