11 October 2017

Colour Me Autumn!

Let's start with the Tulip Tree against a clear October sky

and zoom in on the top of the tree to get the full golden glow

Or an early evening walk past an orchard in shades of spring
yet the leaves in the foreground tell us otherwise

So gorgeous when the golden leaves take on a burnished hue

Maple leaves showing us their transition of the season

Many leaves are falling and we can see next spring's buds against the sky

Three little berries that the birds will soon find

and a Ginkgo biloba turning gold in front of the local school

A glorious show of red Maple leaves

like flames against the blue of the sky

A close-up of some beautiful colours in the park.
Persian Ironwood turn the most marvellous colurs in the autûmn.

Standing on tiptoe to capture these leaves at the top of a bush in the evening sun.
Persian Ironwood again (Parrotia persica)

As soon as I see the start of a sunset, I grab my camera to try and catch
the rapidly changing colours.

The sunsets have been exceptional

and I have often rushed out right after supper to capture them  in nearby streets
where there are less obstacles of buildings.
I have to move fast before they fade away! 

Coming home through the park, I was suddenly dazzled
by this wonderful sun-flare through a gap in the tree trunk.

We have been having an exceptional month of October with temperatures
varying between 18-22C.

I've been collecting seeds from the plants on my balcony garden.
These remind me of little parachutes and are so pretty!

Returning from my early evening walk, I caught the first signs of the pastel sunset¨
in these reflections on a wall behind a young Ginkgo tree.

Pink anemone against a backdrop of autumnal bokeh

Here's my little owl mascot holding up an autumn leaf!

I hope you're all enjoying the wonderful colours of the season wherever you live.

I shall be taking a short blog break as I'm going on holiday at the end of the week.
See you again at the end of this month!

Till then, enjoy the wonderful season!

All photographs have been taken in my immediate neighbourhood.
Who would have thought that there was such beauty on the upper part of town?


  1. Aaaah - this abundance of colours... I love it! Makes me fell happy and smile!

  2. Thank you, Marjan! Autumn's colours make us all happy!

  3. Gorgeous vibrant colors, Sandra.
    Have a wonderful holiday!

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! I love the vibrancy of the autumn palette!

  4. Such gorgeous colors, my favorite part of fall.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. Yes, autumn is especially wonderful this year, possibly because there has been little rain and the leaves are not being drenched. The temperatures too are in the low twenties (Celsius) which is unseasonably warm.

  5. The colors are gorgeous! I love the blue sky with the yellow leaves and the close up of the leaf where you can see all the details. It is amazing how we can find beauty right in our own neighborhood!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Yes, it's a marvellously luminous and colourful autumn. You're right, neighbourhoods can contain all the loveliness we need without going further afield!

  6. all lovely photos, I like all the colorful trees, they make everything so warm looking.

    hope you have a lovely holiday.

    1. Thank you, lissa. This autumn has been particularly beautiful with blue skies and amazing autumn colours everywhere which seem to change daily.
      Thank you for your kind wishes for my holiday!

  7. Absolutely stunning colours and photography Sandra. Enjoy your break.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Thank you, Sarn! The autumn colours have been, and still are, magnificent this year!

  8. Such an incredible array of autumn photographs!
    Each one a joy to see. I would think of I love this one and must mention it, only to see another that I feel the same about. Absolutely beautiful.

    I wish you a wonderful time away.

    1. Thank you, Tammie Lee. Everything seems to be particularly beautiful this autumn and the temperatures are still rather warm for the season!

  9. The blue skies of October are the most perfect counterpoint to the color of autumn leaves. Your photos are beautiful! Enjoy your holiday!!

    1. Thank you, Lee. This month of October has been so vibrant in colour and warm too.

  10. Gorgeous autumn colors! There is not much color showing here yet, mostly because it's still so hot. I'm hoping cooler weather and beautiful color will get here soon!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. The colours here have been exploding for a few weeks now and some of the trees are beginning to lose a great deal of their leaves!

  11. Beautiful photos Sandra. The colors are gorgeous! Have a wonderful relaxing holiday!

    1. Thanks so much. I love the way autumn gives us such beautiful colours before Nature takes a rest in which to prepare spring!

  12. Your world is an utter delight!

    1. Thank you, Fi! Autumn is such a delightful time of the year!

  13. Our sunsets have also been exceptional this past week - and like you I've been rushing out of the house to catch that precious ten minutes of fiery sky before the clouds turn ashy and grey. :)
    Thank you for this feast of colour and beauty. The header photo is wonderful. I love to see red leaves with the light shining through them.
    Enjoy your time away!

  14. Thanks, Sue! The leaves are starting to fall now and I'm dashing out to catch them before they become a carpet of colour and before the rainy days start to get serious!

  15. Love all your colorful photos...they remind me of when we lived in New England. Now that we live in Florida, my world is mostly green.

    1. Thank you, Karen. Florida must be so different from New England. I do not like the heat so I'm relieved that we have the four seasons in these parts! I've heard that New England is extremely beautiful!
