3 September 2015

Late Summer: a short story

She lifted her face to the sky
and felt the sweetness of an early September breeze upon her face.
At last!

The summer had been relentlessly hot and humid
it had not been easy living in the town.

Luckily, she had her balcony
and she filled it with flowers and herbs to harvest for the winter months.

There were orange and pink geraniums

Purple and yellow little beauties that had flowered the whole of the summer

and red blooms which draped themselves gracefully over the garden table


Yellow marigolds in pots
and many more.

Her plants made her happy and she put them everywhere
creating the feeling of a real garden.

Sitting outside in the very early mornings was the best moment of the day
waiting for the sun to come over the hill
and create dancing shadows and
seeing the blue sky reflected on the smooth surface of the table.

when the timing was right,
she caught the reflection of a sunset in the windows of the building opposite.

She felt happy
and she remembered:

'Happiness is a state of being.
It's feeling one with life as it is now.'

She felt herself smile
and the smile seemed to radiate all through her body
and out into the world
creating connection.

This is what summer is all about!


  1. What a beautiful piece. I loved reading this and your photos are absolutely lovely, I have been away awhile, but I'm back now and I'm loving being back on your blog! Much love to you and I Hope you have a great upcoming weekend! Tammy x

    1. Thank you for visiting, Tammy, and for your kind thoughts! Happy weekend to you also!

  2. This is a wonderful statement about YOU! I love that peek at the sunset in the window across the way!

    1. Haha! You saw right through me, Mary! I gave too many clues!

  3. Gorgeous and poetic!

  4. Pure poetry in words and images. It all sounds so wonderful, except for that hot/humid part...we have that here now. :) Did you enjoy "The Language of Flowers"? I read it last summer and loved it.

    1. Thank you, Susan. Yes, I really did enjoy 'The Language of Flowers'. It was unusual and lovely!

  5. You definitely used two of your many talents today...storytelling and photography. I love stories told in the third person. The flower shots are just awesome, Sandra. I enjoyed The Language of Flowers but I agree a little unusual. Your captures of the sunset in the windows across from you is lovely; the tones are wonderful...

    1. So nice of you to visit, Nancy. I quite like unusual books - I have to admit that I do like happy endings too though!

  6. Hi Sandra,

    This is a wonderful reflection ! There is poetry in your words!


  7. Beautiful words and pictures. I notice your book Language of Flowers - I loved this book and passed it on to my friend who loved it too - we often mention it when we chat about books we have read - if left such an impression.

    1. Thanks Elaine. Many people seem to have read The Language of Flowers and I was so relieved at the end when it all came together! A friend recommended this book to me.

  8. Hi Sandra . . . thank you for another lovely, peaceful visit to your blog. I love the last bit about your smile radiating outwards. WONDERFUL.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. I love smiles and the way they're exchanged from one person to another. Sometimes we just have to be the first one to offer ours! Have you noticed how contagious they are?!

  9. A wonderful post Sandra...to sit back and reflect on...Great!

  10. Beautiful post Sandra and so colourful xx

  11. Looks like you've had a lovely summer (minus the heat and humidity) filled with beautiful moments, book reading, and crochet, Sandra! Your balcony certainly becomes a delightful oasis. My favorite images are the second geranium pic and the balconies at sunset - very nice:)

    1. Thanks for your visit, Anna! Yes, my balcony is wonderful in the warmer months and all the flowers and plants are a real joy. A balcony in an apartment is like having an extra room!

  12. You're summer images are beautiful and I love the story. I can see you sitting on your balcony, the space you've created for your own delight, watching the sunrise or reading your book. I'll have to read The Language of Flowers. It seems to be well liked . I hope we both see cooler weather soon! This seems to have been a very long and hot summer.

    1. Cathy, the early mornings are the best time in the summer because they are relatively cool and fresh and the best time for walks or reading outside. Our heatwaves have broken now, thank goodness and the coolness is returning! I hope you will soon be cooler too!

  13. I loved your story and the accompanying photographs. You took me on a wonderful journey. Despite the heat, summer is to savour.

    1. Thanks Kim, I appreciate all seasons and enjoy their different moods and colours! Summer was particularly hot and humid this year which made it difficult without the air-conditioning found in other countries! I do love September though!

  14. I read The Language of Flowers and loved it - so beautifully written. It goes well with your patio filled with greenery and color. Your images are lovely and what a pretty flowery wreath. I like the bit of dessert, too!

    1. Yes, The Language of Flowers was just right for summer reading! The wreath is my summer wreath and was on my front door for 3 months. Now I have put up my autumn one! The dessert was so modest, but fun. with home-grown forest strawberries on a blob of thick cream!

  15. Lovely! Your photos and words blend seamlessly to create such great stories!
    Kate :}

  16. What a lovely post, Sandra! Your images and words are full of life and joy. You have found ways to create your own happiness. I do love how you captured the sunset in the windows.

    1. Thank you, Gina. Those windows in the building opposite give me a clue as to what sort of day we're having! I sometimes see the reflections of clouds passing by and of course the sunsets. I get the sun rises in my windows! So we all get a turn!

  17. Lovely post and photos, Sandra, and I'm so glad to hear that your weather has cooled down. Enjoy these last weeks of summer! :)

    1. Yes, Sue, coolness at last and we can breathe and be active again to enjoy this month of September!

  18. What a lovely little story and beautiful images, thanks for sharing your summer memories with us.

  19. At this moment
    you gave me Peace.
    So dry here by my woods
    never remember it like this.
    No beauty at the moment
    but it will come
    I am sure
    Enjoy your sharing so much.

    1. So glad you visited. I will be over to you by and by!

  20. Such an inspiring post. Thanks so much for sharing your stunning words and images.
