11 June 2018

The Power to Choose

Sunday morning on my balcony!
My favourite place to be as soon as it's warm enough to sit outside!
I'm surrounded by window-boxes and big tubs of flowers
and there is birdsong in the early morning.
I can see trees from where I sit when I turn by back to the road.

I am happy, not only because of all these lovely things, but because I choose to be!

Whatever happens to us in life, whatever our circumstances,
whatever our state of health, we have the ability to choose our attitude
to every single thing in our life.

The book in the photo is a new one that I have recently started.
It reinforces my belief that we are able to develop our resilience
and rise above the hard knocks in life.
Of course, some things are more difficult to bear than others,
but however hard things may seem, our attitude is everything.
We are not the victims of our lives,
but we are the creators of how we want to live.

I love books like this, 
they make me feel empowered.

May and June have been busy months, both with birthday celebrations
and creative occupations.

On the creative side, out came my crochet hook and some new red cotton
which I recently obtained from a local store.

Forty-two crocheted hearts have been made as part of a table decoration
for my son's wedding this August in Switzerland.

I found this lovely rose in the exact same tone of red as the hearts.

There's such mystery and beauty in the heart of a rose.

The weather is already hot and humid
with daytime temperatures reaching 26C but it feels much hotter
because of the high humidity.
Storms have been building up towards the evenings.

This could be the start of a very hot summer¨
It will soon be time to get my ventilators out of the cellar!


  1. I agree we have the power to chose. And every morning is a new day with new choices. We can make a change if we desire to. Lovely hearts and rose.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. Yes, we can choose the attitude we want to adopt to all of life's situations, even the difficult ones!

  2. A wonderful post as we begin this new week. I chose this morning to get up early and go for a walk even though it's already hot and humid! I feel better for my choice and that helps the entire day! Love the crochet and the gorgeous matching rose. We have the exact same pair of scissors!

    1. It's lovely to have the freedom of choice, isn't it, Cathy. Not only in the things we choose to do, but also in the daily happenings, over which we have very little control.
      I remember that you have some pretty stork scissors too! These are my favourite and always accompany my crochet work!

  3. A very thoughtful post, Sandra and one that I truly agree with--we do have the power to choose happiness. I get the most happiness when I'm in nature--watching the birds soar and swoop, feeling the soft summer breeze against my cheek, getting a sudden scent of the honeysuckle blossoms in the air. All bring happiness... And the happiness that being creative and making something all on your own is priceless, too :) Love your pretty red rose and crochet hearts--hope June is filled with many more happy little things!

    1. Thank you, Carol! I'm with you on feeling happiness in nature! It's my favourite place to be, especially since I live in the town!
      When difficult moments or times come our way, we also have the choice to adopt the right attitude to help us get through them. These are the most challenging ones, but those which are the most worthy. The right attitude can be transforming and change our outlook entirely.

  4. I’ve been reading work by Eric Maisel in a similar vein and finding the message of choice really resonating with me.

    I think we, in Ohio, are in for a very hot summer as well. We reached the 90s in May(!), and those are usually August temperatures.

    I hope you will share photos of your beautiful balcony in bloom this summer. The few you posted five or six years ago are still some of my favorites. I love seeing how other people create their homes.

    1. It sounds as if you've found an author who resonates with your way of thinking. I don't know Eric Maisel's works, but I shall look him up.

      After talking about the humid heat here, it suddenly became cooler with lots of torrential rain! It will be warming up again though!

      Yes, I must take some photos of my balcony garden! The plants are still fairly young and need to fill out a little! You still remember my balcony flowers from a few years ago!

    2. Sandra, I'm reading Life Purpose Boot Camp. In it, Maisel talks about how important it is for each of us to choose/decide what matters to us and what is meaningful for us, and how we might then go about choosing/creating those experiences for ourselves. For someone like me, who grew up in a home and culture in which my life purposes were imposed upon me by others, rather than encouraged to develop more organically out of my own personality, Maisel's philosophy has been full of a-ha moments for me. I've also enjoyed his Fearless Creating.

      Glad you're getting a break from the heat. No such luck here yet. I look forward to seeing your balcony garden in bloom!

  5. Oh, those roses are gorgeous - so vibrant and full of life. And yes - I agree with you about being able to choose our own attitude.

    1. Thanks, Fi. It makes life so much easier when we choose the best attitude in any given situation!

  6. The power of choice is so important. Sometimes it's hard to forget that we have this within us, but remembering and digging deep to overcome challenges is so empowering. You balcony sounds beautiful - the perfect spot to enjoy a morning cup of coffee!

    1. Thank you for popping in to comment, Karen. What you say is so true and my thoughts also!
      Yes, I do enjoy my balcony in the warm months, very much indeed!

  7. Congratulations on your son's wedding in August. I am sure you are happy about this. The hearts are just lovely!

  8. Thank you for reminding me I have the power to choose... Your reading spot sounds wonderful. My back porch is my favorite spot to sit, read and watch the birds go by.

    1. Thank you, Michelle, for your visit today! We all have our favourite places to read! So nice for you to see some birds as well!

  9. Que lindos corações. Adorei. Tenha um feliz fim-de-semana.
