27 March 2016

Spring Unfolds

Golden daffodils with orange trumpets
unfold their sunshine petals
for all to see

Wild anemone raise their heads above last year's fallen leaves

Primroses, tender violets and a single daisy
draw our attention to the shady spots

and fluffy blossom trees line the streets

Down by the lake,
the early magnolia bloom

framed by nurturing branches and a perfect clear March sky

Closer to home,
Easter is being celebrated
with traditional hot cross buns

and the yellow duckling guards the baskets of tiny truffle filled eggs...
but not for too long, methinks!

20 March 2016

The Tenderness of Pansies

On this first day of spring
I offer you pansies

What better flower to symbolize spring
than the dainty pansy or viola?

In Victorian England, the pansy flower was used for secret courting. 
 Any display of love or passion was severely frowned upon
 and in order to communicate to potential romantic partners
 the  pansy was used to express one's feelings.

The pansy flower was used to convey such sentiments as
I'm feeling amorous towards you
I'm thinking of you
I miss you

The word pansy comes from mid-15th century French from the word 'penser'
meaning to think or ponder over something;
'pensée is the feminine form of the verb 'penser'.
The French word pensée is derived from the Latin word 'pensare'
which means to consider 
and 'pendare' means to take measure of a situation
to take everything into consideration.


Plant some pansies in your garden
 on your balcony.
Bring them into your home
and be touched by their tenderness.


11 March 2016

Shiny Shoes and Other Stories

Her new shiny shoes made her feel special
like the little girl she used to be in her Sunday best!
The blue glow at the base of the coffee bar made her feel even magical.
She wondered if anyone was noticing her shoes.
Well, I think I was - and they made me feel a little magical too!

Just looking at his hands gave her a thrill ...
She'd always been attracted to beautiful hands.
He wished she would take off her sunglasses
to see the message her eyes were sending him.
A crowded terrace, but they felt totally alone in their togetherness.

She had recently retired.
What on earth does that mean?
She felt even more vibrant than before 
she had more time to nourish her passions!
What a wonderful word.
She felt a whole new world was within reach.

Each new day opened up a myriad of possibilities. The very thought made her feel quite giddy. She closed her eyes a minute to savour the excited tingling throughout her whole body.

What first? 
Well, she could read more and not feel guilty about frittering her time away. 
Yes, let's start with that! 
She sat on the sofa facing the window, running her hand over the cover of a new book. Preparing herself, through the illustration, to get the feeling of the story that was about to unfold.

The world is my oyster, she said, and I'm the pearl!

Author: Tracy Chevalier

"Never put off till tomorrow the book you can read today."
Holbrook Jackson


Have you ever thought what fun it is to contemplate an image and imagine the story behind?
Each image, each story is so intricately part of who we are.  I love just giving part of a story,
a mere slice,  so that all who read may be swept into something that maybe resonates with them where they can also find a part of themselves and be touched.

5 March 2016


A pilgrim is someone who undertakes a journey
and discovers
the depths of his own soul along the way.

Continuing the study of words and images that seem to fit with my personal interpretation
and way of seeing things.

This spring scene taken not far from where I live
is uplifting to all those who are still experiencing snow flurries
like we are here!