4 April 2014

The Colour in Our Lives: Yellow

Colour is a form of energy
and plays an important part in our lives.
The colours we surround ourselves with
 can effect our mood and the way we look at things.
How do you feel when you look at yellow?
Yellow is the most luminous of all colours. It fills us with optimism.
It helps us focus and see things in a different light.

It cries out for our attention!
It speaks to us of sunshine
and puts a spring in our step and brings out the cheerfulness in our disposition.
Just what we need after the neutral tones of winter.

When I add blue
it feels to me that the whole world is opening up to me
full of wonderful possibilities.
I feel joyful. 
Do you?

Colour is very powerful
 and it's good to remember this when we choose the colour schemes
in our homes and in the clothes we wear.

I know that when I crochet, I choose the colours that I need to see.
Today, I chose to make some flower coasters
 to bring some sunshine into my home.
Yellow and blue and white
which remind me of buttercups and blue skies and fluffy white clouds!

Or with fresh green like new spring leaves and a touch of orange
for a radiating energy.

So if we choose our colours carefully each morning when we get dressed,
we slip into a robe of happiness which gives us
the vibrational qualities we need for our day.

Surrounding ourselves with colours that make us feel good
can change our whole outlook.
Try it when you're feeling blue!

The lovely flower coaster pattern
is a design from Color 'n Cream
check out this link here


  1. I fully agree ~ my kitchen is painted yellow .

  2. Yes, color is definitely a mood changer...pink is one of my favorites! Your crocheted coasters are awesome, going to check out the link (even though I don't know how to do anything but a single crochet stitch, ha). Your image of the yellow and blue sky is a winner winner, chicken dinner - wowza!

  3. Lovely post ... if you'd asked me in advance though I'd have said the coaster with blue would have been my favourite, but now I see them I think the one with green!

  4. Mmmmmm, soaking up the refreshing yellow loveliness while masses of snow swirls outside my window. Want to trade places? You don't? Oh, I understand. Yes, color certainly alters mood and yellow is uplifting :)
    Nice color harmonies in your crochet work, Sandra. Fun to play with color, isn't it?!
    Enjoy your colorful world.

  5. I agree! In fact, I'm wearing a yellow sweater right now! And I love yellow and blue together! Such pretty coasters too! Thanks for the happy colors Sandra!
    Kate :}

  6. What lovely photographs, Sandra!
    Very simply, yellow makes me think of summer. :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Such a powerful colour yellow is - mades me feel happy and energized. Your images really reflect that energy for me.

  8. Beautiful yellows here, Sandra! My favorite image is the big blue sky combined with the yellow blossoms, one of my favorite color combinations. I never wear the color yellow, but like seeing in my environment -- it is a happy color. Your crochet work is lovely!

  9. For a long time I didn't like yellow, especially in the garden. What a silly soul I was! You are right it is a happy colour and one that demands our attention. I love your yellow, white and blue crocheted flower - gorgeous!

    S x

  10. For some reason, I don't wear much yellow and have none in my home. However, I am drawn to it in Nature. The forsythia against the blue sky is a definite spirit booster! Because I like orange/green/red tones, I would choose that second coaster. I like seeing your crochet creations. I'm finally out of deep snow - enjoying some time in Denver. I've been reading. Tomorrow we get Sam for the weekend.

  11. Yellow is definitely the color that we're all need right now. Throw in that gorgeous blue sky and it's perfect! My favorite color and the one I wear most is blue.

  12. OOH . . .beautiful . . .you just brought Spring into my home . . thank you. Gloomy and overcast here today. Yes! Yellow is the colour of cheerfulness as far as I'm concerned.
    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  13. Really LOVE those coasters . . . thanks for sharing the pattern - but you crochet so beautifully I doubt if mine would look as professional! xxx

  14. That blue and yellow is one of the most striking in nature's color palette.

  15. Great post and love the crochet fab colour combos x

  16. Loved your post and all the yellow. Its sunshine to me. . Lovely beyond words.

  17. Yellow never fails to cheer me up, especially when paired with blue! Your crochet work is so lovely, Sandra!

  18. Oh Sandra -the yellow and blue is so happy. Lovely coasters in amazing colors. You've done it again. :-)

  19. Love the vibrant yellows!

  20. Oh I agree with you on colour. I LOVE yellow it is such a bright and cheery colour. It alway cheers me up. I think as I have got older I appreciate brighter colours more. Your pictures are lovely (as usual) I really love the one with the bright blue sky - such a lovely contrast to the yellow. :))

  21. Hi Sandra! I just popped in from Joy's lovely blog. The pink puffy heart she made is precious. I'd like to try some myself.... How right you are about colors and how beautiful and happy yellow is. Your coasters are just so pretty! Thanks so much for the pattern link...It's so nice to meet you! :) Paulette

  22. Just love this post on yellow. Your coasters perfectly illustrate your flair for and understanding of the positive role that colour plays in our lives!
