20 February 2017

The Little Things Around Us

Beauty is all around us to awaken all our senses
but how often do we think about the beauty of all the little everyday things?
We sometimes just take them for granted, or don't even notice them.

A simple needle and thread which is taken out and used
Do we really see it?
We may appreciate how useful it is and even look at it
differently one day and see how aesthetically lovely it can be in its simple way.

Matches are in most households
I keep this little decorative box in my living-room,
always on hand to light a candle.

There are so many useful little tools in my kitchen area.
One of my favourites is this small ginger-root grater.
I use ginger a lot, both in my cooking and in warming winter drinks.

Another little item in constant daily use is my individual herb tea filter.
It's great for making just one big mug of delicious peppermint or lemon verbena.

The humble pencil sharpener
I just love using pencils, especially freshly sharpened ones.
How pretty the little curls of pencil shavings appear.
I can hardly bear to throw them away and have been known to keep some
in a small glass bowl on my desk just to look at their shapes and texture
and see how they catch the light!

"Great oaks from little acorns grow"
I love to collect these in the autumn
and keep them in a small pottery bowl to enjoy them each time I pass by.

There are other little things which are so important, like exchanging a smile with someone
sitting next to us on the bus, maybe even saying a few words.
A small gesture of help, like holding a shop door for a mother 
with a pushchair
or being thankful when a younger person stands up to let me sit down
in the metro lurching dangerously forward as it sets off!

It's the little things in life which have enormous importance
They influence the way we feel.
By noticing all these things as we go about our daily life,
it adds new meaning into all we do.


  1. You capture the essence of life in these small essays.

    1. Thanks, Fi. Yes, these little things do rather represent the essence of everyday life, that's a very good way of seeing them!

  2. what with us always staring at screens and gadgets, it's easy to overlook the little things; I do like newly sharpened pencils even though I don't use them all that much.

    I still keep the small stuff animals around even though I'm too old for them but they're nice to have around, however little they add to the place

    have a lovely day.

    1. I feel that all the little things we use and enjoy make us more appreciative of these things. Many little things in our everyday lives are important to us, we all have our personal favourites!

  3. Precious everyday things. I too love a sharp pencil, but you will make me look at the shavings twice the next time I sharpen my pencil.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I find that all these little details of all these things can bring us joy!

  4. Perfect and poignant. Love your wise words and captivating pictures Sandra.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Thanks, Sarn! Knowing you, I'm sure you love freshly sharpened pencils too!

  5. You've made these small, ordinary things look beautiful! This adventure has certainly made me realize how important these small things are.

    1. Ordinary things which become special when we give them the attention they deserve. Each one bringing its own kind of beauty.

  6. Oh Sandra I love coming to your blog and reading your posts, thank you! I am grateful to know you and call you our friend! Such kind words bring positive meaning to the little things in life we all sometimes take for granted. Beautiful post.

    1. You always have such kind words when you come and visit me here! Thank you! I too appreciate all the friends I have met through blogging. It is so life enriching! We all have something to give to others and I just love coming your way too when I see a delicious recipe pop up in my blog reader. It also feels just like dropping in on friends!

  7. It's all about mindfulness, isn't it, dear Sandra? Being mindful with oneself as well as being mindful with beings and things around us. Mindfulness is a step towards awareness and appreciation. Life is worth living - we often forget to live though.
    Carpe diem,

    1. Yes, dear Marjan, you're so right! Mindfulness is a subject that will certainly be coming up very soon... it's been trotting around in my mind for some time! Thank you for your pertinent comment and visit!

  8. Your photo of that pencil shaving with its colorful edge is stunning. You've really shown the importance of each of these small things. Sometimes I think about the first person to make a needle, and how it could have changed her (I'm sure it must have been a "her") life. And a match...such a simple little thing, but the ability to make fire is huge!

    1. Nice to see you, Lee. Yes, the invention of the needle and thread must have been a life changing event! I looked it up and the early needles were handmade out of bone over 17000 years ago by Western Europeans and Central Asians! They were used for sewing skins and furs.

  9. You show the little things with such reverence. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your visit and your kind words, Kim!

  10. Bellissime riflessioni, amare le piccole cose di ogni giorno e catturare la loro bellezza รจ amare la vita...buona giornata!

    1. Thank you for your visit and kind words, Carmen!

  11. I could not agree more. And I too love freshly sharpened pencils...just the scent of them is wonderful!

    1. Thank you for visiting, Susan. There are so many little wonderful things that take place in our daily lives and they deserve our attention and appreciation!
