9 December 2022

The First Snow of the Season

This week has been a mixture of blue skies and sunshine, but also dull, grey days.
On this particular day, I passed this beautiful tall Beech tree with still a few leaves hanging on.

There were also some pretty Winter Jasmine in bloom.

Two days' ago there was an icy wind blowing
and snow had been forecast!

When I got up this morning around 5 am, I put on a coat before pulling up the blinds
and going on my balcony!
It was indeed snowing and it continued to do so for most of the morning.
I took this photo just before 8 am when the street lights were still on.
The house is just across the road from me.
You can see the snowflakes falling against the dark paintwork on the house.

A pretty snow scene in-between two houses.
The first snow of the season is always so special!

I am happy to say that the roads were cleared by a snow-plough and the paths cleared by a blower.

I had a snug day at home, reading and doing crochet
I lit candles and this one looks so pretty on an orange tablecloth.
The little house is made of ceramic.

I did some reading about the life of a vet
and his love of animals.

This is a beautiful hand-painted Christmas bauble
which represents figs and their leaves.

This week, I visited a friend who lives further down the lake
We went to a Christmas Market and she gave me this lovely candle holder
with the winter trees and a moose.
A thoughtful Christmas present!
Isn't the Christmas card adorable too?

I finished crocheting my winter blanket.
It looks really pretty on my grey couch.

Now I'm crocheting some more squares in the same colours to make a cushion cover.

The little Tomte wearing a long pointed hat, is a Scandinavian gnome.
He was given to me by my daughter.
Isn't he adorable?

The tomte is an essential part of Scandinavian folklore.
He's a little gnome who is dedicated to one home or farm.
He looks out for the farm animals and children of the home.
He patters about by night, unseen, to check on everyone's welfare.

I chose this Swarovski crystal star for my blog header.
It sparkles so prettily by candlelight.

I hope that this month of December is treating you well.
Do you like this time of the year?
Do you have special traditions that you like to honour?



  1. Good morning Sandra, lovely post again. This must be winter wonderland. You are right, the first snow is special.
    Your Christmas deco looks wonderful, so the crochet blanket too. The colors are pretty. Like it.
    Have a wonderful 3rd advent and take care.

    1. Hello Gabi! Yes, winter has come and it was so exciting to wake up to big snowflakes floating down from the sky! I do love the winter time to create festive corners in my home. The blanket will keep me warm in the winter evenings!

  2. Another lovely blog post from you. Your crochet looks amazing.
    The first snowfall looks stunning and that bauble is SO pretty. Was Noel's book interesting? He certainly is an amazing vet. xxx

    1. Hello Sarn! I had fun making this colourful blanket for the winter months! The snowfall was simply gorgeous and I was out on my balcony at 6 am making a video of the falling snow on my mobile! Those handpainted baubles are so delicate and beautiful. I'll be showing a different one next time! I haven't finished Noel's book, but I like his style of writing. Yes, he is an amazing vet, so caring.

  3. I totally agree... there is something so very special about the first snowfall and you've captured its beauty perfectly, Sandra! I sure wish we'd get some snow for Christmas, but it doesn't look like any is in the forecast. I love the pretty candle holder given to you by your friend and that cute little gnome from your daughter is darling--I like how he is peeking out from behind the pillow. And finally--what a lovely, lovely blanket. It looks so cozy and warm in those colors--very cheerful. I hope you have a wonderful two weeks before Christmas ♥

    1. I always get excited about our first snowfall of the season and love watching those big flakes fall from the sky! We're going through a cold-snap at the moment with Arctic air blowing through, so hats, gloves and scarves and thick jackets with hoods are welcome!
      I was pleased to finish the blanket in winter colours and I will finish a matching cushion by Christmas! Thank you for your kind wishes!

  4. What a nice and relaxing Christmas mood here. Nice pictures.

    1. Thank you, Miriam. Cosy days at home are perfect with the really cold days happening outside!
