30 May 2012

The Secret Garden

Life is about finding our way.

I feel a heart connection to this first photo because it represents the openings in my life,
the obstacles I may encounter
and the unknown path on which I am moving forward.
It is also about accepting the experiences I am living at this moment, without wanting them to be different,
knowing that they are the learning blocks of life and are there for a reason.
Since there needs to be only one chosen photo for this Heart-Connection monthly get-together,
I offer this first image which represents all that is written here and the other images
 are simply the same subject taken from 
a different angle.

Sometimes there are obstacles we have to go around

We never know what is round the next corner

and we linger awhile and breathe in every detail of this moment,
This is where I am


  1. This is just lovely. Fabulous images - lovely textures and love the greens - and the words go with them so beautifully.

  2. Wonderful captures of the gate and green ferns, Sandra! I like your little parable too. You actually got into the secret garden, lucky you!

  3. I love the photos and the cool green ferns.

    Enjoy them.


  4. Such a beautiful scene, Sandra! I love those worn paving stones with the green coming up between them.

  5. Thought provoking and beautiful.

  6. Your photographs and words are wonderful Sandra.
    Truly a perfect "Photo Heart Connection."

  7. Beautiful Photo-Heart Connection this month Sandra! I love the words, "breathe in every detail of this moment." So sensory!

  8. Love this series of images and what it represents not only for you but I'm sure for many of us as well. Beautiful.

  9. So beautiful Sandra. I love The Secret Garden movie, and this gate could be "the gate" into the Secret Garden. Such wonderful words and photos for the Photo-Heart Connection!

  10. Looks like you're in a good place now, lingering & breathing in the detail..

  11. Wonderful photos and words. Fantastic photo-heart connection, I also feel connected to this photo and what it represents...

  12. I would love to take a walk down this path. Very inviting image, enjoy the journey.

  13. Yes! This is the path, the unknown around the corner, the acceptance that this is what is for the present moment, to breathe in the beauty of the now.

  14. Your image is so inviting, what a lovely path to walk down. I love your words here Sandra. Have a happy week x

  15. I think we all can totally relate to what you've written. What a pretty place to receive that "reminder" that you encountered.

  16. such beautiful words and stunning photo!

  17. So beautiful - the photos and your words. It appears that you have one door open in your life and that you possess the strength to move forward. Absolutely beautiful!

  18. Oh this is beautiful! Thanks for sharing those other images, too. That last one, and your words about being right here now really resonate with me. This is a great photo-heart connection!

  19. I like your photo's a lot and have to take a closer look where you are living, its in one way so familiar and in an other so different. I love your words.

  20. Oh I relate to your connection with this image....about life and finding our way. So many times I'm afraid to go through the open door, but I feel myself getting braver. Thanks for sharing your photo-heart connection with us.

  21. I love the story behind the photo... What a neat and therapeutic idea! Your picturing for "going around" is just perfect. Thanks for sharing :)

  22. Your images and words are so lovely! Sometimes it's hard to step through the gate not knowing where it will lead, but life would be so boring if new things weren't opening for us!

  23. Beautiful image... nice of you share it with all of us!
