18 August 2018

The Fifth Season

The Autumn storms have started and bring beautiful cooler days
to enjoy after a very hot and humid summer.
There's a different feeling in the air and the lighting is changing.
I like this change.

I plucked these three beautiful leaves from an ornamental cherry tree in my street.
I love the gentle warmth of their colours and their sharp cut-out edges.

I love all of the four seasons for different reasons
and also love that the Chinese celebrate five seasons:
Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
and Late Summer.

Behind each of the seasons, there's an elemental energy:
the Five Elements:
Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood

By observing Nature,
we can see these five energies in the world around us
and also see how these same energies are reflected within our own bodies
and personalities.

Late Summer corresponds to the energy of the Earth: Mother Earth.
Maybe that is why I like it so much!


  1. What a lovely photo. I love autumn leaves.

    1. Thank you, Kay, for your visit and comment! I love autumn leaves too, but we'll have to wait a little longer to see them actually falling on the ground!

  2. I do hope we'll get that blaze of colours I love that much this autumn too after the heat an the drought these last weeks. Many trees have shed leaves partially already, but no beautiful colours there! Ah well, we'll have to take what we'll get...

    1. Yes, these leaves were rather lovely. Thank you. Autumn isn't here yet, but the leaves have suffered from our prolonged periods of heatwave conditions.

  3. I love the idea of five seasons, and the term late summer. We are still waiting on the cooler weather, I am more than ready!

    1. Yes, Late Summer is a lovely season to celebrate, isn't it? Our weather is a bit cooler at last. The heatwaves have exhausted everyone! I hope it cools for you soon!

  4. I sometimes define the seasons by the trees because they change from season to season and I've always like when the leaves change colors.

    these are lovely leaves, you've captured them perfectly.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks so much lissa. So nice to have you visit! Yes, the trees are a lovely way to follow the seasons!

  5. Beautiful post. Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. Our daughter was born in November so we named her Autumn Rose.

    1. Thank you, Connie. Autumn is indeed a beautiful season in so many respects! Autumn Rose, what a lovely name you gave your daughter!

  6. I love visiting blogs as I never know what new fact I will learn today! I had no idea the Chinese celebrated five seasons, but it makes sense. To me, late summer into fall is the prettiest time of the year. Love your leaf photos, Sandra :)

    1. Thanks so much for your friendly comment, Carol. Yes, Late Summer is a beautiful season to add, the sweltering heat has calmed down and the pretty lighting is coming into its own before the autumn!

  7. The rich color of the leaves is beautiful. Our trees are still green and our temperatures still can get quite warm. I am looking forward to the changing colors of the trees soon. Enjoy your weather!

    1. Thanks, so much, Michelle. These first colourful years are an exception. Everything here is still green too and the temperatures have been abnormally hot and humid. I'm looking forward to cooler days!

  8. Gorgeous colours of the leaves!

    1. Cherry trees always turn such pretty colours. Thank you!

  9. Your photos and colors of the leaves are beautiful! Summer is long here in Charleston, South Carolina and it doesn't end till late October. It's one of the reasons we moved here. Enjoy the new season! xo

    1. The leaves are only just beginning to change, earlier than usual as the summer has been extremely hot and too dry. I prefer the cooler days of autumn and early spring temperatures! Thank you for your visit!

  10. Beautiful "late summer" leaves! Late summer here is still very hot and humid! I'm waiting for those cooler days when I can get out and enjoy the fall colors!

    1. Thank you for catching up on my recent blog entries, Cathy. It is still warm here too, but much less than during the repeated heatwaves of this hot and humid summer!
