15 August 2016

The August Break 2016. Part two.

Day 9

There's nothing like a dynamic red abstract to start off part two
of the August Break postings

RED (2)

in the form of a red double-decker bus
and because my grandson, staying with me, loves it!

Day 10

Dancing yellow petals in the background bringing a feeling of joy.

Day 11

A dreamy soft focus capture which feels meditative to me.

Day 12


Day 13

Time for a glass of sparkling water with a squeeze of lime juice
So refreshing!

Day 14
   LOVE IS...

"Love is a state of Being.
Your love is not outside; it is deep within you.
You can never lose it, and it cannot leave you.
It is not dependent on some other body, some external form.
In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless
and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form.
You can then feel the same life deep within every other human 
and every other creature.
You look beyond the veil of form and separation.
This is the realization of oneness.
This is love."

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now.

Day 15

Everyone says that unicorns don't exist, 
except in legends and mythology,
but last night I dreamed I was riding bareback 
on an amazing silver-grey unicorn.
We galloped through pastel coloured clouds of pink and blue
and I clutched his flowing mane to keep my balance.
I could feel his silky coat against my bare legs and feet.
When I awoke, I really believed in the existence 
of these beautiful creatures.
Do you?


Since I was unable to take my camera with me in my dreams
I found this wonderful unicorn image
which corresponds exactly to the one I rode!

Unicorn image: Stockphoto/CoreyFord.


Next week, I'll continue this August Break journey with you.
I hope you are enjoying yourself as much as me!


  1. Simply wonderful! Love your photography.

    Sweet Unicorn Dreams . .. .

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Hi Sarn, there's something about unicorns, isn't there? Thanks for visiting!

  2. Wonderful vivid colours! Everyone needs a unicorn in her life...

    1. The month of August seems to suit bright colours somehow! Nice to have you pop in!

  3. Hi Sandra...It's good to visit you again....Love all the bright colors and your dreams of riding a unicorn is exciting to say the least...Have you come up with any interpretations? Isn't it fun having our grandkids visit...I've been able to spend lots of time with mine this summer. So glad you have had a good summer....

    1. Hi Nancy. So nice to see you again! No interpretations for the unicorn dream! It was an exercise for our August Break prompt! It's been a hot summer here with occasional rainy intervals. I shall be happy to see September!

  4. Love your calming posts. Great photos too.

  5. Wonderful series, Sandra.
    I love the "sleeping" one! :-)

    1. Thanks, Lisa. Those collages are fun to do!

  6. Hello Sandra, I see you're doing something special in August. That cool drink with lime and mint looks refreshing. At the houses we rented in CA, there were lime and lemon trees - a real novelty for lemon-loving Jack! I like the tea tin/bank, too! Your photos say summer to me. Hope you're having a good one!

    1. Hi Barb, Nice to see you! Yes, a special August Break gathering for the first time! Yes, the double-decker money-box tin is fun! Our summer is very hot, but luckily with short periods of storms and some rain which cools us down for a couple of days!

  7. I love where your creativity took you with each prompt! I love the variety: macro, abstract, portraits, soft, and colorful! And, as always, I love your words! Fantastic week of photos!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. Another two weeks of creative fun ahead!

  8. I love the poem and the unicorn/cloud mosaic - very cleverly done.

    1. Thank you, Elaine. I had to find a picture of an unicorn as they're very shy and difficult to catch in a photo!

  9. such a lovely series of photos
    I found your color theme to be fun
    now I am wanting a sparkling water to sit on the porch with

    love your unicorn dream
    how wonderful
    some dreams feel more real than daytime experiences
    perhaps this one will stay with you

    1. Thanks, Tammie. Ah yes, a sparking water to sit on the porch with... so wonderful. My water is two modes of transport away, but I like to get there as often as possible without the crowds, like at dawn and dusk!
      Different photos for the prompts next week: some water and some sky and things more personal!

  10. Love that green soft focus shot Sandra! Really enjoying these posts!
    Kate :}

    1. Thanks, Kate. I love soft focus sometimes too!

  11. Wow! Your shots for August Break are beautiful and dynamic! I love them! Can't wait to see what you produce for this week! :)
