7 March 2014

Life is like an abstract

It seems to me
that life is like an abstract
and we take out the parts that are superfluous
and concentrate on those we really want to see.

We encounter crossroads
and there are choices to be made

There are ups and downs and many learning curves

The sunlight filters in
bathing all in a joyful light
and we stop
to notice the beauty and the simplicity

pulling back a little
to see the bigger picture
and to notice how everything is so intricately connected.

Ever since I was a child,
I've been forever fascinated by the play of light and shadows
on the curtains against my windows.
Light and shade
One cannot exist without the other.
Add a little breeze from the open window
and just be still
to contemplate the ever-changing wonder before you.


  1. how lovely that light and shadow intrigued you, even as a child and still
    it does me as well
    these are lovely images and thoughts to consider

  2. Fantastic post. I love that you zoomed into the detail then zoomed out to see the "bigger picture". Wonderful. xxx

  3. Your photography is once again wonderful Sandra, and your beautiful sentiments are heart and mind openers - ah you've given me yet another 'kick-start', thank you!
    It seems to me that from early childhood it's been a natural progression for you to delve deeply into photography with your unclouded inquisitive, and soul-searching, mind! Many thanks for another very meaningful post - have a happy weekend! Joy x

  4. Great captures and beautiful light.

  5. As always - stunning photography. I love the way you have likened life to the abstract, I've never made the connection but it's so true.
    Mary x

  6. You've demonstrated beautifully this abstract concept! I think often our egos are susceptible to irrational/untrue thought causing us to pick out and concentrate on the wrong things... We need to step back, look at the whole picture and re-focus our intention on what's really important!

  7. Yes, absolutely, life IS like an abstract - great post!

  8. Hi Sandra...I wondered if it was a sheer curtain...beautiful study of folds and shadows
    Hugs x

  9. Such a beautiful post, Sandra! I love these shadow/shade abstracts --the first one is especially lovely! You expressed it so well: Abstracts help us see the beauty and simplicity all around and how everything is interconnected. Happy weekend!

  10. Sandra, the photos are mesmerizing and your metaphor is enlightening. I didn't guess curtains until the last photo. You have such a creative eye. (and soul)

  11. Super creative and wonderful seeing, Sandra!!!!! Love the collage, too! You've been busy :)
    Take care and talk soon.

  12. Light and shadows are endlessly fascinating and you've illustrated that beautifully with these wonderful abstracts.

  13. Such a beautiful post with the extraordinary in the ordinary. xx

  14. Such beautiful silvery tones, Sandra.
    I especially love the first one.
    Very nicely done.

  15. You are just too good at this! I loved this post Sandra :)

  16. Your abstracts are so beautiful! I love the light, airy feel of them, they make me think of spring and warm air! Wonderful words, too!

  17. How very very gorgeous! Love the words that match these shots perfectly.

  18. Oh Sandra, these are so wonderful! Beautiful mix of light, shadow, sparkle and texture. I love how you equate abstracts to life...very true.
