20 March 2017

The Spring Equinox - 2017

meaning "equal night".
It happens when the sun shines directly on the Earth's equator,
providing equal amounts of day and night time 
to both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

From March onward, the days will get longer until the summer soltice in June.

At this time of the year, there are many beautiful flowers which could represent
the first day of spring.
Down by the lake recently, I saw the first Magnolia tree starting to bloom.

These particular flowers are particularly vibrant in colour
they quite take my breath away!

As the petals open to reveal the stamens, the petals become paler
and have this wonderful transparency about them.

These opening buds were on the lakeside and got more sun.
On the other side, the buds were still quite closed.

I hope you are enjoying spring wherever you are.

Happy first day of spring to everyone who comes my way!

I just learned, from a fellow photographer, that the lovely yellow blossom above
is called Spiked Winterhazel or Corylopsis spicata!

I have been very busy with a new project during this last half of March
which meant that I didn't do a new blog entry.
I will be posting again at the beginning of April!

14 March 2017


With these warmer and longer days, Nature awakens from her winter's sleep.
That's what I love about the seasons, there is always something new to enjoy.

Snowdrops are one of the first flowers to appear,
real harbingers of spring getting ready underneath the nurturing soil.

Wild anemone emerging from the depths of last year's fallen leaves.

Primroses are also early spring flowers. I found these growing out of a very tiny crack in a wall.
I love it when plants find a place to grow when there is seemingly no visible earth.

Sweet violets that I remember picking as a child and putting them into the smallest
thimble-sized vases!

Last year's fern has developed new green leaves, perfect for yet another crack in a wall.

Crocus are just everywhere. I saw these in the park.

Many little pale purple heads hiding an astonishing orange centre.

The buds are positively swelling and some young leaves are bursting forth

It's a little early for blossom still, but these were growing in a sunny spot.

At last!
The golden daffodil
just starting to open down in the park.

Crossing the foot bridge near me at the start of one of my outings, 
this beautiful Siamese cat. He was sitting on a pile of branches looking up at the people
passing on the bridge.

Among all these colourful and cheerful spring blooms,
 I noticed these dried hydrangea flowers and thought how beautiful they looked
against the pale blue sky.


A few words on awakening:
"Since ancient times, the term awakening has been used as a kind of metaphor
that points to the transformation of human consciousness,
The word Buddha comes from the Sanskrit word Budh,
meaning 'to be awake'.
So Buddha is not a name and ultimately not a person,
but a state of consciousness"

words by Eckhart Tolle

5 March 2017

The Old Door: Scene and Story - February 2017

The old door sighed,
not a sigh of lassitude, but rather one of serene contentment.
It had lived its life from a young sapling which had grown into a fine oak tree in the forest.
One day, it was decided that the tree was big enough to cut down.
It was then transported to the lumber mill, cut into planks
which passed into the hands of capable and talented carpenters.
A fine door was made.

It could be seen from the patina on the surface of the wood,
that many years had passed, one hundred and fifty to be exact.

The door's constant companion, the rather elegantly shaped door-knocker,
had been there right from the start.
There was quiet, understated beauty in the harmonious lines and design.
despite the now tarnished appearance.

The old door and the knocker had retained the wondrous charm of days long gone by.
They both remembered ladies in crinoline dresses
holding up lacy edged parasols against the sun,
for it wasn't fashionable in those days to have a suntan.
They had witnessed suitors coming to visit the young ladies
living in the house, quickly adjusting their appearance before knocking on the door.
There had been many a shy kiss exchanged on the now worn door-step.

Horses and carriages had passed by in those early days.
Neither the door nor the knocker had become accustomed to the noise
and smell of cars and how they polluted the air.
"What is the world coming to?" they said to each other.

Yet here they are, holding strong, still together after all these years
facing the changes over time philosophically,
conscious of the joys and suffering of humanity 
and hoping their steady presence had been of some comfort and reassurance in times of need.

Neither of them knew what the future reserved,
but this did not worry them.
Through their intuitive inner wisdom, they knew that the only reality
was that of each new day
and that was the secret of their constant contentment.

On the first Sunday of each month, I join Sarah at Paisley Rainboots and Lee at Sea Blue Lens
for Scene and Story with a favourite photograph from the past month 
and the story it inspires.
Read other stories too on this monthly link-up.

It's story time again!