18 December 2017

Heartfelt Wishes

There are personal wishes
and universal wishes.

I sat down the other day to see if what I really desired at this time of the year
was anything to do with the usual stressful ambiance of the Christmas season
which seems to be happening  around me, but not within me.
Oh yes,
I love creating decorations with crochet and hook
a few bells 
a candle or two
and beautiful music,
but more than any material gift
I desire the presence of peace and harmony.

On a universal level, like most people, I would like world peace
that no one should suffer from hunger 
and that we would all take responsibility for climate change.

One of the things that we can all do
is to focus on abundance instead of lack
for it leads us to the path of contentment.

What are the most important things for you during this month of December?
Have you tried making a list of your most heartfelt wishes?


  1. Last year during psychotherapy I had to write down 20 most heartfelt wishes and I've never ever reconsidered this list, cause most of these wishes will never come true (and I'm not talking about global peace). And it's so sad really.
    And as to December: I always feel very ambivalent about December. On the one hand I'm happy because it's the Advent and Festive season, full of merry lights, happy colours, joyful music, the pleasure of gifting, etc... On the other hand, another year gone, another year in which one has neither achieved those goals nor had those wished fulfilled - make me very melancholic.
    Ah well, there's always a new year to look forward to, istn't there?

    1. Thank you for your visit, Marjan. I guess the secret is to look at all the things we have achieved and be grateful and not focus on the things we wished we had done!

  2. Your wishes are lovely thank you.
    I have not made a list. Perhaps you have inspired me.
    Always lovely to see the gems you create with string.

    1. Thank you, Tammie. We don't always need lists to live our lives to the best of our ability, but sometimes it's good to pay attention to what is really important to us!

  3. Sandra, I love your list (and your lovely penmanship!) I am a firm believer in acknowledging abundance.

    1. Thank you, Marcie! There's always something to be grateful for, isn't there?

  4. Lovely heartfelt wishes - and gosh, your handwriting is beautiful!

  5. I am loving your Christmas wish list. Always best to feel abundance rather than lack! Heartfelt good wishes to you for the festive period and throughout the year. As you know, I am a firm believer in positivity and the Law of Attraction.
    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Thanks, Sarn. A little bit of gratefulness goes a long way in making us realize how lucky with are in so many respects! Thank you for your seasonal wishes!

  6. I have definitely learned over the last few years contentment. A few nice outfits are better than a closet full that I will never wear. I am not one for much shopping anymore, happy to spend that time with my camera instead.

    1. thank you for your visit, Sarah!We don't need much at all to feel contentment, do we?

  7. A wonderful inspiring list, Sandra! You know how I love making lists! I did make a list of special things I wanted to do this season like making peanut brittle, crafting ornaments with grandsons, and such, but I have not made a list of special wishes. I'll be starting my heartfelt wish list today! It made me smile to see your actual handwriting. As Fi said, it's beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Cathy! Yes, a list of the things we want to do is useful, but a heartfelt wish list felt like something simpler and deeper, closer to the heart.
      On my to-do list there are mince pies to bake and choosing which hand-crafted ornaments I will put up around my home, some of them are already in place. Doing crafts and cooking with your grandsons is so rewarding and creates lovely memories for them later on and moments that we, as grandmothers, will never forget!

  8. A wonderful list. I should probably start making lists of goals, ideas and other things. Not so much that I would accomplish them all but to be reminders of things I want to do during the year because I know that something new will come up and the old idea or goal will be lost. A way to hold myself accountable to making the time to do the items on the list. Lovely bells!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mary. It's not so much a list of things to do, more of a reminder of how I wish to be, with music, candles and fairy lights added for the season!

  9. Being grateful for all I have right now is a lovely place to be, although it can be hard to stay there all the time. :) This time of year I like to look back at what I have learned in 2017 and what I can do better or create new for 2018. Merry Christmas!

    1. It sounds as if we're thinking along the same lines, Michelle! Happy Christmas to you also!
