21 November 2016

Revisiting Abstract Photography. Part Two

Light and shadows
A flash of blue
We know what we see
or think we do!

Polka dot shadows
Shafts of light
What can it be?
It doesn't matter at all
Just enjoy the sight!

Dancing light forms
move across my line of vision
creating happiness
and put a smile on my face!

However dark things seem
Look up!
There is always the light shining in the darkness.

A world of make believe
A bold statement
in these reflections
where patterns and colours and shapes
can make us hold our breath.

A beautiful connection
Throw away the labels and just enjoy
the shapes, the colours and the strength emanating from these wonders of  nature.

Beautiful harmonies sing to my heart

Shapes and colours
light and shade
Unexpected and fascinating
Nature teases our senses

Impressionist atmospheres
created with a dancing camera

The north wind doth blow..
and my camera sways to nature's beat

Sleek and streamlined

Aqua Melody
which sings in perfect harmony


The flowing and harmonious lines lead me forward
to my destination
just as the river flows towards the sea.
These colours and movements resonate with me on an emotional level
creating a flowing inner energy.
The lines show me purpose of movement.

The message from this and other abstract captures,
reminds me that nothing ever stands still.
it is forever moving forward 
carrying me where I need to go.

Abstracts tell me stories
They take me places where I'd never dreamed I'd go
It's an awakening of all my senses
and I feel more vibrant and alive.


I've just been part of a wonderfully gifted and imaginative group
of other photographers interpreting abstracts.

This workshop was facilitated by the contemplative photographer
Kim Manley Ort.

Here is the link to her class:


  1. Fantastic photo's with great words. LOVELY xxx

    1. Thank, Sarn. It was a joy to discover and create these abstracts.

  2. Your work is thoughtful and inspiring, Sandra. Your words, I'm sure, are igniting curiosity about abstract photography in general. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Kim. Maybe others will feel tempted to try their hand at abstracts. It's so rewarding!

  3. Beautiful shots - you have a wonderful eye!

    1. Thanks, Fi. So glad you have enjoyed these two postings on abstracts!

  4. You must have been the standout student if these are an example of the class you took as they are just beautiful. I have never done any abstract photography and I am in awe of your talent.

    "The message from this and other abstract captures,
    reminds me that nothing ever stands still.
    it is forever moving forward
    carrying me where I need to go."

    I love these words....

    1. So glad you've been enjoying the abstracts, Nancy. There were some very gifted abstract photographers in our class. It's always so inspiring to work alongside others! Abstracts are all around us, it's a question of actually seeing them. Try it with light and shadows sometime. You'll be amazed!

  5. Your images flow so beautifully. You and Kim have both shown me how beautiful abstracts are and have inspired me to try abstract photography myself. I don't think I'll ever see as many possible abstract photos as you do, I'm still working on that part of my photographer's eye! I did enjoyed taking the class with you and see all the lovely photos.

    1. Thank you, Cathy. It was good to join the group of other photographers and see abstracts through their eyes too. Seeing abstracts is like being in a different mindset. We look at things from a different point of view and we get a new vision of things. It's good brain gymnastics!

  6. Nice to see you visit, Sandi.

  7. It's good fun choosing subjects and photographing them obliquely. Seeing the world in a different way and choosing words and thoughts to go with the . Excellent.

    1. Thank you, Elaine. Yes, it is fun to become creative and just to capture things differently and from another point of view!

  8. Outstanding selection of abstracts, Sandra. Your words help us appreciate these lovely images, especially the idea that nothing stands still.
    Your aqua melody really sings to me too. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Gina. Nothing ever stands still - and this holds true for life in general. All things pass and all situations evolve and dissolve over time.

  9. I love these shots and the links to abstract photography. I must learn more about it. I love it. I want to do it. Thanks for the motivation.

    1. I hope you do give abstracts a try. It's a really interesting road to travel. I am glad these two postings have motivated you to go further!

  10. You are a master at these kinds of shots! Fantastic work!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I do find that seeing and recognizing abstracts excites my imagination so much!

  11. I just love all these photos! Abstracts do gift us with so much freedom and creativity.

    1. Thank you, Mary. Abstracts certainly do this for us!
