18 July 2013

Thoughts on Summer

A new book, some flowers on my tablecloth
and reading outside in dappled sunlight.

White parasols against the blue sky

Crossing the water to new horizons

Sunrise on the lake and hazy skies

Closed shutters against the midday heat
listening to muffled sounds in the street outside.

The perfume of roses as they climb to the sky

Watching  wavelets break on the beach
and listening to tiny pebbles singing their gravelly song!

The elegance of a sailing boat waiting for evening breezes

and watching the sunset and eating some good quality ice-cream!

This is the ice-cream I sometimes make at home!
It's a single tub serving of  coffee ice-cream.
I make a chocolate sauce with 4 squares of dark chocolate, 
add 1tbs water, 1 tbs light cream, 1 tbs alcohol of your choice (optional).
Melt the chocolate and liquid together gently to blend
then pour the hot sauce over the cold ice-cream.
Oh! the glorious tastes of summer!

When I think of summer, I remember my childhood and all it meant to me:
summer holidays
days that never ended
the beach and the sound of waves
the seagulls cry
sand in-between my toes
and ice-cream cones.

These days, summer evokes life without a fixed schedule,
never looking at my watch
Getting out early to see the sunrise
letting myself live the moment so fully that I think I'll burst with joy!

How does summer speak to you?

Summer reading:
 Click below:


  1. Such a beautiful tribute to the pleasures of summer, Sandra! I love your sunrise and sunset images, and, of course, the beach. The photo that really speaks to me is the closed shutters against the hot midday sun -- reminded me of my visits to Mexico, and the wonderful siestas in the darkened rooms.

  2. This looks like such a perfect summer day, Sandra!
    Really lovely photographs.

  3. looking at summer through your lens
    feeling summer through your words
    overflowing with beauty

  4. Absolutely summer at its best!
    Mary x

  5. Very beautiful photos, serene and peaceful.
    Summer in Texas is more like living on the sun I'm afraid... I love English summers.

  6. Beautiful summer! Summer means heat and humidity here, but I still try to get out every day and enjoy little bits of nature!

  7. Hello Sandra, your pics are really lovely and it is good to see you are having some lovely sunny weather too. It is such a change from last year!!
    I love the sunrise and sunset shots - so beautiful.

  8. What a delightful look at summer Sandra - a lovely story, so beautifully told! Thank you!
    Your pics are magical!
    Joy x

  9. What a wondeful story you tell..stunning pictures as always...glad you had a fabulous weekend away
    Hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra ! Great summery of how it is in summertime. And beautiful pictures along with the story. Couldn´t say it better !

  11. Hello Sandra. What a lovely blog you have here! Thank you so much for visiting me. Yes we are experiencing the heatwave in Wales too it not raining hooray! I did enjoy your photos especially the one of the shutters hope that you have a lovely time in Switzerland x

  12. Oh what a lovely summery and sunny post Sandra.

    To me, Summer means: ice cream; line-dried laundry with it's wonderful fresh smell; hot sunny days; pretty flowers; ice cream; being outdoors more and . . . did I mention ice cream?????


  13. On this hot, hot day I was glad to stop by here and feel a cooling breeze from the lake. Your blinds make a fantastic abstract! For me the ideal Summer's day needs ice cream and a good book, and enough cool shade to enjoy it.

  14. OOOOH your hot chocolate sauce with ice cream looks and sounds wonderful. I'll be over shortly! . . . .

  15. What a wonderful summery post. Childhood summer memories are the best, days in the paddling pool, playing out until darkness came the carefree days of youth. Enjoy the book I read it a while ago and loved it ~ Sarah x

  16. This was like a breath of fresh air, Sandra. We have been experiencing extreme heat too and escape too easily to our air conditioning.

    I find these images very contemplative - especially love the parasols because for me that brilliant blue sky takes center stage. Love the closed shutters too and the book recommendation.

    Thanks for sharing a bit of your world.

  17. I just love the way you combine words and images to share your such tangible joy in summer's blessings Sandra :)

  18. What a lovely collection of photos and words - they make me long to be on a beach listening to splashing wavelets and the gravelly song of the sand. :)

    That ice cream looks divine!

  19. Lovely Sandra!! Summer for me is a time to relax and play with friends and family in one of the most beautiful places I know!
    Kate :}
