5 October 2013

Embracing Change

Walking in the grass
An autumn leaf said hello
And summer bowed out.

It seems as if things are getting on top of us
But are they really?
Or is it just us resisting the constant change around and within us?

The changing of the seasons, 
and maybe particularly autumn,
teaches us,
if we care to listen,
how to embrace change 
with serenity.


  1. Nice words and good photo's Sandra.

    Wish you a lovely weekend with a lot of sunshine

    Hugs, Joop

  2. Very profound words with your pictures Sandra. Lovely xxx

  3. Great thoughts! I agree, we let ourselves get stressed over how things seem to be changing and moving like we have no control... we are resisting when we need to let go! No sense in expending unnecessary energy over things we have no control over! Thanks Sandra!
    Kate :}
    Kate :}

  4. Nice photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  5. Thought provoking questions Sandra. I love how you expressed autumn's arrival and summer bowing out -- that is so graceful! I agree that our resistance to things creates unnecessary angst and if we could but let go...as gracefully as summer bows out to acknowledge autumn's turn on the stage...life would be so much simpler and easier. I'm going to remember this...and add it to my way of looking at life. Thanks for the inspiration! I'm visiting you from Sherry's and from your visit to my blog. Have a beautiful weekend!

  6. Love your thoughts on the coming in of fall. Wishing you a pretty fall weekend. We're getting rain today, but I won't complain we need it!

  7. Okay, Sandra, I give. :)

    You are so right! It's not Autumn, it's me.

    And how very pretty that leaf looks against your loafers, and your loafers against the emerald of the grass.

  8. And sometimes totally confused as the season refuses to change...so hot here at the moment and it's October!...where did Seltember go?
    Hugs x

  9. Love these photographs, Sandra
    I like the changing of the seasons very much, but I must admit, I wish the winter was just a bit shorter. Ok, a whole lot shorter!!! :-)

    Happy Sunday to you!

  10. Embracing change with serenity - I like that, Sandra.

  11. Change can be a challenge, but also an opportunity. I hope you find serenity this week as you enjoy the beauty this season brings. Thanks for sharing your Autumn leaves and have a wonderful week Sandra.

  12. So true - wonderful post Sandra !

  13. More wise words, Sandra. Fall has much to offer us, but winter can be a challenge -- just like the ups and downs of our lives. I like the contrast of your shiny shoes against the bright green grass.

  14. yes, the change of seasons do offer change and we get to see how we are with it. i have heard many complaints about the cold weather... fun photos Sandra.

  15. Your words really speak to me on a deeper level Sandra, thank you! I know - let go and allow .. .. but then the thought comes - but we must have 'some' semblance of control .. .. but, maybe not .. .. ..
    Have a wonderful week Sandra,
    Joy x

  16. Geeeeez, Sandra.....I think you were writing this to me. Change - must I embrace this change from glorious autumn to cold, dark and endless winter? The thought of winter fills me with dread....theatrical you say? Well, that's how I feel. Guess I must take a leaf, errr I mean page from your book :)
    Take care and happy week to you!!!!!

  17. Beautiful words to illustrate your lovely image. (ps...love those penny loafers)

  18. Crazily it still feels like summer here, but it's all set to change tomorrow, with cold winds from the north ... I fear things may not be so serene in the next few days! But oh how I love it when it's wild and wet!

  19. Beautiful words and images. Being from New England I learned early to embrace change! I actually love the change of seasons...especially in March when I'm anxious for spring!

  20. A lovely post Sandra, and food for thought indeed!
    I love autumn and all its colours and beauty.
    Many thanks for your visit after me being away for a while, it is nice to be back again :)

  21. Oh, yes, change. I try mostly to embrace it. Really, is there any other choice? Love those loafers!
