30 October 2016

The Clocks Went Back Today

The days are getting shorter and the clocks went back 
which is great for those who like to sleep in
but for the early birds, like me, it just means I'm up even earlier!

This beautifully illuminated leaf in the late afternoon sun in the park
told me that the big change was coming!
The autumn colours came later than usual because of the very warm
months of September and the first week of October.

On a local walk, I saw a fallen leaf caught in Catalpa pods

The sweet chestnuts are almost ripe and will soon be gathered
and roasted chestnut stands will appear around the town.

Some leaves turn a beautiful shade of pink

and others, like the Ginkgo biloba, also known as Maidenhair Tree
turns a luminous yellow.

I love it when the leaves go from green to yellow to soft orange on the same bush

The Farmer's Markets show off their most beautiful pumpkins

The Hydrangea change colour as the season advances
and even the leaves take on new interesting colours and patterns

Down in the park, the pond reflects the autumn tones
with harmonious ripples

Hanging baskets and urns and window-sills are decorated with
colourful and cheerful chrysanthemums.

It's a beautiful time of the year in this part of the world
and before we know it, there will be snowflakes swirling in the air!
November is quite renowned for a snowfall or two!

I hope that autumn is beautiful, wherever you are.


  1. These are such beautiful seasonal photos!

    1. Thank you, Marcie. It's such a beautiful time of the year!

  2. Don't you just love this time of year, such gorgeous colours everywhere I can't stop taking pictures, I become 'click-happy'. I don't really want to think approaching winter. It is still so mild here but the sun seems to have deserted us for the moment, no rain, just overcast.

    1. Yes, it really is a fabulous time, especially when the sun doesn't hide for too long! I don't mind the winter when it's actually here, though slushy roads and paths in the town aren't so much fun!

  3. Beautiful post. i don't like the hour change . . . It takes me about a fortnight to adjust! Xx

    1. I know exactly what you mean, Sarn. It's the same here!

  4. Beautiful photographs, Sandra!
    Our clocks will be turned back next weekend.
    Have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Thank you, Lisa. It's dark so quickly in the evenings now after putting the clocks back.

  5. Your Autumn is beautiful. Ours, in the NE of the US, is beautiful too. I would so miss the 4 Seasons, if I lived in places, where they do not really change.

    The chestnuts are so beautiful. Don't know if I have ever seen them, at this stage.

    Late Autumn blessings,
    Luna Crone

    1. Thank you for your visit and kind comment, Luna Crone. I agree with you about having the four seasons - even though they're getting a little erratic with climate change and global warming.
      Greetings to you!

  6. Autumn certainly looks gorgeous in your corner of this amazing world, Sandra! Love all the beautiful color that you've captured here. It's my favorite time of the year....we just need to figure out how to slow down these fall days and keep winter away a little longer :) Take care and enjoy!

    1. Hi Anna, this time of the year can be so beautiful, especially now the humid heat of the summer has subsided. I know what you mean by wanting to hold these lovely days as long as possible!

  7. Oh, such gorgeous images and such gorgeous colors! I love the soft bokeh in the background of the leaf caught in the catalpa pods and those chestnuts, how pretty they are encased in the spiky shell. I've only seen pink leaves once and I've never seen hydrangea leaves turn so beautifully. This post is a feast for the eyes! Our trees are still green. It's still hot, 83 degrees today. Maybe fall will get here sometime!

    1. Thank you, Cathy! It's a strange autumn this year with the prolonged warmer days here too, but not as warm as yours! The colours are coming in slowly and I have been seeking them out

  8. Wow - each shot is more gorgeous than the last! I love the photo of the chestnuts in their pod...

    1. Thanks, Fi. This is certainly the season of a gorgeous show of colours in nature!

  9. yes, before we know it, snowflakes....
    your photos are so lovely i paused at each one to enjoy.
    our season is far ahead of yours, still some color is to be found.
    i so enjoy the special details you have found and shared with us.
    seems strange that our clocks turn back next weekend.

    1. Thank you for pausing here awhile! As far as I know, all the countries in Europe put back the clocks at the same time. It synchronizes things for travelling timetables and makes it easier!

  10. I can never get enough of autumn photographs.

    1. I know what you mean! My camera can never resist them either!

  11. Beautiful colours and flowers. I miss the chestnuts.We are enjoying the beautiful blooms of spring especially the violet Jacaranda trees that are showering colour all through the city. (as I showed on my blog)

    1. The violet Jacaranda trees sound wonderful! I must come and have a look!

  12. You appeal to all the senses in this post, Sandra. I can feel fall in the air as winter waits in the wings. Our time changes tomorrow. Like you, I'll be up to start my day in darkness.

    1. The change is happening as I write, Barb. Gorgeous autumn is trying to resist the rain today and snowflakes are forecast for next week! I'm still waking too early after our time change a week ago!

  13. Such beautiful color Sandra, while you all went back earlier than here in the states, it starts tonight in the US. We here in AZ don't participate in changing time. So today is like any other. Have beautiful Sunday as it looks like there is still so much beauty of fall in your area.

    1. Yes, the colours have been particularly beautiful this year, Barbara. Now the rain has come this weekend so lots of the leaves will be falling. It's colder too.
      I didn't realize that AZ didn't participate in the time change!

  14. We love the Fall and all it's wonderful changes ! Hope you have a beautiful season and long before the snow begins .... Have a great week!

    1. I agree with you about the autumn season and all the gorgeous colours in nature. Now the cold has come at last and snow flurries are in the air!

  15. I can feel the light in your leaf photos. I find myself wanting to harvest the light at this time of year and store it in bottles alongside the pickles and beans so I will have it to hand on a long winter day.

    As far as I know, we haven't got sweet chestnuts here in Chicago, but the horse chestnuts are lovely too, and worthy of the poet's phrase: "fresh, fire-coal chestnut falls."

    Such a lovely place to visit, this blogspot of yours...
