23 July 2017

Through the Eyes of a Child

The little boy was on the same steam-boat outing as me.
I couldn't help but notice how long he sat quietly
watching the paddles on the boat churn up the water.
He put up his hand as if to touch the splashing water and left his hand
on the glass a very long time. He could certainly feel the vibrations.

When we look at the world around us as though we were seeing things
for the the very first time,
just like a small child discovers everything around him,
we are able to enter into a state of childlike wonder.

As a child, I remember how shadows were created by sunlight
and how the moving changing patterns fascinated me
allowing me to be totally immersed in the moment.

Just the other day, I poured myself a glass of water when I got up
and stopped to admire the shapes and reflections on the kitchen top work surface.
I thought how beautiful they looked.

Slowing down on my walks allows me to notice tiny insects, butterflies and bees
on the plants and flowers I pass.
It's lovely just to linger awhile and wonder about the sort of life they live.

I notice how a beautiful flower is at the end of its cycle
and how the centre is a source of interest and beauty
once the petals have taken on a more discreet role.

Sometimes the filtered sunlight in the background 
fills me full of awe
before I even notice the pollen-filled centre and the luminous petals of this 
Rudbeckia flower.


"To reclaim our childhood wonder, we need a way
 to let go of our judgements and return to a beginner's mind.
How can we do that?
The best way is to let a child teach us.
If you have the opportunity, spend time with a child.
Go for a walk with them and notice how they approach the world.
Photograph the wonder in their eyes."

This quotation comes from the book entitled:
by Kim Manley Ort.

I am reading this book and following the weekly exercises
through my photography.
It is allowing me to pause, focus and connect to all that is around me.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your visit, Sarn! Always nice to see you!

  2. Your photos are awesome, Sandra. I especially like the fluid glass reflections and the last stage of a flower.


    1. Hello Yoko, thank you for visiting this space and for your kind comment!

  3. Dear Sandra,
    don't know whether children focus an the same details as we do. Cannot remember the boys ever noticing dewdrops on the petals of a flower or the magic of filtered sunlight in the woods (they saw gnoms, trolls and fairies instead). If I'd be looking through the eyes of the boys when they were young, I sure wouldn't be able to appreciate your amazing pictures.
    Have a lovely week,

    1. Thank you for your visit and your comment, Marjan! I was actually remembering my own childhood and what attracted me. I have also observed my own children and my grandson when they were all very small and, through them, I have been able to see all these things which have attracted their attention! They were always interested in moving shadows and light and insects and how the sun illuminates things.
      As a child, sheer curtains and windows were always fascinating to me!

  4. Such beautiful photographs, Sandra.
    I know for sure that if it not were for my camera, I would be missing so many wonderful things.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Lisa. That's so true, our cameras make us more aware of everything that is around us. Thanks to them, we enter into the tiniest details that are often passed by!

  5. My slowing down has led me to watching the ducks this year.

    1. Hello Sarah, so nice to have you visit! Slowing down allows us to see and enjoy all sorts of lovely things, including the ducks!!

  6. Lovely observations! Oh - to live our whole lives in a state of wonder!

    1. Thanks, Fi. Yes, living our whole lives in a state of wonder would indeed be beautiful!

  7. Photography has definitely brought to me a sense of wonder. I'm fascinated by the colors and details. All your photos are wonderful, but I especially like the pretty pink flower decorated with that most unusual insect with pink dots! What an amazing find!

    1. So nice to have you visit, Cathy. That insect with the dark pink dots is called a six-spotted burnet moth! It is quite amazing as it matches the colour of the cone flower!
