7 May 2017

In the Palm of My Hand - Scene & Story April 2017

What are you thinking with that serious little face as you look at the photographer?
Can't you see that it's your daddy holding a black box?
He's sure to be making silly faces to make you smile!
But you look back gravely, wondering what all the fuss is about!

Ah! Little girl, if I could be your Fairy Godmother 
and bestow upon you only love and laughter in your life,
I would do so.

There are so many years ahead, so many things to learn.
That is what it's all about really. Learning.

Life is unexpected and it meanders where it will and we follow as best we can.
There will be laughter, there will be love and that is what keeps us going
when the times are tough.
You believe me, don't you?
You see, I know these things for I have lived them.
My years have often been filled with laughter and I have loved and been loved.
There have been tears, but the joy for life has always returned.
This is the resilience we learn through our life experiences.

I look at you with emotion and tenderness, holding you protectively.
Accepting, for the most part, what has been
 and doing my best to live each new moment
with an open mind.
No one knows what lies ahead, ever.
But we continue our journey - taking just one day at a time.

I hold you in my heart, little child, looking at me in the palm of my hand.
Don't be afraid, it will all turn out just as it should.

Here we are, little you and grown-up me. 
One and the same for all eternity.

Baby photo taken by my dad and mounted on a cut-out piece of aluminium.
I was told that this photo was always on his desk when I was little.


Joining the monthly Scene and Story link-up
with  Lee at Sea Blue Lens
and Sarah at


  1. What a sweet photo! And such wise words to self too.

  2. Sandra, this is such a profound and moving piece. I have tears in my eyes as I read it. I can't help seeing my own baby photo in my mind, seeing myself then and now, and thinking of all that has come between. I love the way you speak to your baby self with such love and encouragement, and reassurance that "it will all turn out just as it should." Just beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment, Lee. I am touched!

  3. I agree with Lee. "Profound and moving," indeed. What a lovely way of supporting yourself.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, Rachel.

  4. Great reflection on your life, and thoughts you would say to your younger self. I love the fact that your dad took this photograph, and always kept it on his desk.

    1. Thank you, Sarah. I remember so well seeing my dad with the black box that was a camera in those days! It touches me to see this little girl on the brink of life wondering what it's all about!

  5. I absolutely love this and it brought (many) tears to my eyes! Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts. Think we were both on the nostalgia train this month

    1. Thank you for your friendly comment, Jeanne!

  6. What a wonderful post this is, Sandra.
    Thank you for sharing, and have a wonderful week!

  7. I completely agree with Lee's comment and couldn't say it any better. I had to think back to one of the photos of myself as a little girl sitting on a tricycle while reading your words, about all the things that happened between then and now, good and bad alike. The loving attitude you have toward your self is beautiful and something we should all have.

    1. Thank you, Carola, for your comment. It's amazing how we feel when we look pictures of ourselves when we were very tiny and this story reminded you of when you were a little girl sitting on a tricycle! thank you for your kind words!

  8. I love this! And what a lovely bit if knowledge knowing that your father had it on his desk always and loved you.

    1. Thank you for visiting and yes, I loved knowing that this little photo was on my dad's desk. I was his first-born and so being a dad must have been a special experience for him. My brother was only born six years' later.

  9. Oh dear, such a touching post.
    It's odd to look at a picture of oneself taken so many years ago knowing all what has happened in between, good things and bad. Deep inside one would like to keep the child from harm, but all those experiences - good ones and bad ones - have turned one into the person one is now and one wouldn't be the same person if one hadn't lived through all these experiences. Thank you for sharing this with us.
    Have a lovely time,
    P.S.: You're so lucky having so many good memories of your dad.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Marjan. Yes, we are the result of all our life experiences and we continue to evolve and change throughout our whole life!

  10. Beautiful! Your words remind me that we are the sum of our experiences, both good and bad, they all help us grow into who we are today. How sweet to know your father held the same picture in his hand and thought of you each time he did.

    1. Thank you, Michelle. Yes, we are definitely the sum of our experiences. My dad was very much part of my growing up and guided my path in those early years. His children, and then his grandchildren, were very important to him.

  11. Wow! we should all take some time to talk to ourselves in such a way. Perfect!

  12. How sweet is your dad to keep you on his desk. Everyday I think of my father - who held on to photos like they were his precious diamonds. He was the photographer in our family. Your poem is beautiful!! Wishing you a blessed week! Xoxo

    1. So nice to see you visit! Thank you for your sweet comments. I love how your father held onto photos like they were his precious diamonds!

  13. I love imagining this photo on your father's desk.
    It is quite dear.

    Your words are full of heart, care and wisdom.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Tammie. Such a lovely comment from you!

  14. Sandra, I love this picture and your story! You were such a beautiful little girl and as a woman you are beautiful both inside and out!

    1. Cathy, what a lovely and kind comment. Thank you!

  15. What a darling little story, and what lovely photographs Sandra!
    I have a lot of catching up to do on your blog, and I hope all is well with you!
    Kate :}

    1. Thank you so much, Kate! Nice to see you around again! Yes, all is fine around here. Today was Mother's Day and tomorrow I celebrate my birthday! I hope all is well with you also!
