4 June 2012

Traveller's Joy

"Traveller's joy" is the name often used for this beautiful plant which are the words used for
Clematis in Russian and Bulgarian.
This describes the way the clematis loves to travel as it climbs!

The clematis symbolizes ingenuity or artifice, perhaps due to its clever ability
of climbing around trellises and walls.

Clematis also means mental beauty

The centre of the flower is beautiful as it unfolds.
Later in the season, the fruits formed have long silky appendages which are sometimes known as
"Old Man's Beard"
I will have to return to the gardens to try and capture them!


  1. Hello Sandra

    These pictures are wonderfull..... and that intens blue color is fantastic.

    i love these flowers very much!

    warm greetings and a very nice monday,


  2. I love clematis plants
    the flowers are magnificent.

    That blue one is a beauty.

    Lovely photos.

    Have a great week

    x Fiona

  3. Oh, this tugged at my heart. I had a lovely clematis vine growing on the fence for several years, and I enjoyed the blossoms so much. It got devoured by insects last year, and I tried replacing it, but those bad bugs destroy it every time. (sigh) Your beautiful portraits of this wonderful plant will have to compensate. Don't you love the color?

  4. Fotografie stupende! buona serata...ciao

  5. Oh I love these pictures - it is such a pretty wee flower and a gorgeous colour.

  6. Absolutely beautiful, I love clematis

  7. Sandra, these are gorgeous!
    Our white clematis is in bloom now, but we have a very old purple one that does not bloom until mid-August.
    The detail you have captured in the last photograph here is amazing!
    I hope your week has started off wonderfully!

  8. Ah, another one of my favorite flowers!! The purple is perfect - not too deep, not too blue. Your angles of capture are very soft and gentle also, and I do love the final stage of the "old man's beard", when it looks like a puff ball. So beautiful, as always. :)
    Warmest greetings.

  9. I always think the pollen looks like gold dust! Beautiful flowers.

  10. Beautiful set of images. I love the gorgeous colour and I love the angle and shadows on your third image.
