7 December 2020

What I Love About December

Now the days are shorter
I simply love to light candles in my home.
It makes it feel so warm and snug.

The trees are so expressive without their leaves
I did love how this tall Poplar tree just caught the sinking sun at the very top!

I went down to the lake one afternoon and the lighting was very unusual.
Can you see the pale circle of sun hiding in the clouds?
Three seagulls were circling the C-shaped elegant weather-vane.
I find we notice things differently in the winter months.
Don't you just love silhouettes?

I love going for brisk walks in my neighbourhood and catching the mid-afternoon light.
These little catkins will remain tightly encased until the spring.

There are plenty of red berries on the bushes everywhere

We've already had our first snowfall
and I took this photo from my balcony. I chose this coloured house because it shows
up the snowflakes so well.

It's time to get my winter boots out of the cellar again.
By the time I got out to take some pictures of the snow, it had warmed up
a bit too much and the snow was melting very fast.

Another tree in my neighbourhood with a large nest very high up.
Does that mean that the winter won't be too cold?

Just a little higher up from where I live, I found some patches of snow that hadn't melted.
A few lovely Maple leaves were hanging from the tree,
but most of them had already fallen on the ground.

These two had fallen on the snow
showing off their beautiful shape and colour.

While most flowers have finished blooming.
The Winter Jasmine is looking beautiful.

As soon as December is here, I start to crochet Christmas items.
These four tiny Christmas stockings were made for a gift.
Now I'm making some for myself in a different colour combination.

What I love about December the most are brisk walks in the crisp air,
noticing the beauty of the winter scenery
and then coming home for gorgeous long evenings in which to read,
do crochet, make decorations and prepare gifts.

An orchid plant is in full bloom
and when I look up, I notice the lovely petals from the back against the light from the window.

I heard that it's going to snow again very soon
and I shall be outside to enjoy it to the full!

Next time, I'm going to talk about the Lights Festival in Lausanne
and show you some of the pictures that I've already taken of this event.

What do you love about December?


  1. I love each photo you've put in this post . . . Especially the tree with the sun catching its top branches, and the maple leaves in the snow.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Thanks, Sarn. The sun sinks in the sky much earlier now, but I did love seeing the last sunny rays on that tall tree when I lifted up my eyes! Always lovely to have you visit!

  2. I'm so glad you were able to solve the technical problem and post! I love the cold, crisp air of winter, the color of winter skies, anything red, and snow. If only I had snow to photography. I'll just have to enjoy the snow through your eyes! Lovely post and as always beautiful photos!

    1. Thanks so much, Cathy. It was lovely to get some snow - even if it didn't stay around for very long! I'm glad the technical problems sorted themselves out too. I think that blogger was out of order for a while. So I closed everything down and went back later. It worked!

  3. I have some difficulties making comments on your blog....I love your text and your photos. Stick together extremely well I think. I love pretty much the same as you in December. Unfortunately we don't have snow...but I do hope will get some soon...All the best, Lasse

    1. Your kind comment came through beautifully, Lasse. You can't see it straight away because I have turned on comment moderation to delete spam which unfortunately comes through sometimes.

      We only had a little snow so far, but there has been more in the mountains and it all looks so beautiful! I hope we both get some snowfalls soon!

  4. Snow already? It's lovely against that colorful house.

    I don't think much about what I like/love about December as it's always cold and I guess I'm more of a warm-weather person. But I really like how people decorate outside of their houses during December for the holidays.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Yes, the snow has come earlier than usual this year. It must be beautiful in the mountains, but it has been melting fast here in town. I agree, some of the December decorations outside houses are really lovely. We have a Lights Festival here in December. I'll be talking about that next time!
      Thank you for visiting, Lissa.

  5. It's always a delight to see your newest photos, Sandra! Yes, things do look so different in the winter months--it certainly does have a beauty all of its own. I'm happy to see that you got a snow even if it didn't last long. Ours has melted, too, but it was so beautiful while it lasted. I especially love the photos of the birds circling the C. The mood you captured with the light and clouds is so special!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend and more time to crochet. Your little stockings are darling!

    1. Thank you, Carol. It was lovely to get down to the lake, even with that unusual lighting. I was lucky to capture those three flying seagulls around the weather vane.
      I am busy crocheting seasonal items. Some of them will appear on my blog over the next weeks!
