19 July 2014

Sharing a Passion

Sharing this passion with my eleven year-old grandson!
He's already into iPod Touch photography
but when he came to stay this summer
he asked if he could try my big camera!

Shutter speed and f/stops are becoming familiar
and I'm so pleased I kept my old Sony SLR
so that we each have a camera when we go out together!

We went down to the park,
into the woods
and much of my apartment has been photographed
in amusing detail!

Our conversations have taken on such subjects
as rule of thirds, filling the frame and depth of field!
I love that he's taken this interest so early on
who knows if it will continue 
or if it will lead to anything.
For the time being, we're both having lots of fun.

Moments to treasure
and sweet souvenirs
from the summer of 2014.

At the end of July, I shall probably come to the end of my mosaic postings.
Time to discover other things
and tread new paths.


  1. What a lovely passion to share. I do love my flowers and I also like taking their photos. I dont have a fancy camera, but I still take ok photos, I think.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Oh, how wonderful that he's sharing your passion. I think at 11, if he's listening and taking in f-stops and apertures, it won't be a passing fad. It will be in his blood.

  3. That must be the most wonderful thing ever - sharing something close to your heart with your grandchild.

  4. A very heart-warming post Sandra; I love that you can share this precious time with your grandson. I hope it continues for some time.

  5. How fun to have that common interest! He's fortunate to have you to guide him, Sandra! Enjoy :)

  6. What a joy to share this special time and activity with your grandson.

  7. That which memories are made of.
    What a wonderful time this must have been for both of you.

  8. It is wonderful that your grandson has this interest so early on in his young life, and surely with Grandma's guidance and encouragement his enthusiasm can only grow - moments to treasure indeed, very precious times, Sandra! xoJoy

  9. What a very sweet post - how absorbed he looks! You are passing on precious knowledge, and even more precious is the time you spend together. I think he'll remember what you've taught him, and by the looks of it he's hooked already. :)

  10. What fun to share a hobby with you GS. I'm sure he treasures these moments just as much as you do. xxx

  11. Isn't lovely to see some of your loves being passed on to other generations in the family. My daughter has always sighed as I take photo after photo, then she discovered the iPad along with Instagram and now she loves stopping with me. Take care xx

  12. Such a special connection you two have! It's wonderful when they want to learn things that we're passionate about! Three of my grandsons like to go on photo walks with me. This past week I kept two of them and we went on a scavenger hunt with cameras. It was such fun!

  13. He's really intent - focus in every sense of the word. Ben (also 11) has taken an interest, too. He likes to use my cameras when he visits.

  14. How wonderful to share the same interest!

  15. That's so great!! From the pictures of him you can really see how interested and focused he is! He has a fantastic teacher!!
    Kate :}

  16. Wow, to share such a passion over the generations is pure magic! I'm feeling real joy for you both!
    You asked about my post: yes it is Black Grouse males leking. This should bevin april but these six males were leking now i June which is out of time. But a gorgeous morning with great light it was! All the best, Lasse

  17. Such a happy montage of images, telling your story through pictures. Wonderful, Sandra! It is so special to share your passion for photography with your grandson -- a family collaboration. Enjoy every photo outing!

  18. this sounds like a wonderful sharing Sandra, so happy for the two of you.
    artist explorations and learning new things can be so inspiring and wonderful.
    i am smiling.

  19. As the photographer (of a sorts) daughter of a photographer Dad I know that starting young really does ingrain a life long interest. And kids have opportunities to study photography in many secondary schools now. You are going to have so much fun nurturing his talent and watching it grow.

    I've just been enjoying catching up with all your posts after my break from knitsofacto.

  20. How great that you are able to both share the same passion! I'm sure there are lots of wonderful memories being recorded...ones that you can look back on for many years to come.

  21. encouraging blog ...i found you thrue other bloggers...blessings
