15 February 2021

Why Blog?

Rooibos tea and a homemade brownie

For some time now, for at least a year,
I have been asking myself why I bother to keep on blogging.
Is it for myself?
Is it for others?
If so, then why?

I started my blog with much enthusiam some years ago.
I met so many interesting people from all over the world.
But blogging has changed.
I can see that many people visit me here,
but very few of them interact or leave a comment.
It's as if the soul has gone out of blogging.

Do I want to continue?

Maybe not.
I may decide to make my blog private, 
just for myself, my family and chosen friends.
After all, they are probably the only ones truly interested in the photos I show
or the words I write.

The above photo is some of my crochet work:
A new hearts garland
and the beginning of a heart-shaped cushion.
If you crochet and are interested, you can buy the pattern at at Apple Blossom Dreams
I have ordered a heart-shaped cushion insert as the one I have is not big enough.

Here is a close-up of the heart with the centre for the reverse side already done.

I have enjoyed buying potted bulbs which develop into lovely flowers for my apartment
like this tiny tête-à-tête Narcissus.

The tulips are always beautiful and exist in so many beautiful colour combination

The Peach Blossom is particularly dainty

One day, I went down to the lake to walk with a friend.
We both wore masks and kept a suitable distance from each other in the open air.
The day was dull and it was cold,
but it was lovely to socialize with someone for an hour or so.

The weather has been particularly gloomy, dull and cold
which makes the present situation  more difficult to bear.

One day, a strong north.easterly wind blew away the clouds 
and we got some sunshine.
I liked watching these bamboo leaves madly blowing all over the place.

On Sunday, our cold snap broke and instead of day temperatures of -5C
We suddenly warmed up to zero Celsius!
I'd arranged to meet the same friend at the lakeside and took down some brownies to share
and we bought a takeaway coffee.

The sparkles on the lake were particularly lovely
 even though the mountains on the other side of the lake were hidden by the hazy sky.

Unfortunately, the gorgeous weather attracted far too many people down to the lakeside.
Next time, it would be wise to go on a weekday and maybe get there rather early and take breakfast!
There are plenty of benches along the lake.

It is a pity to see all the restaurants closed, with the chairs on the tables.
One wonders how soon life will get back to normal.

I did love to notice the Magnolia buds swelling up in the sunshine
It won't be long till they start to open if this warmer weather continues.

A good blog should create a sense of community
It's also a living archive of what is happening in our lives-
A blog requires regular updates.
Am I able to fulfil these things?

If you visit my blog and don't leave a comment,
maybe you would like to tell me what you feel about blogging.
if you have one yourself and/or if you like visiting other people's blogs.

It might help me decide if I am to continue to keep my blog public
or if I shall close it to the public and just offer my photos and my words
to family and chosen friends.

Heartfelt wishes,


  1. I can't tell you or anyone else how to blog or if they should blog but I'm all up for people sharing their blog and not just for one particular audience. But it's your blog so you can do whatever you like.

    As always, I enjoy reading your thoughts and seeing your photography and all that you share here. It's always a treat to see how other people view the world, not just through photography, but words and knowledge and little tidbits about life.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment, lissa. I don't need anyone to tell me how to blog! I can't be anything else but myself - not even to please an audience or visitors. I can just show what I see or create and talk about the thoughts I have in the moment.

      Blogging in the past was so much fun with people interacting and sharing their lives and their thoughts and personal philosophy. I miss that, a lot!

  2. Oh dear Sandra . . . are you feeling a little down? If so, I'm sending a virtual hug your way.

    I agree that blogging has changed and lots of people seem to prefer the more instant forms of social media like Facebook and Instagram.

    For my tuppence worth . . . I love to visit your blog, look at your wonderful photographs and read your calming and positive words. I think of your blog posts as being tranquil little oases in this crazy world.

    All I can say is that blogging shouldn't feel like a chore. If it is no longer satisfying . . . maybe it's time for a change? I would love to be included in your list of lucky friends if you decide to go private.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Not down, Sarn, but I am seriously wondering if it's worth continuing my blog for the general public as there are less and less people who interact - even though the numbers of visitors is still high. Communication and friendly exchanges are sadly missing.

      I know that you are always a faithful and welcome visitor! If I do go private, I will definitely let you know!

      Thank you for taking the trouble to share your thoughts and leave a comment! I will decide over the next few months what I want to do. I have seen other blogs that I used to visit going private and being used just for family. Others stop their blog from one day to the next without a peep. That's always sad.

      Let's see what the spring brings!

  3. I read your blog on my iPad and leaving comments is virtually impossible. I like reading about where you live, the weather and what is happening in others lives. I am sad when blogs I enjoy disappear although that said I was one of those many years ago. I hope you stay. Julie

    1. Thank you for coming in today to leave a comment, Julie! I didn't know that it was difficult to leave comments from an iPad.
      I know what you mean when you talk about blogs you like disappearing. I used to visit at least fifteen or twenty lovely blogs from all over the world and say 'hello' in passing and telling the bloggers the elements I loved about their blogs! It's such a shame because it was a lovely connection. Your feedback has been really nice to have!

  4. I read blogs that are like the old style kind when and if I can find them. I don't read those with mass ads and pop ups. I leave comments when I can, but less than I used to as my health can get in the way. I miss the old blogs they were charming, interesting and shone a light into the gloom that is sometimes reality.

    I don't interact on Instagram or have an online identity and most blogs these days insist comments are made through google, so I am unable to engage with many of them which can be very frustrating.

    I can assure you that I appreciate your time and interactions with us your readers. I hope that you know you would be missed!

    1. I don't know your name, but I really appreciate your visit today when I was wondering if continuing my blog was a worthwhile pursuit.

      I also miss the old style blogs as well when bloggers had friendly chats! I am not on Instagram of Facebook either, just my own blog and a couple of photography sites. It is annoying when blogs insist on comments being made through Google. All these rules didn't exist before. I also had to turn on comment moderation as I was getting some people or companies, wanting to advertise themselves through my blog!

      It was very kind of you to say that you enjoy coming here and finding something that encourages you to visit. Thank you for your voice today! It has been much appreciated.

  5. Hello and good morning. I am also a reader of your blog and enjoy your pictures and writing. Yes, blogging has changed. But please ,keep on blogging.
    I can imagine that you spend a lot of time when posting. And some of your pictures bring back memories to me when I visited Switzerland.
    Best wishes

    1. Hello Gabi! How lovely to see you visit and read your opinion and how you feel about things. I am happy to read that you enjoy visiting my blog!

      Yes, preparing a blog post and choosing certain pictures over others can take some time. As well as any text we wish to add! I am glad that some pictures remind you of your visit to Switzerland!

      It was kind of you to leave a comment today and is most helpful in encouraging me to continue my blog for those people who enjoy coming here!

  6. Hi Sandra, I agree that blogging has changed and lots of people seem to prefer the more instant forms of social media like Facebook and Instagram. But I do prefer the "old fashion" blogs and I like to show my photos and do it just for fun. But I also agree, it was more fun some years ago when I could have 100-150 comments on a post. But I will keep on, now and then, as long as I have photos to show and I hope you do too !!

    1. Thanks for your input, Lasse. I still miss the old blogging days before many people turned to the other platforms of social media. I really appreciate visitors who are leaving comments in reply to my question in this blog post. It makes it more encouraging to continue. I always love to get your visits and comments! Thank you!

  7. Hi Sandra, I am a guilty party. I always love to see your beautiful photographs. I found your blog through seeing your crochet. I will try to remember to leave a comment in future. I do appreciate the time you spend putting your blog entries together. Best wishes, Mary.

    1. Hello Mary! How lovely that you came in today to leave a comment. I love to meet and get to know anyone who comes here to visit. It makes the whole process of having a blog much more friendly and rewarding and it encourages me to continue! I hope to see you again soon!

  8. Good afternoon Sandra, my name is Miriam. I write from Italy. I don’t have a blog and I don’t have social media. I read your blog since...since long time. Forgive me if I did never written...sorry...
    I like your blog, your pictures...it’s all very relaxing and “calming” both you say and show. And...above all, I read your blog because I was born in Switzerland, lived there the first six years of my life, then my parents who were emigrated decided to come back to their village in the south of Italy. Then I spent summer there until 10 years old. And had two quick pop in a few times...the last time I went is 20 years ago. I always hoped you visit my hometown, waiting for some pictures. Then.... I like your blog , because I like England. Its way of life and customs and Agatha Christie, Virginia Woolf and other, and tea ( tank you for the picture above ☺️) and your exchange cards for every event. And, and, and.... I could go on for a lot .
    And , to tell the truth it’s really strange that you wrote this just today, because reading one of your last post I thought it was time for me to introduce myself, don’t I? 😁
    Well, thank you for what you have shared (pictures and thoughts and crochet) during these years and whatever will be your decision I wish the right and the best for you.
    Have a nice afternoon,

    1. My dear Miriam, How lovely of you to write such a big and wonderful comment today! I understand your English perfectly!

      I am so glad that you have been enjoying coming here for some time now and that you find it a relaxing and calming place to be!

      How interesting that you were born in Switzerland! You must tell me where you lived when you were here. Perhaps I have been there too!

      I'm so glad you came in to say hello today, to join all the lovely people who have responded to this particular post! It certainly encourages me to continue and share with you all, places I go and the things I do and my thoughts of the moment. The connection with you all is so important to me and it makes me happy!

    2. My beloved and missed hometown is Biel- Bienne. My family knows that a piece of my heart is still there! :-)
      Have a nice evening,

  9. I have to admit that I don't know Biel/Bienne well at all, but I can certainly remedy that when I'm moving around more and taking public transport again. When I do go there, I will be sure to mention it on my blog and show photos too!

    1. Thank you dear Sandra. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy your beautiful posts.
      Have a nice week end, keep safe and take care,

  10. Yes, as a long time blogger myself, I totally agree, Sandra--blogging has changed as people have moved more into Facebook, Instagram, and now doing Youtube videos. I've come close to "throwing in the towel" so to speak myself--several times. But, I still maintain friendships with old bloggers and there are a few new ones beginning to blog so it's an ever-changing world.

    I blog more because it is like a mini-diary of my life--I can't tell you how many times I've resorted to checking my blog when I can't remember a date of a trip or a link to a recipe :) I also have my blog bound into book form every two years so I can revisit my words and photos when I'm old and no longer know how to use a computer--ha ha!

    You have to do what feels right for you! All I know is that I truly enjoy seeing your lovely nature photos, reading about your trips and Switzerland, and viewing your beautiful crocheting... the blue and pink hear is just gorgeous!

    Good luck with your decision... I'm sure I'll stop one of these days, but for now, I'm hanging in there. Take care now and stay warm ♥

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, for your encouraging words. Other visitors have said similar things and this tells me that it is worth carrying on for as long as I feel happy doing this! I also use my blog as a kind of journal where I can look up things, like lovely places I visited and also my photography and crochet. A good idea to make your blog into book form. Something to think about for me!

  11. Once again such lovely pictures of your beautiful Switzerland, your lovely flowers and crochet! I'm sure it was such a treat to meet with a friend! Your new heart-shaped pillow will look lovely when the form comes in. I like that there's an extra flower for the back of the pillow.

    I've had the same thoughts about my blog. For now, I've decided to continue since my family and close friends like to see what I'm doing. I do know that commenting on Blogger has become difficult. As someone mentioned above, it's almost impossible to comment if you don't have a google acount and even my daughter says she can't comment from her phone. So many people depend on their phones and don't have the time to then go to their computer to comment. I just found these things out in the last few weeks. It sounds like from all the kind comments you received that you do have faithful followers that would miss your blog. Now, saying all that, the best thing is to do what your heart says. If you go private, I do hope I'm on your list!!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. It would seem that I do have followers that come in to view my blog entries and I was most touched that they came in this time to leave a kind comment. It has encouraged me to continue my blog in the public sphere without making it private, at least for this year!

      Our blogs are also a lovely way of looking back on the things we have done, the places we have visited and our thoughts at the time.

      I had also heard that it was sometimes difficult to leave comments on Blogger. That's such a shame.

      I always appreciate your visits, Cathy, and that you take the time to say hello!

  12. I don't remember how I came across your blog, perhaps you were listed on someone's sidebar or mentioned in a blog post. I have enjoyed your posts very much and would be disappointed if you went private. I do not have a blog but enjoy reading others, especially those written by people in places I will never be able to visit. I live in a small town in Kansas USA.

    1. Hello Joyce! How lovely to come in and leave a comment today. Thank you! It has made me very happy to receive comments from people who have always remained silent before. It is good to know that this blog brings something to others, it certainly encourages me to continue. That's really nice to have you visit from a small town in Kansas!

  13. Hi Sandra! It's been a while and I need to catch up with comments on your blog. First, we enjoy every time we visit you and see your gorgeous photos! Second, please leave your blog public, it would be a shame to not visit you, we so much love having you as a friend. And, as you know, so many bloggers have dropped out and no word or reason to why.
    And, besides, you enjoy our recipes from time to time, and we get so excited when you tell us you made one and how it turned out - who else can we count on?
    So, please keep blogging my friend Sandra, and know there are so many people, like us, who love you!
    xo warmly,
    Anna and Liz

  14. Hi Anna and Liz! So lovely of you to drop by and leave such a friendly comment! I didn't realize that there were still a good number of people who liked coming here as the comments were getting fewer and fewer! But now I have receved so many kind messages in this blog entry and it has encouraged me to continue!

    I have your lovely food blog on my reader, so I can see when recipes appear that I know I want to try! Just the other day, I saw Easy Broccoli and Zucchini soup, but when I came to visit, it said there was an error and the recipe was invisible. I certainly love all the recipes that I try of yours and they are always so succulently presented!

    Yes, I was sad to see many of my favourite blogs disappear without warning from one day to the next. A few people warn when they're going to stop. I would do that too if ever the day came!

  15. I recognize your thoughts on blogging or not. It can be a struggle. I sometimes forget how much pleasure I get from it myself, just for me. I love to write, I love to take pictures of my work... If I inspires others in the process, that's wonderful, but I don't want to make it my goal.

    I hope you keep on having fun with it and find a way to make it work for you. Seeing all the comments above I think you have your answer!

    1. Hi Jenn! How lovely of you to drop in today and leave a comment! I certainly love coming into your blog to see your latest creations and was thrilled to see you have started posting again!

      Yes, I have been wonderfully surprised by followers coming in to leave kind comments after I posted this particular post with a question! It's certainly encouraging!

  16. I have not read through all your commenters' comments so excuse me if I am repetitive, but I have troubles reading that kind of ornamental letters.
    I love reading blogs, I don't often comment. Your blog looks like one I would like to follow and savour the beauty of Switzerland through your English eyes. Both refreshingly new to me (a Dane).
    I too have a blog, and have noticed the comments getting fewer and fewer with time. I have never really considered making my blog private, because I'd like those who want to, to read my blog and find what little help and info I can give them. I can see from the statistics, that many more than the commenters read every day, and I have thought about putting the "reaction thingy" where people can just throw a 'like' 'interesting' 'educational' etc. by clicking a box. Maybe this would help.
    Thanks for giving words to this thought, that was topmost in my brain as I read the link over at Lissa's blog.

    1. Hello Charlotte, so nice of you to pop in after seeing my blog represented on Lissa's. Many aspects of blogging have changed over the years as people desert their blogs to go on other social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, neither of which interest me! I don't feel like adding a 'reaction' possibility that one clicks on to release a single word because the thing I like the best about blog connections are the little exchanges that take place!

      I have seen quite a few bloggers make their blogs private for family only. It doesn't give the same dynamic, but it can be nice too, just different.

      I hadn't realized that the font on my blog seems ornamental. Maybe it would be helpful if it was made in a larger size. Nobody else has mentioned this so far. Thank you for your feedback and your visit!

  17. Hello Sandra, my name is Tory:

    I would just like to say that i enjoy reading your blog very much, i don't have a blog myself and i do follow IG accounts because sometimes the pictures ones take are just beautiful as are yours, i do have a facebook account but use mostly to keep in touch with my family. I agree that blogs have changed with ones going the IG route and many of the blogs i followed have stopped suddenly or let us know they are no longer publishing and i do miss them. I am also guilty of reading your blog and i usually don't comment because i don't go through google either. Just be aware that i love your makes and the beautiful pictures you take, i've never been a picture taker as my family will say, too many bits of my thumb and cut off heads, i leave the picture taking to ones such as yourself, i would dearly miss this blog should you stop. I am from the west coast of British Columbia and really enjoy the blogs from around the world that let you peek into the lives and areas that they live in. Thank you Sandra.

    1. Hello Tory, thank you so much for coming into my blog today to let me know that you like to visit me here, even if you don't usually leave comments. So it's really lovely to hear from you now! I am glad that you have pleasure in sharing in a little part of my world and I hope you won't be shy about leaving a comment when you feel like it!

      I love hearing where people come from and I also love the exchanges that take place on blogs. It's a way of meeting others from all over the world and to share in another way of life and see other countries.

      Tomorrow is the first day of March and spring is just around the corner. I will be showing what is happening in Switzerland all through the seasons!

  18. I love visiting your blog. It is like a breath of fresh air in today's world. Like you, I have been going through a time of wondering if I wanted to keep blogging. After a lot of thought, my answer is yes. Mine will be kept small.

    I have always been interested in seeing other parts of the world. Yours is especially interesting since my grandmother came from Switzerland.

    1. I'm so glad you like visiting my blog, Sandy! Having visitors coming in to leave friendly comments, certainly encourages me to continue! Blogging has certainly changed a great deal since I first started, but I am glad that some of us have continued! I love exchanges through blogs! I'm glad you're keeping yours as well!

      So your grandmother comes from Switzerland! What area did she live in? Have you ever visited that part of the country?
