1 January 2022

A New Year and Longer Days

Golden light for the grey days at the beginning of our winter!
This charming porcelaine candle-holder with bare branches and cheeful little birds
was given to me by a good friend at Christmas.
A touch of fairy lights and a pretty reflection in the polished wood of my sideboard.

When we were going through a series of grey days with wind and rain,
I thought it would be very cheering to take photos of the candle-holders
that have come into my life over the years.
This sweet house was given to me by my grandson a few years ago.

A fine porcelaine village scene with snow-topped houses and a church
and pretty pine trees.
Many of these photos were taken either in the early morning or late afternoon.

This is a flower-shaped faceted glass candle-holder.
The glass is neutral in colour, but it has taken on a red glow because of the red candle.

More faceted glass on a crocheted red mat and illuminating a beautiful snow scene
which is my son's Christmas card this year

A warm image created by a very pretty Swarovski crystal candle-holder
which my daughter gave me.
I made the three red crocheted little bells with silver edging this year.

I bought this Art Deco style glass heart-shaped container
from a Lausanne market stall many years' ago.
I like to fill it with some marbles and a candle and a muslin ribbon gave it a soft, flowing feel!
I have also used this little dish for homemade chocolates or biscuits. to serve to company.

This is the same glass dish in which we can see the glass stem, or stand.

I wanted something light and airy with a touch of gold to celebrate this first day of the new year.
The symbolic message I wish to share with this image is this:
Let's always rise above adversity,
 the flowing ribbons remind us to bring lightness and gaiety
into our lives and to nurture the child within us all.
The white candle makes me think of the white page in our book of life, 
waiting for us to write our continuing life story.
The flame of the candle shows us that whatever else is happening in our lives,
there is always a light shining somewhere to guide us out of the darkness.

For anyone living in the Northern Hemisphere, it's great to remember that right after the winter soltice. the days get longer by an average of 2 minutes and 7 seconds a day.
So that means between December 21 and December 31, we have gained 21.10 minutes of light!
Isn't that uplifting?

In the wise words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who recently died:
"Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together
that overwhelm the world."

I wish you all a Healthy and Happy New Year
filled with light, warmth and kindness, especially kindness.


  1. A lovely post to start of the year Sandra.

    Thanks for the good wishes which are heartily reciprocated.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Happy New Year to you.
    Thanks for the good wishes.
    A lovely post again.

  3. Happy new year Sandra! Your posts are always so calm and uplifting and now I need to search out any and all of my crystal pieces to shine up the winter days! Jane

  4. Thank you so much for our kind comments and good wishes for the new year, Jane! I have found these various candle-holders so uplifting on dull, grey days!

  5. What a beautiful post filled with light and hope for the new year, Sandra. I love your candle holders so much and I'm sure they brightened your longest winter nights. I so look forward to the longer days of January--they give me so much more energy :) Wishing you every happiness in 2022 and many more opportunities for taking your beautiful photographs ♥

    1. Thank you, Carol. Lighting candles in pretty holders is one of the pleasures of this time of the year! It's a lovely feeling to know that the days are already getting longer now. Thank you for your kind wishes for the new year!

  6. Yes, really a beautiful post (as always) and nice candle holders. At the beginning I tried to choose one as my favourite...maybe the one with the little village?....No, it's difficult, each one evoke something in the intimate. And surely for you, each one remind you nice memories about the moment and the place and the feelings when you bought it...
    But a particular "brava"! Sandra for the two handmade bells. I immediately noticed the edging, but with the light around I thought it was gold.
    Happy new year,

    1. Thanks so much, Miriam for your friendly comments. I agree, it is too difficult to have a favourite candle-holder, so I change my favourites regularly so that none are left out! I'm glad you like the little red crocheted bells. There are actually three of them, but the one at the back is out of focus!

  7. :-)) Ah, yes ...the bells are three...

    1. The third one really blends into the background, so is far less visible!

  8. And as always, we wish you a Happy and Healty New Year!! I am trying to catch up what I've missed.... LOL.... Have a great week! :)

    1. Thank you! The start of a new year always feels kind of wonderful somehow! Thanks so much for catching up!
