10 June 2019

My Balcony Garden - June 2019

Today, I'm going to take you into my garden!
The month of June is a good time to see all the lovely colours and flowers
in my Balcony Garden!
These beautiful yellow Primula were planted at the beginning of March
and they have done marvellously well.

A huge favourite of mine are Gaillardia flowers, sometimes called Blanket Flowers.
I had them for the first time two years' ago
but couldn't find them last year.
I did buy three beautiful plants downtown in the Flower Market this year though.
Aren't the buds so full of lovely details?

So charming too when the petals start to form

They are doing so well

and the bees adore them.

I can see why!

My lovely purple Campanula, or Bellflowers, have been coming back for years
in a very big terra cotta pot.

So lovely to have this colour among the warmer tones.

My Edelweiss flowers are doing so well. Most of them are still in bud form.
I still need to find some blue Gentian to keep them company.

The Zinnias are looking lovely.
Three different colours in the same window box




Surrounded by deep blue Lobelia

and white Alyssum

There are dark pink and lighter pink Geraniums

There are peachy pink Begonia

and darker Begonia with frilly petals

My hydrangea, my Mother's Day gift, are turning pink

Aren't those tiny central flowers amazing?

Here is the view from one side of my balcony overlooking the road below.
I was happy to see how much greenery I can see, despite my urban environment.

I'm ending up with a collage of my geraniums that you can see in the photo of my balcony.
I hope that you have enjoyed this colourful visit of all the flowers that make me happy
every year.
Having a balcony makes living in a town very much more bearable.
In fact, I have the best of both worlds really 
with all the useful shops and other amenities in my direct neighbourhood
and the joy of seeing so much green and having the possibility of
growing all these flowers outside.

Do you like growing flowers and plants?
Perhaps you have your favourites too.


  1. Hi Sandra

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful balcony flowers. I especially like the Gaillardia. I grew some a couple of years back but they didn't return. I adore the look of Edelweiss too . . . not something I've ever seen in the UK.

    Lovely view from your balcony too.

    Extremely wet and rainy here today and for quite a lot of the weekend. However, the garden could do with it.

    We are growing wild flowers especially for the bees in two tubs, plus a variety of herbs and salad at the moment.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Thanks, Sarn! I just love those Gaillardia too. They are beautiful from every angle. The little Edelweiss plant has such fluffy little flowers!
    I think that's a great idea to grow wild flowers to make the bees happy! Isn't it lovely to have herbs and salad too!
    Always so lovely to have you visit!

  3. Fabulous balcony garden you have there!

    1. Thanks, Fi. Every year I say I'm going to fill less window-boxes, but I love plants and flowers so much that I haven't managed that yet, despite the work and upkeep! The reward is so great!

  4. Beautiful pictures, dear Sandra! When the boys and I were still living in Siegburg, in the centre of town, I always had a lot of flowers on my balcony too. It makes life in an urban environment so much nicer. Enjoy your flower garden!

    1. Thank you, Marie-Lucienne. Yes, having a balcony in the town allows us to surround ourselves with beautiful plants and flowers and have a herb garden too. It is important to me living where I do!

  5. You balcony garden is stunning, your flowers are so beautiful. I always wondered what Edelweiss looked like. The song from The Sound of Music was always a favourite of mine...

  6. Very many thanks! My balcony is my favourite place to be in the warm months and I eat all meals outside! The Edelweiss flowers are so pretty and very soft to the touch! I don't know how many times I watched The Sound of Music and the song "Edelweiss" is beautiful!

  7. What lovely, lovely flowers you are growing on your balcony, Sandra--you obviously have a green thumb! The photo of those peachy pink begonias is especially stunning. And the view of the neighboring houses is wonderful, too. I would love growing flowers more if we didn't have our hungry deer to mow them down! My husband has been very diligent about spraying the anti-deer spray this year and for the first time in many years, I will have hydrangeas galore! Enjoy your week!

    1. Thanks so much, Carol. All my flowers make me very happy every year! Yes, those peachy Begonias are very delicate and lovely!
      Your garden must be near woodland and nature if you get deer eating your plants! I am so glad to hear that you will lovely hydrangeas this year!

  8. Sandra, you have a lovely balcony with all your colorful flowers and you also have a lovely balcony view! I'm sure you enjoy many hours among your flowers!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I do enjoy being on my balcony very much in the warmer months of the year. All the different flowers give me so much colourful joy!

  9. BEAUTIFUL....I love your colors of your garden. They are all so pretty.

    1. Hello Pam, thank you for visiting my little corner of the world. The colours of my balcony garden give me such pleasure each year!

  10. Yay, balcony pictures! I’d love to see a view from one end to the other showing all these gorgeous blooms together. It must be stunning! Your balcony garden is doing much better than my regular little garden. I have a 12x12 foot space where I planted mostly wildflowers, along with a handful of perennials. My Gaillardia and Lavender are thriving, but my Zinnias and wildflowers are not. Hardly anything is blooming. Maybe it’s all the rain we’re having; we’re 12 inches over our normal June rainfall so far.

    I did try a new flower in two small pots that’s doing well. It’s called Golden Empire Bidens. Have you heard of that? It’s the first flower I’ve planted in those pots that seems to be happy there.

    I don’t know what floor you live on, but do the bees find their way to your balcony? Do you have hummingbirds in Lausanne? I would think both bees and hummingbirds would love your garden!

    I love the center flowers on the Primula and Hydrangea. I’ve never noticed them before. I need to pay closer attention!

    Sandra, your posts often remind me of the importance of ritual in slowing down and noticing the beauty around us, like eating your meals outside on your balcony. We have a porch rather than a balcony, but we rarely think of eating out there. We need to make it a ritual so that it becomes a more important part of our lives.

  11. Yes! My balcony flowers in all their glory! Though the rain has also created a few problems and I have rescued my window boxes more than once in heavy rain or hailstorms! They're heavy things to lift! Recently I have noticed horrid little black bugs on my rose bush and Edelweiss, so I purchased a product to spray (friendly to bees). Oh yes, I get bees and occasionally butterflies on my flowers. We don't have hummingbirds in Switzerland!

    I looked up Golden Empire Bidens and they look like lovely flowers. I wasn't familiar with the name.

    It's true that being in nature or surrounding ourselves with beautiful flowers does entice us to slow down as we want to linger and enjoy it all! Eating on your porch would be a lovely thing to start doing! I always enjoy using my balcony to a maximum in the warm season!
