3 February 2014

Photo-Heart Connection: January

The countryside is my favourite place to be.
I love the sweet smell, the open air
and being able to see the sky and the fields 
unhindered by city buildings.

Recently, when I was out walking in the country after rain,
I noticed how beautiful the puddles were with their mesmerizing reflections.
The wind was blowing gently and creating ripples on the surface of the water,
breaking up the reflections and creating abstract images.

I felt an immediate connection to these watery images
I could feel Nature's vibrations tingling with aliveness
and waking up every sense in my whole being.

Who would have thought they could touch me so?
They possess an art form all of their own
and allow me to step into another dimension
like a breath of fresh air!

Joining up with others here:


  1. I find myself drawn to the puddles too and those beautiful reflections. Love the profile pic of you in your sidebar too. Made me smile.

  2. Yes, definitely like a breath of fresh air! This image is beautiful.

  3. That's just gorgeous - abstract art!

  4. How beautiful! Nothing like a walk in the countryside after the rain. I think you've captured Mother Nature's amazing vibrations in this image. Well done!

  5. Beautiful! Isn't it fascinating what happens to catch our eyes! I have begun to really appreciate and enjoy abstract images. This one has such pretty motion to it! It almost looks like I'm looking through rippled glass.

  6. Who would have thought a puddle could be so lovely? Truly a beautiful image! I love your header, too. Rose petals perhaps? Gorgeous abstract color!

  7. Sandra, I'm with you - love abstracts! The color harmony and patterning in your image is wonderful! Nature never ceases to delight.

  8. Thank you Sandra - I always feel consoled after my visits to your magical places! Beautiful photo and I also love your new header. I hope your week is filled with happiness, hugs, Joyx

  9. Great photograph Sandra..hope you enjoy the course a lot
    Hugs x

  10. Very soothing colors and great abstract image.

  11. So lovely, taking pictures through puddles is one of my favourite things to do. So glad I'm not alone. This is such a lovely PHC

  12. Beautifully seen and captured!

  13. Love this photo the blues, the ripples. You've given yourself a gift to embrace abstracts. I too find that puddles have become canvases I'd never noted until the last couple years.
    Nicely seen and captured, and considered.

  14. PS-that's a super yummy header.

  15. What a beautiful reflection this is, Sandra, and I love your new header!

  16. Wonderful reflection. I always look for reflections in puddles too! Your image is beautiful and I love the abstract nature of it. The movement of the water has created a wonderful pattern as well. Love this!

  17. Abstracts convey emotion differently, don't they? I love it! I loved your words: "I could feel Nature's vibrations tingling with aliveness and waking up every sense in my whole being." This resonates with me. I can feel what you felt, through image and words. Thank you for sharing in the Photo-Heart Connection. Nice to see you here!

  18. such a beautiful reflection, dance and abstact
    how nice that it touched you
    and now gets to touch us

  19. What a beautiful image. Love the ripples and your words...

  20. Beautiful image which has that watery quality but it´s also abstract and has an identity of it´s own, I can understand why this is your photo-heart connection this month

  21. Brilliant Sandra ! I don´t know how you do it but you always find the most interesting posts.You see what others don´t see.

  22. Just beautiful! Love the movement and can feel the vibrations you are talking about!
    Kate :}

  23. Beautiful, being a photographer really trains the eye to see.
