30 January 2018

Why Blog?

On Saturdays, I love to have breakfast out before doing my marketing.

Some years ago, when I first created a blog, it was to have a place to put my pictures and connect with other people around the world who also enjoyed sharing their photography.

These days, blogs are being abandoned everywhere and many of my blogging friends have disappeared, sometimes without a word, other times to post on Instagram and Facebook.
I miss by old blogging buddies and their blogs and the easy exchanges we all had with one another.

I suppose I need to ask myself why I blog. First and foremost, it's to have a collection of my favourite photos in the same place for a given period, usually one or two weeks. It's a journal in images.
I also like to write, but to do that I need to be in the right frame of mind, so sometimes there are mainly photos and other times there is mainly writing.  I go by how I feel in the moment.

Is it important for me that others be interested enough to want to visit my blog and maybe leave a comment? Yes, it is rewarding and I really enjoy exchanging with other bloggers and visiting their blogs or sites too.

Does it touch me that I get less visitors and less comments than I used to get a couple of years ago?
I have sometimes wondered what visitors expect to see or read. It is possible that what they find in this space is personally uninteresting to them!

Am I posting here for my own pleasure? Does it really matter if others appreciate it or not?
I do not put up images or write because it's what I think others want to see and hear - I would lose myself and my integrity if I did that. Yes, I am posting for myself, sometimes just writing things out makes me see more clearly, but I do love to get feedback from my visitors when they have the time to linger!

Above all, I need to be who I am in depth and I always speak from the heart, so what you see or read here is really me, not someone I pretend to be!

So for the time being, I will continue this space here, because above all, it's a place I like to be.
When you visit and when you leave a comment, I am happy too, but this cannot be my main motivation. It's a gift when others come in to leave a visible trace of their presence.

This is what I wanted to share today, and these thoughts have been weaving themselves in and out of my mind on the subject for a while now.

I shall be interested to hear your voice and what you feel about blogging today.

Wishing you all a wonderful day and may February bring us fresh thoughts and new beginnings from wherever we were before!


When there is a sunrise or a sunset in my neighbourhood, I first see it reflected in the windows of the building opposite.  
This capture is a recent sunrise.
It prompted me to go out on my balcony and catch the faraway trees
and neighbourhood church steeple:



  1. I too have noticed that people are leaving their blogs or not visiting and commenting as they used to. I wonder if it's because our attention spans are getting shorter? Is life just too busy?

    I just adore your photos from today! And so glad you will continue blogging for a while! I must say I sometimes feel it's time to stop - but I do love the contact and sharing that bloggers have.

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Fi. I have heard a lot of people, that used blog, saying that they prefer the speed and instant gratification of Instagram posting. I think that it's also a question of trends and 'fashion'. When I first started my blog, it seemed to be the real boom in blogging - and then two or three years' ago, bloggers left the scene, either bored or wanting to move on to other platforms that suited them better.

      Thank you for being a regular visitor and for taking the trouble to leave a comment when you visit!

  2. Love the teapot!

    I don't know any of the whys about blogging. :) Maybe just the usual way things change?

    1. Thanks for popping in, Sandi. Yes, I think that some people like change and to discover other avenues! Who knows! We only know for ourselves why we do, think or say what we do!

  3. Sandra, I've had many of the same thoughts and questions that you mentioned here. I have seen a significant decrease in blogs that I loved to read. That saddens me. I've been on Instagram and Facebook and even Flickr, but it's just not the same. I think people have become so addicted to quick social media that they no longer feel they have the time to read a blog. But, like you, I plan to continue mine. As you said, we blog for ourselves and like to share with others. I love when your newest blog post appears because I know I'm in for a treat in words and photos. Happy February to you, also!

    1. Thanks so much for your feedback and kind words, Cathy! I always enjoy your visits and comments and it's a great pleasure for me also to visit your blog! I think you're right about people being addicted to quick social media without too much to read (it takes time) and no need to comment, just click on a heart!!

  4. Hello, Sandra. We met online--gosh, what was it, four or five years ago already?—in a Vivienne McMaster class. I’ve been following your blog ever since. I don’t believe I have ever commented, but this post has inspired me to do so. My mom suffered through a long, slow, debilitating illness, and for the past few years, I had a number of caregiving responsibilities that didn’t allow me enough space to pursue my creative interests. I have often wanted to start a blog, but knowing how little time or energy I had to even comment on other people’s blogs, I knew I would not be able to give my own the attention it would deserve. Maybe someday…and your post has given me much food for thought.

    Anyway, you wrote that you blog for yourself, but I want you to know that your blog has been one of the very few I have turned to at the end of many a stressful day for a small respite, a touch of beauty and calm, and a glimpse into the life of an interesting and talented woman halfway around the world. Especially when you've posted photos of your balcony, I’ve felt myself relax and breath deeply, as if I were sitting there with you, sharing a cup of tea, watching the bees gather pollen from your glorious flowers, and talking about books. I am sorry I have not told you so before.

    I, for one, am glad you continue to blog. I find your pages a gift. I love to linger over a thoughtful post when I can, although I have no patience for the time commitment required of podcasts (and hate the lack of visuals!), and other forms of social media often leave me feeling chaotic and scattered. Blogs are just the right fit for me. Thank you for sharing yourself with your readers, even the lurkers! I hope to be a better participant in your online community in the future. ~Susan

    1. Susan, how lovely to hear from you after all this time! I'm so glad that you find this blog a lovely place to visit! I had no idea you were following. Thanks so much for coming out of the shadows today!
      I was very sorry to hear about your Mum. Maybe you will consider starting a blog at some time or other. If you do, let me know!

      I really appreciated that you came in with your lovely long and very kind comment. That's the lovely part about blogging, it creates connections and exchanges which are life enriching! Distance is no object!

      Hoping to see your presence here sometimes whenever you feel like popping in!

  5. So glad you're not stopping either! I love visiting your blog (even if I do not leave a comment each time), I even revisit some of your blogposts cause I like the pictures so much or because what you've written touched me in some way or another. Your blog is "eine Quelle der Stille und der Ruhe", very serene and peaceful, a few minutes of meditation, quietness, awareness. There is so much hectic around, everything seems to be in a rush, people as well as life itself, and then you post such a plain and simple, but wonderful picture of hyacinths and I feel my inner self quiet down.
    I guess we all blog for ourselves and to get in touch with others. Sometimes we get a bit carried away, sometimes we feel like we've nothing to share. But that's life and when we are (at least a little) true to ourselves, our blogs will mirror that. To me it's getting in touch with crocheters from around the world (I do live with three adult men, who are not quite into crochet...) as well as to socialize in general. I find it hard to get in touch with people in real life (that's why I forced myself to visit a local "knit and natter" group twice a month - turned out real nice) and online it seems to be easier. And when I'm in the middle of a bout of depression it's even harder to leave the house at all. In times like that blogging and reading the blogs of others is my safe and sole way to getting in touch with people. Visiting you always makes me feel better!
    A big hug,

    1. So nice to read your words, Marjan. I am so happy that you find stillness and peace here. Thank you for giving such a detailed comment which I appreciate!
      That's great that you've found a 'knit and natter' group near you. We all need a little social activity to be part of our lives.

  6. Dear Sandra . . . Your blog is a gift . . . every post is like a little present waiting to be unwrapped. I love coming over for the tranquility of your beautiful and accomplished photography and the happy, thoughtful posts you write. I agree with others who have commented here . . . that YOUR blog, in particular, is a brief respite from a hectic world. I am glad you will continue for the time being.

    However, taking a break from posting to my own blog has given me a sense of freedom which I'm enjoying very much, and which I am not inclined to give up just yet!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. What a lovely comment, Sarn! I am so happy that you find something to make you feel good when you come and visit. I had not seriously thought of giving up my blog, but I had been wondering if it still gave something that others enjoyed, or if I was posting mainly for myself! I very much enjoy communicating through images or words, depending on my mood of the moment.

      I'm sure that you are enjoying the freedom from posting on your own blog, especially as you did a rather big number of postings which could be stressful in the long run. So enjoy your freedom right up to the brim and just go with the flow!

  7. I have all those same thoughts about blogging. The loss of bloggers that I loved, but would I still love them today if they didn't change and progress? But I miss the community, it is dwindling and sadly you have to go to Facebook and Instagram to find some semblance of it. Not my preferred method, but I enjoy FB more than Instagram for conversation. I love comments, because often others will see something in my work, that I don't because I am too close to it. I know that I blog to document my growth, to see where I have been and how I have improved. Each year is a new chapter, and I like it that way. I am writing the book of my life as I go along.

    1. Thanks for your feedback, Sarah. We have the same thoughts on blogs disappearing. Yes, our blogs are like our journals and record how we evolve, not only in our photography, but also in the changes within ourselves. They show how we as people, change in our perception of the world and how our thought process changes with our personal life experience. Yes, we are writing the book of our lives...

  8. Sandra, things have definitely changed, but some of what you've said here is exactly the way I feel about blogs/blogging. I am not sure how long I've had my site now, but I am guessing 8 or 9 years, and very early on, I just decided that it was something that I did for me. I told myself that if it ever became a job (chore), I would no longer do it.

    As much as I love Instagram and Flickr (so much talent in both places), I think it is platforms such as these that have lessened blogging. It is very, quick to get the "job" done on these sites. All you need to is click the little heart and move on. Blogging takes much more time, both in posting and leaving pertinent comments when visiting other blogs. In a society that is so time deprived, I think it is simply just easier for so many who still want to be in touch, and don't have (or don't want to make) the time.

    Like you, I will continue to do what is comfortable for me.

    Happy day to you.

    1. Thanks for coming in to chat, Lisa. Everyone is noticing the changes in blogging - and for all the reasons you mention! I don't go on Instagram, I'm not keen on the concept, but I do post on Flickr. Yes, lots of talent there, but exchanges are rare, it feels cold when you compare it to a blog! When I started out here, I was completely on my own and didn't know how things would evolve at all. I agree with you about no longer doing something if it becomes a chore.
      We all need to do what feels right for us. I just miss visiting and chatting on all the blogs that I got to know and love when I first started out.

  9. It is also my experience that there are less bloggers.
    As for the comments, perhaps people are becoming accustomed to hitting the 'like' button on FB and IG. People browse so fast, barely pausing to take to heart what they are seeing. Blogging is still my favorite, though I do share on those two sites as well.

    For me, my arts feel more complete once also enjoyed by others.
    The window photo is so beautiful, as is the sunset image.

    1. So nice to hear your thoughts on this, Tammie Lee. It's all true! FB and IG are the in places to be (except for me!)It's true also that many people seem to be in such a rush and hitting a 'like' button is so easy, but there's no real human exchange, no interaction, no smile in passing. I do love to linger in places or situations I enjoy! I also agree that visitors who take the time to say "Hi" in passing always give us immense pleasure.

  10. It seems many of us continue to ask the same question, Why Am I Blogging? I must admit I have been off and on, more off, the last couple of years but I too miss many of the bloggers that no longer blog. I just seem to let life get in the way of taking the time to plan a thoughtful post.
    I, too, enjoy very much visiting your blog. Your words are always thoughtful and interesting and your pictures a delight. I am glad you will continue to share your life with us. I intend to be more faithful with my own blog. Hugs to you, Sandra...

  11. What a stunning sky in that last photo! Wow!

    I'm glad you continue to blog. I do not comment as much as I ought, but am glad to find kindred spirits, writing and photographing and sharing. I too have noticed a diminishing readership. I used to have 8 or 10 "Sunday Strollers" each week, and I had a busy time adding links and visiting strolls around the world. It is now usually just one other blogger and I, but I like the tradition and I like to have the record of my strolls in a searchable, easy to access, format. So... I stoll on and I blog on. :)

    1. Thank you, Marcie! It would seem that blogs are no longer what they used to be, but those of us who enjoy them like to continue our visits!

  12. I (sort of) abandoned my blog almost two years ago. Since then, I’ve felt out of sorts, not really able to put a finger on my unsettled feeling. About that time I started posting photos on Instagram, to appease my family & friends, but also to document my captured photos. Still, it’s not quite enough to satisfy all my creative yearnings. Every once in a awhile, I check my blog (to see if it’s really there, it is!) but also to review my photo library and daily musings. After reading your post, I believe I’m missing writing my thoughts and ideas for capturing and posting certain photos. Wouldn’t it be a glorious day to see blogs have a resurgence of activity? Should we get this movement going? How?
    I guess, I should post a picture on my blog! Would that begin to satisfy this yearning?

    1. It sounds as if you're really missing your blog, Christine. Why not start it up again? Who knows, if enough bloggers make the effort, things could very definitely start moving again! Thank you for your comment and feedback!

  13. just by chance I looked at my blog today - I haven't done a post for quite a while now - at first I missed all my blogging friends and the opportunity to write - but you do gradually lose the momentum the longer you leave it - as with anything in life. I moved over to Instagram because it takes up less time and time was what I had less of - I have made new friends but because of the nature of the beast it takes time to get to know new people when they only write a few explanatory words to accompany a photo - but it is instant - you don't have to sit for hours composing a piece as I used to in the old days. I doubt I will ever go back to blogging as I have probably lost my readership by now - and who could blame them after so long an absence.

    1. Thank you for popping in, Elaine! I miss your blog and loved seeing the English countryside through your photos! I know that blogs can be hard work and if it weighs on you, it's best to stop. I know I won't be going on Instagram any time soon though. I do love the slow pace of blogs and the way we all connect.

  14. Dear Sandra,
    Sometimes I ask myself the same question from time to time. I too have noticed so many friends blogging for years have just dropped out of site without a word and leaves us wondering for days and even months why, or if something had terribly happened to them. So sad and I miss them.
    Life has become more hectic and I agree with Sarn - your blog is a gift, a sense of peace and tranquillity every time I see your photos or read one of your lovely poems.
    But I enjoy blogging and connecting with people around the world. But it’s very time consuming. I started to blog as a platform to save my mother’s recipes. I enjoy it and hope to continue. And I am glad you will too! Thank you for your continued friendship!! Have a wonderful day Sandra!
    Xo Anna

    1. I loved hearing from you here, Anna! Thank you for your kind comments and your frequent visits to this space here on my blog.
      Like you, I enjoy blogging and connecting with others all around the world. I know it can be time consuming, but also rewarding. It does sadden me to lose many blogging friends which have dropped out for reasons only known to them.

      I think your idea of creating a blog as a platform to save your mother's wonderful recipes is a fantastic idea. So beautiful to continue to share what your mother gave to you in her love of cooking and her love for her family.

      It's always so lovely when people who visit our blogs pop in to say hello and share their thoughts with us. I loved reading your words today! Thank you!

  15. Sandra, this is my third attempt in trying to leave a comment. It always shows up but when I come back to check your comment, it's not here. I am not sure what is going on but if this one doesn't work, I'll just email you...I love your pictures and I love your words...So glad you are continuing to blog...

  16. What a very timely post, and very well expressed. I've been struggling for the last few years to find both the energy to blog regularly, and the time to carefully read and comment on the blogs of others. Like you, I miss the easy exchanges of several years ago when blogging was more the thing. I think I blog for the same reasons you do. I'm also not efficient enough or diligent enough to post over several platforms, nor am I trend-conscious enough to want to follow whatever is the latest thing. (Plus I don't have a smartphone.)
    Your blog is not only the place where you want to be, it's a lovely place for those of us lucky enough to visit! Thank you for sharing so much beauty with us, Sandra. Let's keep plugging away at this blogging thing as long as we're able. :)

    1. So nice to read what you have to say here, Sue.So many of us seem to miss those lovely and friendly blogging days! We think on very similar lines! Thank you so much for your kind words and it is true, that to help other bloggers carry on their postings, we would do well to visit them regularly too! Which reminds me, I think I'll just pop over to yours!
      I also need to prepare another blog entry. There has been lots going on in February and I need to gather my thoughts together to get this blog moving!!

  17. Yes, I noticed as well that blogging has changed over time. Some blogging friends have just disappeared. Some I didn't visit for a long time because "life happened". I enjoy the exchange with other bloggers, but I mainly have my blog for myself - pretty much for similar reasons you do. It's a place to publish my photos and I love to write, even though sometimes it's a drag since I write in English which is not my native language. Sometimes I have difficulties to really express what I want to say and it's frustrating. Sometimes I feel I don't have anything to say at all. There are weeks when I don't post and then there are periods I post twice or three times a week. I do post when I feel like it and not when I "should".

    1. Carola, I just noticed that you left a comment in this posting. I do enjoy blogging - even though so many old friends are disappearing, often without warning or explanation.
      I think that we have to blog for ourselves first and then if other people stop by, it's really lovely to interact with them too.

      I agree that posting on our blogs should remain a pleasure and not be forced because of some rules we impose upon ourselves.

      Thanks so much for voicing your opinion here!

  18. I've been thinking along the same lines, recently. It seems that many of my blogging friends have dropped off - and since moving to a new blog, I seem to have lost others. I enjoy the interaction with other bloggers - it is one of the reasons that I blog. I often remind myself that I am primarily blogging for myself, though, and it's not the number of comments that really matter to me. Some of the connections I have made over the past few years have become true friendships which include correspondence outside of blogging - I am thankful to have these people in my life.

    1. Karen, I think that we bloggers are all of a similar mind. A lot of people have dropped out of blogging. Many of them say that it's because it's too time consuming, others just get tired of doing it. Whatever the reasons of others, we can continue our blogs, both for ourselves and for anyone who passes by!
      Thank you for your comment today!
