11 August 2014

Mediterranean Cooking

One of my favourite dishes to cook in the summer months is
oven-roasted Ratatouille!
First of all, the colours and shapes of the vegetables are so gorgeous:
The deep purple, smooth-skinned aubergine (eggplant),
the shapely bell peppers,
the fresh green of the courgettes (zucchini),
the juicy tomatoes
and red onions.
Herbs from my herb garden:
Rosemary, thyme and basil
and a little spicy long red pepper.

Cut everything up into big chunks.
I like to add a couple of sweet potatoes as I love the taste and the colour.
I don't use garlic because it's a personal choice.

Fill your biggest shallow baking tray up to the brim
Add the herbs, pepper and sea-salt.

and a good quality olive oil.
Toss all together.
Put into a 200C preheated oven for a good hour 
or until the vegetables are tender.
Turn a couple of times during cooking.
The whole of your home will be filled with marvellous aromas!

Garnish the dish with fresh basil.
Serve hot or cold.

Invite your family or friends
and create a great atmosphere with your home-cooked Mediterranean dish.

I had my family over for Sunday lunch and served the Ratatouille with pasta and grated cheese.
I did my own interpretation  from this recipe here

For dessert we had this:
Lemon Posset
served in mocha cups on saucers
with dainty silver spoons.

While we're on the subject of cooking,
I would like to give you a link to my daughter's Instagram healthy recipes

I give her top marks for presentation and her recipes taste mighty good too!
Try them and see!
Click on all the photos to see them in full size.


  1. My, that pudding looks delicious and right up my street! And the colours of those bell peppers in the first photo - wow! xxx

  2. What a fabulous use of all those lovely vegetables! thanks for the mention:) your daughter's instagram looks fabulous!

  3. This is just the kind of recipe I love! Thanks so much for sharing it.

    Summer veggies are so beautifully photogenic, aren't they? In winter we can look back on these photos and dream of the warm weather to come....

    Wow, your daughter's food styling and photos are stunning. (Must be an inherited talent.)

    Posset is such a fun-sounding word. :)

  4. My mouth is watering! The mediteranean dish must be perfect. Thank you for all the lovely colors!

  5. Sandra, the Ratatouille looks so yummy. And healthy too!
    I'll bet it was wonderful with the pasta.

    Happy day to you!

  6. oh my, wonderful eye candy here, so vibrant and fresh! I love ratatouille but I have never made it with roasted veggies. Will definitely try this...and will load it will garlic, because I just love it! Thanks for sharing this, Sandra.

  7. Just looking at your rich and beautiful photos makes me want to eat healthy!!
    How can people say that eating healthy is boring when all of those delicious vegetables exist?
    I hope your week is off to a great start! Tammy x

  8. Oh, this looks wonderful, and so healthy. Thank you for sharing. Yum!!!

  9. Such great colors!! Looks so yummy! Your daughter's dishes are beautiful as well! Good thing I'm eating breakfast, or this post would be making me hungry!
    Kate :}

  10. Wow, the colours!! I can almost smell the aromas all the way to Norway :-)
    I must try this one day - it's been ages since I had ratatouille, adn your recipe looks delicious!! I wish you a wonderful day!!!

  11. My oh my, you are right. I really would love this for lunch and the my hubby could make us Jambalaya for dinner. ;-)

  12. With veggies as beautiful as these...who wouldn't want to enjoy them! The color is amazing! Yummy looking dessert, too! I'm sure this meal was extra special for your family!

  13. Me again! I just dropped over to your daughter's IG and she is really a great food photographer and her food looks delicious! Thanks for sharing her images!

  14. That's my kind of cooking and eating too Sandra! Lots of colorful veggies and great olive oil. I'm a garlic fiend so I add that too. Love the way you artfully captured your beautiful food.

  15. My mouth is watering! Delicious.

  16. Hi Sandra, I love to roast veggies - it really brings out their flavor. So colorful, too! I'm glad I just ate, or I'd be hungry. That lemon dessert looks light and lovely. I visited your daughter on Instagram. I had no idea it is somewhat like Pinterest. I already had an account from a couple years ago but haven't gone on it for ages - you may have started a new addiction. Hope you're well and reading, reading, reading!

  17. That just looks so tasty! Yum!! And I'd leave the garlic out too :)

  18. ummm, yum
    i made something similar the other day
    never knew this is what Ratatouille is
    i simply thought it was roasted vegetables
    your photos are gorgeous! thanks for sharing the recipe links and to your daughters instagram
    sweet week to you

  19. That is a great looking ratatouille, Sandra. I'm going to follow your directions and prepare the dish this week. Thanks! I absolutely love Mediterranean food.

  20. Such a colourful post, Sandra. I don't know how I missed it. Your daughter's food images are stunning. Does she have a website with her recipes?
