7 August 2017

The Open Window - Scene & Story - July 2017

When I see this open window in the old stone house,
it reminds me of the importance of remaining open.
To open myself to new ideas,
to see things from another point of view
and to let the fresh air into my way of being and thinking.

we need to reflect on how our life journey is unfolding.
Going out walking always helps me see things more objectively.

Every morning when I get up and a new day greets me,
I open the windows in my home
to feel the peace of the early morning and go on my balcony
to look up at the sky.
In the warm season,
I say good morning to all my flowers.

I say to myself
that whatever this day brings,
I will do my best to accept the events as they come to me,
not fighting the unexpectedness of how life happens,
but looking at things with new eyes 
and adapting to how they actually are
and not how I had imagined them to be.

An open window allows me to connect to life around me
and to live each new day with open-heartedness and acceptance.


Joining Sarah at Paisley Rainboots and Lee at Sea Blue Lens
for the monthly Scene and Story.


  1. An open window has a very own atmosphere. When I walk passed one, I automatically become quiet cause I do not want to intrude upon the world behind that open window. An open window kind of symbolise an open heart, being open to the world, being welcoming, friendly and confident.

    1. Exactly. You have entered my own vision of the symbolism of an open window. Thank you for your morning visit, Marjan!

  2. Good morning Sandra. I love your positive outlook on the world and your vision of open windows is enlightening.

    Happy Monday to you.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Thanks, Sarn. Always so lovely to get your friendly visit at my place!

  3. I love going to for early morning walks to quiet my mind, especially when pondering something big, it does help me to be open to possibilities. Great window.

    1. I love this window too, Sarah. It already tells a story without any words!

  4. I love everything about this, Sandra. The photo is beautiful and invites me to stand in front of the open window and look, admiring the shutters and the flowers, perhaps catching a glimpse of whoever lives behind the vine-covered stone walls. Your story reflects my own philosophy of life, though I've never articulated it so clearly and well. Thank you for sharing yourself here.

    1. Thank you so much, Lee, for your most thoughtful comment!

  5. Aside from the beautiful picture you shared, I love the sentiment of not fighting the unexpectedness. I love in that space sometimes. :)

    1. Thank you for your visit and comment, Rachel. We are becoming so wise!!

  6. Beautiful picture! And these are very wise words, Sandra. Opening the windows to what life brings us and receiving it with open-heartedness and acceptance, I believe that is the key to Happiness. Thank you so much for such a beautiful reflection. I wish you a wonderful week, dear 🌸 🌸 🌸

    1. How lovely to see you visit and leave some lovely words here! Thank you for the cute little flowers. They could be crochet work!!

  7. Wise words and such a gorgeous photo!

  8. Beautiful photograph, Sandra, and I love the analogy.
    Happy day to you!

  9. This is such a lovely photo and you always write the most beautiful words. Being open what happens each day is a wonderful attitude for living a contented and peaceful life!

    1. Thanks for your visit, Cathy! Accepting the things we cannot change is the only road to peace.

  10. Hello Sandra! So nice to see you! Hope you are having a lovely summer! We moved to wordpress and it has been overwhelming to say the least, and hope its all worth it. our new site is now just 2sistersrecipes.com No longer with blogger.

  11. Hi there both of you. Thank you for your visit! We're having a very HOT summer! I shall come and visit you shortly on your new site!

  12. lovely thoughts on being open.
    such a dear window and photo.

    1. Thank you, Tammie Lee. An open window can mean so many lovely things!

  13. Sandra, I love your thoughts upon this beautiful image of the open window. This window is so European, and looking at it I realize (again) how much I miss those windows with windowboxes and shutters. Here so many people rely on air condition and never seem to open their windows. I love to open up the windows in the morning and let the early breeze in, and again the same in the evening if the day is too hot for having them open all day. My favorite days are those when temperatures allow us to leave the windows open all day long. It reminds me of home (which still is Europe).

    1. Carola, I know the joy of living with all my windows open, even at night! The only time I keep them closed is at the hottest time of the day when we're going through one of our numerous heat-waves! No air-conditioning units here! I also open everything early mornings and in the evenings.

      I have to say that I do love living in Europe, even though I'm not living in my place of birth. Switzerland is my adoptive country and I feel very at home here.

  14. Love this photo. Love your thoughts on being open too. The perfect pairing.
