17 February 2019

Why We Should Get Out More

During the winter months, we often find excuses not to go out.
It's too cold, it's raining, snowing or the sky is grey
and it often feels so much more comfortable to stay inside with a good book!

It's a well known fact, that getting out every day is good for the morale.
Our horizons are widened
We see new things
We blow away any negative thoughts.

This week has been very springlike with bright blue skies and warmer temperatures
so there was no excuse to stay inside!

I heard birdsong and rejoiced!

Also, walking is healthy for us in so many ways.
We breathe deeper
Our muscles get a work-out
A daily walk can combat those who suffer from depression,
It alleviates stress and is even said to improve memory and lower blood-pressure.

My first walk today was right after breakfast.
There had been a night frost, but I did spy some tiny primroses
poking little yellow buds out of the earth and moss.

Tiny wild Cyclamen were dotted here and there among last autumn's acorns
under a big oak tree.

So much to see now with the days getting longer and there's a feel of a change in the air.

Beautiful spring flowers are available and tulips are one of my favourites.
Golden yellow to brighten one of the duller days.

Or these gorgeous deep pink ones splattered with white flecks on the outside petals.
They make me think of raspberries and cream!

I was fascinated to see how the colour changed as the days went by.

Graceful right up until the end.

Do you love to make soups at this time of the year?
I do.
Here's a delicious one for you to try:
400 grams each of carrots and sweet potatoes, diced
1 onion, diced
Toss briefly in 1 tbs olive oil and add
1 litre of water
Salt and pepper to taste

When tender, mix with an electric hand blender,
add some grated fresh ginger root.
2dl of coconut milk and 2 teaspoons of honey.
Heat gently, but do not boil.

Serve with a slice of wholemeal bread and a piece of cheese.
Just think how good this soup tastes after coming home from a walk in the fresh air!

My crochet project this week: tiny envelopes for Valentine's Day
and roses.
Pink for tenderness

or perhaps something with more impact and passion in red.

Are you with me on getting out more?
Even twenty minutes a day is good, but thirty is even better!
Shall we work up to an hour a day?
It's a wonderful objective, don't you think?

Crocheted rose pattern from Attic24


  1. Good Morning Sandra . . . I totally agree with you about getting outside (and making excuses for not doing so). I try to get out every day, but don't always manage it!

    YES . . . I love to make soups at ANY time of the year . . . but especially when it's cold outside. Your recipe sounds lovely, but wasn't sure about the measurement for the coconut milk . . . it looks like 2dl . . . which I didn't understand!

    I thought Spring had sprung yesterday until late afternoon!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Yes, the amount of coconut milk is indeed 2 dl (decilitres) which is a scant US cup. Does that help? My breakfast tea or coffee cup contains 1.5 dl! Measurements from one country to another can be a little tricky!

      We're going through a lovely warm and sunny spell, so getting out daily is certainly much easier! Sometimes we just need to push ourselves, don't we!

  2. Hello Sandra,

    Wonderful images ! The photos of the tulips feel like spring.
    Very beautifully photographed !
    Yes you are so right, during the winter we should go out more !

    wish you a wonderful day,

    1. Thank you, Els! The weather has suddenly become much warmer, so it's much easier to get out and walk and get healthy exercise!

  3. So glad that you're enjoying beautiful spring-like weather and that you've shared these glimpses of spring with us!! The soup does look delicious and the perfect meal after a brisk walk. Yesterday when I walked it was below freezing with a bitter wind in my face. Our week ahead looks much the same! Love your little crochet Valentines.

    1. This gorgeous weather can't last forever, Cathy. We are getting two weeks of warmth and sunshine which feels like spring. It all depends which way the wind blows! March can be very windy and changeable! It's still soup weather though!

  4. I am glad to hear someone is seeing signs of spring. :) You are right about stepping outside and getting some fresh air. I always feel better when I do, but it is hard to get out when it is so cold. We are having rain right now, after some snow earlier today. The weather here just can't make up it's mind! Your soup sounds delicious and your tulips are beautiful!

    1. The tulips have been particularly beautiful this year. Thank you, Michelle! Yes, that soup really is good. I know what you mean when you say that it's difficult to push oneself out the door for fresh air and exercise when the weather is very unwelcoming and really cold!

  5. I totally agree with getting out more, but, I just can't in our cold, Sandra... I truly hate cold weather and so I tend to hibernate until March :) We got another five inches of snow this morning--and although, beautiful, I have no desire to be outside in it.

    Your soup sounds wonderful and I love the crocheted Valentines in their little envelopes--you are so creative ♥

    1. Winter months are the best for creating things with our hands, so my crochet production is at a maximum! I'm glad you like the hearts, thank you!
      I do know how challenging it can be to get outside when the weather is being very unfriendly with snow, icy winds, rain and even icy paths. So I struggle with the elements too!

  6. I have two dogs so I'm always out!! It's such a shame that people don't make the most of the beautiful cold weather. Your soup looks truly delicious!

    1. Yes, having dogs is great for getting their owners outside! I have to give myself a push to go out when it's really cold, but I'm always so pleased afterwards! The soup is really good. You can try it!

  7. Hi Sandra,
    I come here via Els and I was equally curious.
    Beautiful pictures show you and that is where your love for nature speaks.

    Greetings, Helma

    1. Hello Helma! So lovely to have you visit. Thank you for your kind comment. We are just getting the first signs of an early spring here and the weather has been so warm and beautiful!

  8. I totally agree with you, Sandra: the benefits of getting out are well demonstrated. Fortunately, down here, where I live, we have many opportunities to do it because the weather is usually mild most part of the year. I am a member of a group of walkers (we are about 30 walkers) that we meet every 2 weeks to walk some of the routes of the island (there is not only sun and beach here). A member of the group explains to the rest of walkers what we are seeing during the route: history, botany, fauna ... We always get back home happy, oxygenated and grateful each time. Thank you very much for the soup recipe. I cook soups at any time of the year and take them especially at dinners, which are usually very light. I will cook yours without a doubt. You've left the best of your post to the end: these absolutely delicious tiny hearts envelopes, awesome coordinated and perfectly finished. With your permission, I've taken the first of them for one of my Pinterest boards. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Sandra! πŸ’• πŸƒπŸŒΈπŸƒ

    1. Your walking group sounds wonderful and just the sort of thing I like to do! So nice to do it with other enthusiastic walkers!
      The soup is delicious. I've made it again since! I hope you like it too.
      Glad you liked the tiny envelopes with hearts. They are such fun to make!
      Thank you for your visit and kind comments! I hope you have a lovely weekend also!
