22 July 2019

Flowery Interlude

Where do the days go?
Since my return from England, life has been so busy and I'm not quite ready
to put up my photos from England.
So I thought that a flowery interlude would be something nice to do!
This sunflower is growing in my neighbourhood.

The back view is just as beautiful!

A Magnolia bud discovered on a tree when walking up the hill to the local
Farmer's Market.

A joyful encounter!
Several tall stems of Hollyhocks have been planted by the roadside
at the base of one of the young trees along the road.

A Campanule growing in a planter.
Every single flower I see in town is a real joy to me!

My lavender on the balcony is preparing for a second blooming.
It has been wonderful this year.

A tiny flower among the petals on one of my Gaillardia blooms.
The bees just love these.

For the first time this year, I planted some Coneflowers.
botanical name: Echinacea.
They are very vibrant in colour and represents perfectly
the hot weather we are having right now.
Our heatwave is building up and by mid-week it will reach 34C (93.2F) in this area.
I avoid going out in the middle of the day and am thankful to have fans
in my living room and office here.

Now I need to get out for my early morning walk before the sun comes over the hill!

The little ant.
I added this photos after my walk.
The sun came up rather soon after I left home and I must get out earlier
to enjoy the cooler air.
I did love the sun shining behind this sunflower, showing up the lovely details.
Click on the photos to enjoy a full-screen view.

I'll be back with some highlights of England
when things are a little less busy
and hopefully,
a little cooler!

I hope you're enjoying summer wherever you live.
Remember to drink lots of water!