1 July 2018

Photo Journal July 2018: Day 1 - Summer

I thought I would enjoy doing a daily photo journal here during the month of July.
I know that some people like to follow photo prompts.
They can be helpful, 
but I prefer to have the freedom of creating my own as I go along!
I would love you to accompany me on this summer's journey
and I will enjoy following you on yours!

Although the summer season has already started, 
July and August really feel the most representative of summer to me!
There is the mounting heat
The buzzing of the bees
A quieter city with people going on holiday
Very early morning walks before the heat builds up
Straw hats
Good books and taking the time to read them
Cold and refreshing herb drinks

This morning got me out of bed before 5 am!
I opened all the windows of my home to freshen the air and cool my apartment down.
Then a lovely morning walk between 6 and 7 am.
Back for breakfast on my balcony
and now a new book to read outside.
All this spells SUMMER to me!



  1. Apart from getting up SO early, it sounds like any idyllic summer to me!

    Fab photo.

    Enjoy your day.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Hello Sarn! So nice to feel your smiling face and see your little message! Thanks for popping in on this hottest day of the year so far. It will reach 33C any minute now!
    I hope you're having a lovely Sunday!

  3. "Good books and taking the time to read them." Yes, this! I am almost finished bringing closure to my mom's estate and am looking forward to spending some time reading the stack of books that have been piling up on my desk. We're having record temperatures here, too, so I try to enjoy our porch in the early morning as well.

    1. 2 July 2018 at 06:10
      It sounds as if you will soon have some more reading time for those stacks of books waiting for you! Early mornings are the best, aren't they? I'm just off for my early morning walk now!

  4. That sounds like a perfect summe day to me too. Still in my teens I always got up this early in summers, mum & dad still asleep, simply to enjoy the quietness of the early morning, the awakening of the day... My husband cannot understand why, but I still do every once in a while, when I wake up this early by chance...

  5. Yes, a perfect summer's day, especially on a Sunday! The early hours are the very best in the day - before all the other people wake up! It sounds as if you enjoy that still now, Marjan!

  6. What a fun time to do a photography project. Summer, unfortunately doesn't inspire me when it is so hot. But I will enjoy your postings.

    1. Well, I thought a daily photos would be a refreshing change since I'd been getting into a bit of a blog entry rut! It's just about daily life as it happens really!

  7. My time outside is definitely in the mornings now! A summer journal is a wonderful idea! I'll enjoying reading about your daily life!

    1. The summer journal seemed to be a lovely, and also easy, thing to do during these two hottest months of the year. Enjoy your cooler mornings!
